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The Society For The Appreciation Of Gary

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:45 am
by MerchManDan
Because he IS the hero of this story, is he not? OK, so "hero" is a bit much....protagonist? Eiron? :lol:

Well, anyway, Gary struck a chord with me (as M&D struck one with Dryope), so I felt it only fair that he have a thread devoted to him. So here's to you, Gary! :)

Re: The Society For The Appreciation Of Gary

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:22 am
by Bear
*Raises a glass of non-alcoholic beverage to Gary* To Gary... the epitome of geek that we can all only hope to aspire to. :D

Re: The Society For The Appreciation Of Gary

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:25 pm
by Dryope
If Gary is the eiron then who is the alazon?

Re: The Society For The Appreciation Of Gary

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:58 pm
by Ray D
About time for this, I say. I like the guy, and he deserves to have some good happen in his life.

Dear Gary:
We know you're a 'nice guy,' but you can't be a Nice Guy anymore. Here are some suggestions:
1) Learn to say NO.
2) Quit drawing all those amazons in the chain-mail bikinis (You KNOW you do it--and so do we). They're getting you nowhere artistically OR sexually.
3) If you're hot for a broad (a REAL one), try TELLING her sometime.
4) The only thing you have to fear is Fear Itself.

Your Friend From Nice Guy's Anonymous, Ray D

Get Lots, Gary, get Lots.

Re: The Society For The Appreciation Of Gary

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:08 am
by dianekikiula
Yay Gary! :D Shy, awkward, cute, inexperienced nerds are the best.

Re: The Society For The Appreciation Of Gary

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:59 pm
by MerchManDan
Dryope wrote:If Gary is the eiron then who is the alazon?
I was wondering that, myself. Mme. Deville, perhaps? :twisted:
dianekikiula wrote:Shy, awkward, cute, inexperienced nerds are the best.
*ahem* :oops: Aw shucks.

Re: The Society For The Appreciation Of Gary

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:48 am
by oni
dianekikiula wrote:Yay Gary! :D Shy, awkward, cute, inexperienced nerds are the best.
Quoted! :mrgreen: :idea: :arrow: :arrow: ;)

Dig Gary [identify] as a struggling artist in a dead end job, that some how out of the blue finally gets a break or almost but not quite yet...there!
Honestly he is the defacto main character w/ the BEST supporting semi-main female characters in web-comics' to date (not an opinion but a fact); The innocence he exudes, clutz, chronic masturbator, with that of being hit with the "Friend" label makes you seriously want to root for the guy to come through in the end but still remain the same and not become some sort of douche just cause he finally got some.
--Oni :ugeek:

Re: The Society For The Appreciation Of Gary

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:56 am
by oni
[please delete this post]

Re: The Society For The Appreciation Of Gary

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:57 pm
by Pneumonica
I can unequivically, without any hesitation, pause, or delay of any kind that might slow the speed with which this statement is made, say in a textual rather than verbal manner, by which I mean write, that Gary is the most excellent of protagonists, or in other words a great and grandiose epitome of central divorced-narrative characters.

I learned to schmooze from the Humna Humna. And anybody who knows what a Humna Humna is can probably claim as much as geek cred on that thread.

Gary, you rock!