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12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:52 am
by Shouri

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:56 am
by Hogan
... and they are both SO into this :))

One still just don't want to admit it :p

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:34 am
by Spidrift
Well, at lest Minew is getting what he wants and needs, without undue complications.

And Dillon should realise, as a man, that the scenario he's just described is not viable. The hard-on will be detectable to someone in close proximity, and Ray will know what it is.

As for Ruby, somewhat similarly - the denial joke is fine and funny, but I do wonder how much longer it's going to be dragged on. She has issues, sure, but she's not supposed to be stupid, and she keeps making these huge Freudian slips, acquiring yaoi for herself, and dreaming about erotic scenes. If she keeps trying to deny what's going on inside her head much longer, she'll just crack up completely or look amazingly, can't-get-dressed-for-herself mentally incompetent.

She doesn't have to like the truth, she doesn't have to start hurling herself at men - she just has to say "oh crap, it seems that I have urges" and start wondering what she can do about them without too much loss of self-respect. There should be plenty of jokes in that, given the reliably lousy advice available to her.

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:04 pm
by Bambikles
Minew looks so happy, ze cuteness is melting me ! :O3

As for Ruby, judging from Mà3, I won't be too optimistic in self-awareness, and morevoer, accaptance of what it implies, will be there any time soon. People change slowly if at all in this verse and it's been a quite short span of comic-book time since Ruby moved in. Like what, less than a month ? I'm afraid you'll have to endure. :|

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:29 pm
by Spidrift
Yeah, you're probably right. The writers could legitimately say that Ruby has already changed pretty fast, given the limited in-comic time spent, and her denial should be good for a few dozen strips yet.

On the other hand, on top of his habitual assumption that other people are as sex mad as he is, Dillon has now not only caught a few more of her Freudian slips, he's seen her with a volume of yaoi in hand - and not even one from his own shelf. He may not be a genius, but his view of her must be going from assumption to complete certainty, and she'll have difficulty arguing with him if he points out that she clearly is interested in this stuff. The immediate question is whether he insists on talking about that right now; I doubt it, actually, as (a) Ruby is likely to snap at him not to change the subject, and (b) she's probably about to talk herself into kissing Dillon (or, just possibly, Andy).

I guess my reaction was caused by the feeling that this specific strip is marking time. Dillon is bullshitting to cover his own sleazy instincts; Ruby is in denial; Ruby gets embarrassed... Yeah, yeah - got that, been there, nothing new to see. Which feels a bit frustrating when the strips are coming out a bit slowly, as at present.

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:12 pm
by Fluffy
Just when I thought I couldn't be any more disgusted with Dillon...

Using his friend, someone who trusts him, in order to satisfy his own fantasies (to a degree, anyway) is just low. Imagine how Ray would feel if he found out that Dillons was gay after countless 'practice' kissing sessions (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Nathan comes to learn about these lessons and uses Dillon's duplicity as a means to bend Dillon to his will).

At least Ruby's own fantasies aren't harming anyone.

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:14 pm
by FlashD81
Dillon is trying to justify his actions and Ruby is in denial of her fantasies. Nothing new here, still if one or the other was paying more attention they would see through the other really quick.

It will be painful to watch at times but we have to remember it has only been a short while since Ruby has moved in. Ruby as grown A LOT since then but still has a long way to go. Her fantasies are growing out of control and she is still trying to deny them. If she doesn't admit it soon I'm sure Dillon will point out what she is feeling is not wrong and it is only natural for her to get excited about such things.

Dillon is being sleazy here but still tries to justify it. #-o Ruby needs to focus a bit and hit him over the head with how wrong this course of action is. I'll give Dillon some credit for feeling bad earlier but he is talking himself back into it. All in all I need to remember that his is being done for laughs.

Eventually they will sort this out. It is a question of when more than if.

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:26 pm
by Don Alexander
Irredeemability, thy name be Dillon... :ymsigh:

At least Minew is happy.

Merry Christmas and some relaxation for Dahling! :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:05 pm
by brasca
Love the matching poses. It is the one thing they can agree on even if one doesn't want to admit it. I've said it before and I'll say it again it's a good thing Dillon is too oblivious to pick up on the freudian slips or this could be more embarrassing than it really is.

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:43 pm
by Spidrift
Fluffy wrote:Using his friend, someone who trusts him, in order to satisfy his own fantasies (to a degree, anyway) is just low.
I entirely agree, but we aren't seeing much that's new here; Dillon has been doing this all along. The only small twist is that Dillon seems to be in almost as much denial about it as Ruby is about her (yes, essentially harmless) fantasies.
FlashD81 wrote:Dillon is trying to justify his actions and Ruby is in denial of her fantasies. Nothing new here, still if one or the other was paying more attention they would see through the other really quick.
Ruby has already seen through Dillon; she's just being tripped up by her own hormonal surges as she tries to talk to him. And I'm pretty sure that Dillon will pick up on Ruby's situation sooner or later; her Freudian slips are basically single-entendres, and she had that yaoi book in her hands just a moment ago. The only question is whether he manages to use that to change the subject - which I rather think and hope Ruby won't allow. They've still got Ray in the living room to think about, after all.

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:15 pm
by FlashD81
That is the thing. How long are they going to keep Ray hanging? Whatever they decide I think it won't be more than a week's worth of strips to find out.

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:51 pm
by Spidrift
Unfortunately, at the moment, a week's worth of strips is, well, about half a strip.

I hope that the comic gets back onto a regular schedule in the new year; it's got an interesting enough plot at present that the current irregularity gets a bit frustrating.

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:22 pm
by themacnut
brasca wrote:Love the matching poses. It is the one thing they can agree on even if one doesn't want to admit it. I've said it before and I'll say it again it's a good thing Dillon is too oblivious to pick up on the freudian slips or this could be more embarrassing than it really is.
Oh Dillon's already starting to pick up on it, he's just distracted by the whole Ray situation to fully get it so far. Once that distraction goes away, well, pity Ruby 'cause Dillon will show no mercy.

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:24 pm
by Spidrift
Although actually, their psychological relationship has become more equal now than it was before. Ruby has given Dillon some good advice, and now she's the one in a position to pass a judgement on him that he at heart knows is correct. I'm not saying that he won't push the point about the yaoi when he gets the chance, but he won't have Ruby quite so cowed from now on, and he may be a little more careful about pushing too far.

Before this Sunday morning, he'd been trying to play the big brother figure who knows how the world works and who has all the answers -- but now Ruby has proved that she has a few answers of her own, and funnily enough, they're heading towards much more of a real brother-sister relationship. Which, some of us can attest, often means an affectionate sort of armed truce.

Re: 12-22-14 He does not have to know

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:08 am
by Storm-forge mystique
Why is it Dillon puts up with Ruby's forced homophobia, anyway?