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01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:22 am
by Shouri

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:35 am
by Raamyah
"Angie", hm? So Angel is a girl...

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:37 am
by Azrael
Still not necessarily.

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:38 am
by Storm-forge mystique

So that's what all this is about? "Angel" is "Angie" trying to be as masculine as she'll allow herself, to win her gay ex-boyfriend back?

That's... depressing, really.

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:10 am
by Spidrift
Azrael wrote:Still not necessarily.
Desperate much?
Storm-forge mystique wrote:So that's what all this is about? "Angel" is "Angie" trying to be as masculine as she'll allow herself, to win her gay ex-boyfriend back?

That's... depressing, really.
Angel really is rather a sad character; in a less comedic comic, she'd be downright tragic, and potentially rather scary. But then, stalkers always are both sad and dangerous. And as someone else suggested, it looks like Jerzy will once again be waking up covered in black lipstick smears, with a sense of regret and an excuse to blame anyone but himself for his own utter stupidity.

Mind you, what I find sad about this strip is of course that we don't get to see Ruby's reaction to Dillon's provocation from last time - which tends to imply that she won't give him the volcanic broadside that he deserves, and we won't get to see Ruby's still-unreliable strong side reinforced. I know that Giz & co. really don't do talky strips, and perhaps we'll cut back to see Dillon quivering in the aftermath of a Ruby explosion, but I have a nasty feeling we won't. Which leaves Ruby looking worryingly susceptible to Dillon's "charm", or at least too damn polite, when I keep hoping that at least one character within the comic wasn't going to end up enabling him.

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:36 am
by Razmos
Aaah, so she is biologically female.
(Her being called Angie, and the dialogue between them hardly leaves any doubts. He's saying "but i'm gay" and she's saying "it doesn't matter, I can be whoever you want me to be)

Seriously Jerzy, damn it.

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:39 am
by JoybuzzerX
Azrael wrote:Still not necessarily.
I really don't see how you don't get Angie as Angel being a woman? :p

Now what Jerzy was going to say after that is left up for debate.

I'm inclined to think he was about to say "" rather than "...not interested in you." or "...just getting over Dillion."

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:47 am
by TheEighth
Angie huh?

If Angel is really a girl then....

that means Gary is fair game for her...or at least his tongue is fair game.

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:20 am
by Azrael
Spidrift wrote:
Azrael wrote:Still not necessarily.
Desperate much?

Seriously? /:) Just because I don't think calling some "Angie" necessarily denotes female you gotta be a douche bag? I really don't give a flying fuck one way or another, but clearly you have some deep seated feelings on the subject matter. When the writers finally stop fucking around and say one way or another then I'll take it as gospel. Until then, there is doubt in my mind.

Ad hominem attack as well as language - this is a PG-13 board. Warning issued.

The DAMNed

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:22 am
by Farmer_10
So is Angel Trans or just so obsessed with Jerzy she'd switch it up for him? Then again we don't know how Angel self identifies so for now we'll just go with she until we know more.

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:48 am
by Spidrift
Types "Angie" into Google Image Search

Gets several hundred pictures of women of various shapes and sizes. None of men.

(Is a bit surprised to get none of Rod Stewart, actually.)


Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:53 am
by Farmer_10
Yeah, Angie is a 100% female name. There's no wiggle room for interpretation there. Angel's deal though is a whole other story. Is she only a man for Jerzy or is this who he really is? Cause from the way she was talking at the end of the strip, it sounds like all the androginy is only for Jerzy's sake.

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:58 am
by Azrael
I'm not saying it's not primarily (overwhelmingly) a feminine name. However, I have known a couple Italian men who have been nicknamed Angie. I also just got done re-reading a story that includes a male character referred to as "Angie". So just calling Angel, "Angie" does not necessarily make "him" a "her" for me.

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:03 am
by Farmer_10
Then why did Angel react so defensively to being called Angie?

Re: 01-08-14 I am whoever you want me to be

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:04 am
by Spidrift
Farmer_10 wrote:So is Angel Trans or just so obsessed with Jerzy she'd switch it up for him?
Or just slim, and fond of dressing in androgynous style?

If you want a wanky fanfic back-story for these two, actually, note that they've known each other since childhood. Anyone want to guess it was a small town? The one macho-looking gay male in his school year sees the class weird girl being ostracised for her androgynous looks and sexual ambiguity, and befriends her out of fellow-feeling. Unfortunately, her reaction to this ultimately gets out of hand.

Hey, perhaps we'll finally get to see Felicia in volume 2, when she gets to fill Dillon or Ruby in on the background...
Farmer_10 wrote:Then again we don't know how Angel self identifies so for now we'll just go with she until we know more.
Does "chooses to use female toilets" count as sufficient self-identification?
Farmer_10 wrote:Angel's deal though is a whole other story. Is she only a man for Jerzy or is this who he really is? Cause from the way she was talking at the end of the strip, it sounds like all the androginy is only for Jerzy's sake.
I didn't get that feeling. The androgyny may help with her attempts to pull Jerzy, but note that it's a full-time deal with her, even when she doesn't expect to see Jerzy, and people like Zii end up using gender-ambiguous language about her. That says to me that Angel is a girl with complex and slightly confused sexuality; see the fanfic outline above. The ambiguity may have helped her attract Jerzy sexually, despite his better judgement (what there is of it), but that would have been after the fact.