Fantasy Forumiverse Election Contest - Vote now!

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Who should be our elected party and representative?

Poll ended at Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:05 am

Anarchy Now - Azrael
C.A.P - Eight
F.U.C.K - JVDifferent
The Galactic Empire - Don Alexander
Total votes: 18

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Fantasy Forumiverse Election Contest - Vote now!

Post by Bear »

EDIT: Entry period is now over, even with the lots of added time.... Get voting now! You only have 2 days!

And now, may I present, the partly political broadcast for the Beary-Mod Party...

Just kidding :) . May I present to you, this months forum contest of...

The Fantasy Forumiverse Election!

Imspired by the fact theres alot of elections happening right now accross Europe, this months contest is to write your own Party Manifesto for election into the forum government. Simply put, come up with your party, what it stands for and what its against in its manifesto, who's the members of your party, and why should we vote for you to win the elections?

This is a creative writing and thinking contest to come up with the best election promises and speech for your fantasy party, and is of course, for fun, and winning yourself (if you havent' got one already) a nice shiney name colour and rank title, and the contest winner badge to place within your signiture to show off to the world.

Remember, this is a fantasy contest so let your imaginations run free! Are you campaining to win the governance of The Elder Cave, or maybe the EC forum chair, Or perhaps you want to represent the forumiverse as a whole? Its up to you who you are and what you represent, but remember, pledge anything within reason for your party and its veiws to get yourself voted in!

And now, as with every election... The Rules:

1. This is a FUN and FANTASY contest. No real world politics please. Parody of the forums politics is allowed.
2. Even though its fantasy, please no racist or extremist views, or others that may cause offense. This means no 'bashing' of any religions or sexual preferences etc.
3. Remember its for fun! We encourage people to make a serious attempt though!

The format for your entry:

Party Name: >> Insert Party Name here <<
Party Leader: >> Your name or Forumiverse Party Persona here <<

Manifesto Pledges: >> What your party is for <<
>>What your party is against<<

(Bullet points please, no more then 5 points for either to a maximum of 10 for and against points total)

What we are about: >> Brief description of what your party stands for and its beliefs <<

Speech: >> Make your speech here about why your party should be elected into power <<

Again, I'll remind everyone that this is for fun, so go wild if you want and pledge things like 'A Death Star in Every Driveway' if you want and its within your parties 'Theme' .

You have until midnight GMT on the 27th to place your enteries and enter, after which voting will take place until the 30th.

As always, this thread is just to enter the contest. Please take all discussion and questions about the contest to the FFE Discussion Thread.

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Re: Fantasy Forumiverse Election Contest!

Post by Azrael »

We are Chaos. The Minions of Anarchy and Purveyours of Entropy. Your governments are archaic, weak, and soft. The spread and pushing of your stiffling world-views will no longer be tolerated by the Liberty loving peoples of True Freedom. We are everywhere. We are everyone. We are the Fist of Disorder and we will set our booted foot upon the decadent and mealy-mouthed throats of those who think they can enforce rulership upon the masses. No longer will we stand idlely by and allow you to continually degrade and steal the freedoms we have worked and died for, a reckoning is coming. There will be blood. Abandon all hope ye who would stand against our Legions. Fear us, for we come and you will not stop our March.

anarchy_symbol.gif (5.55 KiB) Viewed 5437 times

First again DA. :p
Grand Low Maker of Mischief, Claw of Chaos, Fang of Anarchy

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Re: Fantasy Forumiverse Election Contest!

Post by Eight »

I bring news of wonderous things!



Party Name: C.A.P (Cookie Appreciation Party)
Party Leader: Merrick - Grand Master of Cookies.

Manifesto: To bring love and cookies to the world, and rid it of war and hunger. By giving people cookies.

We are everything a cookie lover could want. We have cookies of all shapes and sizes, of every variety.
Chocolate chip? We have them.
Smarties? We have them.
Toffee cookies? We have them.

There shall always be cookies. Cookies are immortal and neverending.
Our cookies are the tastiest cookies in the world.
It will not matter if you eat a thousand cookies and get fat and ill, for there will always be cookies and that is all that matters.
Elect the C.A.P, and there shall be cookies for everyone! EVERYONE!

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Re: Fantasy Forumiverse Election Contest!

Post by JVDifferent »

Party Name: Forumites United against Coldblooded Killers [F.U.C.K.]
Party Leader: JVD, Queen of Lizards and Darkness.

Good evening, Forumiverse. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption in your regular posting. Are you sitting comfortably? Have you secured all windows and doors? With iron bars and padlocks? Yes? Then I'll begin.

I suppose you're wondering why I've posted here this evening, dear Forumiverse. Well you see, I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any forumite. But in the spirit of self-preservation and pure survival, I thought we could take some out of our daily, poorly protected lives to sit down and have a little chat.

There are, of course, those who do not want us to survive. I suspect even now, growls are slipping between razor-sharp teeth, and creatures with switchblade claws will soon be on their way. Why? Because they're VELOCI-FUCKING-RAPTORS, and they're going to eat our faces.


The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this Forum, isn't there? Cruelty and death, mauling and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to go outside, to live and not be torn to shreds as you saw fit, you now have this prehistoric menace prowling our Cave parameters. How did this happen? Who's to blame? GOD-DAMNED STEVEN SPEILBERG AND INGEN TECHNOLOGIES, THAT'S WHO. They promised us amusement parks, they promised us cute ickle velociraptor bedtime plushies- but instead they cloned, bio-engineered and resurrected this now very real apex predator from its millions of years of extinction.

My hope is to remind the Forumiverse that "velociraptor", "Utahraptor", and "deinonychus" are more than words- they are cold-hearted, cold-blooded killing machines. So if you've seen nothing, if the bloodied entrails and switchblade claws and ability to pick locks still remain unknown to you, then I would suggest that you allow the twenty-seventh of June to pass unmarked- and kindly continue distracting the scaly motherfuckers from those who wish to keep on living. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me ten days from tonight, outside the voting booths of the FFE Discussion thread, and together we shall give those despicable dromaeosaurids a twenty-seventh of June that shall never, ever be forgot.


Manifesto Pledges:
* Shotgun-repopulation programme, as the shotgun is the natural predator of the velociraptor.
* Innovation and research into metal alloys, so as to improve the quality and strength of our current deadlocks, steel doors, iron bars and chainsaws.
* The outright extermination of the Deinonychosauria infraorder. And any suspicious billionaires, pharmaceutical companies and film directors who may or may not be in alliance with them.
* A sister zombie-extermination programme, as velociraptors gain the ability to breathe fire and bleed acid once undead.
* Sincere apologies to Alan Moore and the screen writers of the V for Vendetta film, from whom I have borrowed more than half of my manifesto.

Vote for [F.U.C.K.], because getting fucked by velociraptors is severely unpleasant.
Resplendent King of Lizards and Darkness
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Re: Fantasy Forumiverse Election Contest!

Post by Lilianna »

Forumers United Latitudinously and Longitudinally or Forumers Caring Religiously About People (FULL OF CRAP)
Led by Lily, who is genuinely devoted to CRAP

--Better healthcare
--Two cookies and two death stars for everybody

--Worse healthcare
--No cookies and no death stars

Join our party! When people tell you that you are full of crap, you can wear your badge proudly! We promise everything good and nothing bad! AT ALL! We will be perfect and meet everybody’s needs! Rich people get tax breaks and homeless people get better boxes! Everybody WINS!
Also, velociraptors will be exterminated. That is all.


FSU Class of 2014!
Ailith wrote:Yes, it was intimate, it was passionate, it was sensual, and it ended with a few orgasms. So yeah, counts as sex to me.

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Re: Fantasy Forumiverse Election Contest!

Post by Don Alexander »

Party Name: THE GALACTIC EMPIRE We have no need for stupid acronyms

Party Leaders: The Ebil Sithlord Don Alexander and The Ebil Sithlady Cyanide_Sweet


The Cave is afraid of us. We, the Sith, have seen its true face. The piggy race track is an extended wallow full of Bailey's and when the drains of the BubblieBath finally clog up, all the critters will foam at their mouths and summon the Spongmonkeys and when the forumites will look up and shout "Save Us!"...

We will yell YES! and fire the Death Star right into their faces!


Vote for US!!! Why vote for the lesser Ebil??

For we shall lead the Cave to a new dawn of glory, an age of steel girders and ill-placed command bridges. An era where every man gets the anonymizing uniform he deserves, where all can rest assured that they are but tiny, safe cogs in a great, grinding machine of Imperial Dominance!!! You need not worry anymore. All your worries will be erased. You need not think any more. All your thinking will be erased. You will also not need to worry about voting later again if you vote for us. Serve well, and you shall be rewarded. Lack faith, and we shall be disturbed.

Your lives will be the unending bliss of ignorance and the worship of dark heros, of imposing father figures. And all without incident.

We also have elicited choice words for our "competition":

ANARCHY NOW: Dissent will not be tolerated. Unrest will not be permitted. Fear will keep them in line. Anarchy... will die. As will your friends. Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side. Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL battle station!
C.A.P (Cookie Appreciation Party): The Dark Side had cookies long before you did.
Forumites United against Coldblooded Killers [F.U.C.K.]: We acknowledge the danger Rators pose to the order of the Empire. Once we have assumed power, they shall be caught, and indoctrintated into becoming shock troops that follow our will only.
Forumers United Latitudinously and Longitudinally or Forumers Caring Religiously About People (FULL OF CRAP): The name says it all, now doesn't it?


At least give yourself the final consolation of democratically legitimizing our ascent to power - otherwise, we will just stage a coup anyway. :P
Last edited by Don Alexander on Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fantasy Forumiverse Election Contest - Vote now!

Post by Bear »

Entry period now over. Get voting!

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