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Re: 15-8-2014 [VC] Sleeping Beauty Awakens

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:11 pm
by Hurbster
Can I just point out that it has been some time since Katie hit Lennie and the writers need to sort that out, seeing as this story seems to be emphasizing/retconning the nastier side of both characters. Katie is a super-tsundre and Lennie is a very creepy thief.

It's not as annoying as Passing Through's obvious trolling though. I'd almost welcome that banned bloke back.


Re: 15-8-2014 [VC] Sleeping Beauty Awakens

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 1:32 am
by Passing Through
Farmer_10 wrote:Allright, you can't compare hunting Vampires (fictional characters), to real-life atrocities commited against real people. It's offensive to the real victims of those atrocities and a borderline violation of Godwin's Law which is internet heresy. And even then, the argument doesn't hold water. Emma and Lori aren't being hunted for alleged witchcraft or religious persecution (the big two in the olden days of church-sanctioned murder), they're vampires. I know we live in an enlightened age where not all vampires are murderous bad guys, but they don't. They live in an age, where as far as they know, vampires are nothing but predatory parasites who feed on human beings and spread that curse like a plague or the world's worst STD. To them, killing vampires can't be a sin, cause as far most of the lore goes they're already dead.
They've all been dead for centuries, remembering them is the best thing we can do for them now. Furthermore, if we couldn't compare fictional crimes to real ones, we'd have no way of judging the behaviour of fictional characters. There's a difference between a fictional criminal and say, a fictional hermit.

Now, you're quite right, Baron Winters and his mob very likely did feel that way about vampires. But that doesn't make them right and it doesn't justify their actions. The vampires are still people and they can still touch crucifixes without any problems. Besides, even if Emma was a vampire and had committed some sort of crime, the vigilante slaying of an unarmed prisoner is still murder.
Hurbster wrote:...Passing Through's obvious trolling though...
By which you mean I've posted something you happen to neither like nor agree with. Nothing more and nothing less.

Re: 15-8-2014 [VC] Sleeping Beauty Awakens

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:25 am
by Tython
Well except that she has super human strength and the ability to glamour people to do her bidding with a glance so she really wasn't as helpless as you are thinking.

Re: 15-8-2014 [VC] Sleeping Beauty Awakens

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:41 am
by Passing Through
Tython wrote:Well except that she has super human strength and the ability to glamour people to do her bidding with a glance so she really wasn't as helpless as you are thinking.
If she was a vampire she had those abilities. If.

But even supposing she was, indeed, the first of Lori's progeny, she was on the ground, wounded and writhing in pain when the mob seized her. And she was begging for mercy when they murdered her.

Re: 15-8-2014 [VC] Sleeping Beauty Awakens

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:48 am
by Tython
So what would have happened had they let her go then?

Would she have just up and left and promised not to hurt anyone ever again?

Except that by her very nature she would be feeding on humans like a parasite for the rest of her life and who knows what else she would have done in the meanwhile after all not all vampires are as responsible as Lori is for all we know Emma could have gone on a power mad murder spree then again she may not we don't because we don't know anything about her other then she was Lori's friend and wanted a perfect senior year.

Re: 15-8-2014 [VC] Sleeping Beauty Awakens

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:57 am
by Passing Through
Tython wrote:So what would have happened had they let her go then?

Would she have just up and left and promised not to hurt anyone ever again?

Except that by her very nature she would be feeding on humans like a parasite for the rest of her life and who knows what else she would have done in the meanwhile after all not all vampires are as responsible as Lori is for all we know Emma could have gone on a power mad murder spree then again she may not we don't because we don't know anything about her other then she was Lori's friend and wanted a perfect senior year.
Well, if she was a vampire, I imagine she'd have taken another try at the perfect senior year in a few decades time. If not, well she might have started a family or something.

Did she hurt anyone in the first place?

You could use that argument to justify murdering pretty much anyone. After all, who knows what that guy who just walked past will do next Tuesday? But even then, there's a middle you're excluding there, like involving the courts if there's any evidence of wrong doing on her part, now or in the future. You can't kill people just because you think they might commit a crime one day.

Re: 15-8-2014 [VC] Sleeping Beauty Awakens

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:49 am
by Dark Komet
Looks like Suki gets to see the back