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Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:39 pm
by Spidrift
So half the readers think that Jerzy is tearing the bandage off too fast, and the other half think that he's tearing it off too slow?

I'm not sure that Angel would miraculously become a sane, balanced human being if this one issue was fixed, though. Angel looks like what you get when Dillon's drama queen tendencies are carried through to their logical conclusion, or romantic obsessions like Sonya's turn really toxic. There's a ... deep refusal to engage with reality there. Angel would probably just latch onto something or someone else.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:05 pm
by Gholateg
themacnut wrote:
I think a big part of the problem was that Jerzy is being too damn nice and coddling towards Angel. He needs to somehow get across to Angel in no uncertain terms that friends is all they'll ever be, and if Angel doesn't back off the seduction attempts (and sabotage-his-new-relationship attempts) they won't even be that. Seems that Jerzy's not yet at that point where he's sick enough of it to seriously consider ending their friendship.

A cowardly stunt that would only work if Jerzy was planning on leaving town and never seeing Angel again. As is stands, he'll most likely have a pissed off Angel to deal with next time they meet, and he knows this too. Angel may even be more vindictive towards Dillon, if Jerzy manages to get back together with him.
This. Angel is unbalanced, to put it nicely. More-so then the rest of the cast, since even Soyna at her Sonya-est pulled back a bit after being repeatedly told to stop trying to get into someone's pants.

Jerzy's fast becoming the character I find the most annoying though. He refusal to handle the Angel issues, and the WAY he acts around Angel, are fucking infuriating. If you don't want to have a relationship with Angel, STOP DOING RELATIONSHIP ANGST SHIT WITH HIM.

"Yes I'll come see your band, don't tell my boyfriend though."
"You're the most important person in my life."
"Close your eyes for a sec after I make a relationship revelation. TEEHEE Psych! "

No wonder Angel's still confused about where you want to put your genitals Jerzy, you're running around him like a Dumas-era Coquette.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:46 pm
by Gion
Angel has very manly shoulders for someone who is absolutely, positively, definitely a woman.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:02 pm
by wiseguy
Angel is becoming a lil of Dillon, a lil of Yuki and a lil of Zii put together

drama queen, that feels the need of its man, obsessed with someone, even delusional and not accepting of reality, along with love of music

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:03 pm
by Don Alexander
So, Jerzy, back from the brink??

I really can't predict how Dillon is going to react. Well, the initial reaction will, of course, be flaming drama! But after that? Sudden breakdown into tears, taking Jerzy back? Or telling him to go fuck off forever?

At least it seems Amber extracted herself from observing the situation before Jerzy attempts his comeback.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:11 pm
by Spidrift
Which reminds me; hypothetical possible future developments for no good reason #4,397: Jerzy and Dillon make up, and go back to Dillon's place for make-up sex. Ruby, kept awake much of the night, goes out for a five-mile run (to be followed by a cold shower), or has an early interview somewhere (yah, it'll be a Sunday...), or awards herself a lie-in. But, being tidy-minded and polite, she first leaves the Rudy kit outside Dillon's door. Amber returns next morning to discover Ruby absent or asleep, Rudy's clothes outside Dillon's bedroom door, and the sound of strenuous copulation from within.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:21 pm
by Optimus Kate
GO JERZY GO!!!!!! :ymparty:

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:56 pm
by FlashD81
Jerzy will pay for that, but it is the fastest way to get away. I can't fault him too much but eventually he as to deal with Angel.

How will he find Dillon and how will he react is a different matter.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:21 pm
by Oddlogical
So, are they still being coy as to Angel's biological gender?

Angel's face in this strip was the most feminine I've seen it so far (and there was that scene a bit back with Angel about to go into the ladies room but that doesn't really mean anything if Angel is not just androgynous but also possibly transgender).

Really just curious as I'd like to know if Angel is from Jerzy's "bisexual phase" (i.e. is a woman albeit an androgynous one). The fact that Angel is still trying to re-ignite the old flame makes me think Angel is an androgynous gay man since Angel knows Jerzy is "men-only" now.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:40 pm
by Schmorgluck
@Oddlogical: your last sentence assumes sanity from Angel, which seriously weakens your argument.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:56 pm
by Spidrift
Quite so.

I suspect that we'll get an answer to this question the same time we get an explanation of why Jerzy is so unquestioningly loyal to Angel. It may all be one big story. But as these comics aren't terribly big on wordy backstory strips, we may have to wait a while.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:28 pm
by TheEighth
That was a dick move Jerzy, DICK MOVE!

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:18 pm
by zaprzapb
Yeah that was a dick move but Angel kinda deserved it.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:23 pm
by Schmorgluck
It's harsh, but not uncalled for. I would hope that it would be a sign that Jerzy is getting suitably exasperated with Angel's creepy antics. There's sticking it in the crazy, and there's sticking with the crazy.

Granted, as far as crazy goes, Jerzy is between a rock an a hard place.

Re: 01-07-14 Could you close your eyes

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:43 pm
by Spidrift
At least Dillon appears to be a flavour of crazy that Jerzy actually likes. That comes under "No accounting for taste" in my opinion, but Jerzy is a grown-up and can make his own decisions.

Angel, he appears to treat as a friend in spite of the faintly dangerous-looking craziness. I must admit that I'm faintly curious about the back story there - and I assume that the writers have some in mind, not just a vague "they were childhood friends" thing.