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Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:43 am
by Spidrift
You forget that most of these characters are still stuck in the '80s, technologically speaking. For example, Ruby is the only one who instinctively reaches for a smartphone and Google when presented with a concept that she doesn't understand.

It seems to be a TL8 campaign where most of the characters are still at TL7.

(Well, okay, not strictly fair. Most of them do have mobile 'phones, mostly so they can set their ringtones to an appropriate song for any given caller. They then turn them off or fail to answer them at any given crucial moment, usually because they're having sex. It is much safer to attempt a personal physical intervention.)

Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:20 am
by Azrael
sdb20151124b.png (82.25 KiB) Viewed 6707 times

Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:04 am
by brasca
TwoWayStar wrote:While I still dont care for Jerzy anymore, he still managed to impress me! Reminds of his first few SANE. for like, a SECOND lol

if he really wanted to change this horrible outcome, he would call A CELLPHONE OF ANY ONE OF THESE PEOPLE!! especially angel, lord knows he's so into jerzy, he'd immediately pick up
Probably plot convenience, but just because someone has a cell phone does not mean they can be reached. Angel might let all the calls go to voicemail and ignore texts until later.

Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:52 am
by wiseguy
you know................... Angel did not tell Jerzy "I am a yaoi fan"

decided to say "Going there for Ramona's sake"

Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:10 am
by Osaru Sensei
Don Alexander wrote:Noooooooooooo! Someone stop him! I wanted explojuns!!! :(
Spidrift wrote:Actually, I think we may still get explojuns. We'll just get bigger explojuns, because Jerzy will be there in person for Dillon and Angel to fight over.
Yeah, definetly going to see mushroom clouds in the near future...

Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:54 pm
by christopheftw
Don't forget the added dimension that Zii brings to this unfolding disaster! Angel wasn't too forgiving at the battle of the bands for Zii's earlier bedding of Jerzy when Angel and Zii were bandmates.

There will be more people that Jerzy has had sex with than not at this little meeting.

Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:37 pm
by Spidrift
You're right - I'd forgotten the Zii factor. And Jerzy doesn't yet know that she'll be there.

I can see Ruby and Ramona standing well back and bonding. "I now remember why I don't bother with this stuff." "Yeah, me too..."

Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:18 pm
by brasca
Perhaps it might not be that bad. Ruby could be as good of a diplomat as she is businesswoman. While Dillon and Zii are not Angel's favorite people by far Angel won Jerzy so she is more likely to be smug than jealous of Dillon. And Zii won the battle of the bands fair and square so Angel may respect that as an artist, but remain as suspicious of her and Dillon in regards to their previous association with Jerzy.

Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:19 pm
by Spidrift
Nah. We're looking at two drama queens and a smartass there, with a total emotional age of about thirty between them. Angel not only refused to forgive Zii for goinking Jerzy, she refuses to mention Zii's name, and shoves Jerzy out of the room when Zii is around. Dillon never yet saw an emotional scene he didn't want to over-play. And Zii isn't the sort to restrain herself from a dig at an old enemy. Socially speaking, we're looking at sweaty dynamite.

And while Ruby has unlocked her smart, manipulative side, and learned how to push a few psychological buttons, she's still a beginner at this stuff, and way out if her depth when it comes to sexual chemistry gone toxic. She's not demonstrated any great gift for conciliation as such. She's good, but she's not that good - not yet, anyway. When any of those three older, more extrovert characters really go off - as they will - she'll likely be cowed into silence.

(Now, if Rudy was around, he might have a chance. But he's still in his box.)

Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:43 pm
by brasca
What makes you think Rudy would be more effective? So far he is a good shoulder to cry on, but most people could see through that disguise if they got more time with him and because he has a tendency to rush away most think he is a shady drug dealer.

Re: 24-11-15 Ya-oye get-together

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:11 pm
by Spidrift
Yes, the snag with Rudy is that people would see through him - so he mostly runs away. But "he" gives Ruby enough confidence to face people down - even to pull an effective Boyfriend Bluff on a complete stranger. Given that sort of confidence, Ruby might be able to tell a squabbling Dillon and Angel to shut up and grow up. As Ruby, though, she's still just too quiet.