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Re: The Picture Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:44 pm
by harbino
In the island of Great Britain? The islands are called the British Isles. Great Britain is just the term given to the group of England, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland.

Its not English and Welsh people that mind being called British... its the majority of Scottish and some of the N.Irish fellas that don't like being called British. :))
Eight wrote:Getting in the shower is no excuse.
Just post newdz.
Kinky ;) But my body is for me and people I give permission to only.

Re: The Picture Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:11 pm
by Bear
I don't like being called British either... for me its more to do with immigration. Now before anyone calls it, no I am not racist in any way shape or form. I couldn't care less if someone was bright purbple with tangerine spots, I judge people by the content of their character, not the colour of their skin.

I don't like being called British because of the various ethnic groups comming over here, acting in a way that gives the country a bad name, ripping off the benefits system, refuse to intergrate into our society etc and yet still claim that they are British Citizens after not having been born here, doing nothing good for Britain, and only having lived here for a few months at most.

If I was to visit a Muslim country for instance, they'd expect me to respect them and not drink etc while there... all I'm asking is if they want to live here that these imigrants from whatever background they may be, show the same respect and follow our laws. Alot of them don't and still claim that they are British... which is why I don't like being called it as it lumps me in with them in my mind.

I'm English and Proud.

Re: The Picture Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:12 pm
by Eight
Bear wrote:I don't like being called British either... for me its more to do with immigration. Now before anyone calls it, no I am not racist in any way shape or form. I couldn't care less if someone was bright purbple with tangerine spots, I judge people by the content of their character, not the colour of their skin.

I don't like being called British because of the various ethnic groups comming over here, acting in a way that gives the country a bad name, ripping off the benefits system, refuse to intergrate into our society etc and yet still claim that they are British Citizens after not having been born here, doing nothing good for Britain, and only having lived here for a few months at most.

If I was to visit a Muslim country for instance, they'd expect me to respect them and not drink etc while there... all I'm asking is if they want to live here that these imigrants from whatever background they may be, show the same respect and follow our laws. Alot of them don't and still claim that they are British... which is why I don't like being called it as it lumps me in with them in my mind.

I'm English and Proud.
Woo! You go Bear!

Re: The Picture Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:22 pm
by midgetshrimp
Teacher2B wrote: If you refer to E, W, S and N.I together you're speaking about the United Kingdom.
EWSN...NSEW... oh my. The middle of the world is even a compass rose! I can't believe I just noticed that...

Re: The Picture Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:39 pm
by harbino
Great Britain refers to E, S, W and N.I
United Kingdom refers to E, S, W only.

google it.

Re: The Picture Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:11 pm
by Pneumonica
harbino wrote:
Eight wrote:Getting in the shower is no excuse.
Just post newdz.
Kinky ;) But my body is for me and people I give permission to only.
So if you post them to the forum you're obviously giving permission, so I fail to see your problem. :p
Bear wrote:I'm English and Proud.
Similar problem here in the states with illegal migrants. Illegal immigration makes me angry for the effort I'm going through to legally import my fiancee into this country.

Re: The Picture Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:17 pm
by Phoenix
Bear wrote:I don't like being called British either... for me its more to do with immigration. Now before anyone calls it, no I am not racist in any way shape or form. I couldn't care less if someone was bright purbple with tangerine spots, I judge people by the content of their character, not the colour of their skin.

I don't like being called British because of the various ethnic groups comming over here, acting in a way that gives the country a bad name, ripping off the benefits system, refuse to intergrate into our society etc and yet still claim that they are British Citizens after not having been born here, doing nothing good for Britain, and only having lived here for a few months at most.

If I was to visit a Muslim country for instance, they'd expect me to respect them and not drink etc while there... all I'm asking is if they want to live here that these imigrants from whatever background they may be, show the same respect and follow our laws. Alot of them don't and still claim that they are British... which is why I don't like being called it as it lumps me in with them in my mind.

I'm English and Proud.
You answered for me, almost word-for-word.

The fact that these scumbags are "British", despite never contributing positively to society, and instead leeching off our system, and abusing our people (in any way, shape or form), really turns "British" into an insult. I am English and I am bloody proud of that fact. I would fight for the freedom of my country and it's people. But would I fight for "Britain"? Not a chance.

All these people who come over, rape our women, steal our cars, stab our youths and bring about a gang-culture to our cities. All these people who claim our benefits, force us to change the names of national holidays (Christmas is now "officially" called the winter lights festival, because some Muslims complained. I'm not joking.), and respect their culture, whilst spitting on our own, and then blowing themselves up. All of those people can go and get extradited and hung for all I care. Hells, if we had a ballsy enough government, that's EXACTLY what would happen. Abu Hamza will get killed if he goes home? Tough luck - Don't incite racial hatred and don't tell kids to blow themselves up then. Jackass.

It's an issue I feel VERY strongly on, and my usual response to being called "British" is by being very aggressive, and insisting on an apology.

The 'British' debate.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:22 pm
by Bear
And its transfered over for any possible future discussion.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:35 pm
by stephaielikes
And yet not every immigrant is immoral or a negative influence on British society, and not every native is a virtuous.
So please, complain about the immigration system failing to rule out those who may not be deserving of asylum, but don't generalize in words (I'm hoping you don't do so in your mind). The concept that all immigrants are bad, that all immigrants drain off our system and create gang culture, that all immigrants steadfastly stick to their own culture and act disrespectfully towards the tenants of English society is a disgusting one; it reminds me of Atticus Finch referring to the 'evil lie' that all black men cheat and cannot be trusted around white women. I'm hoping this isn't your belief.
I can name many immigrants beneficial to our society; I can name many locals who were not. I can place gang and drug culture in white British areas of major cities and poverty-striken areas; I can name areas of immigrants in which respect is prevalent. I feel very strongly that the distinction should be recognized between those who abuse the welfare system of this country and those who cherish it, and saying 'those people' to me doesn't cut it. If you've ever been 'down boarshaw' or in similar areas, you can see how many of the evils of our society stem not from an outside influx, but develop from within. Giving natives leeway to behave attrociously and in a way that damages society just because they're 'pissing in their own backyard' is just as ridiculous.
I'll spare my own examples from this thread for now; my asserting this took place a long time before the examples in question came into my life.
Take care to differentiate; I'm assuming (or perhaps hoping) that you do make that distinction within your mind, but without it your comments veer dangerously close to appearing racist- or, worse, like the Daily Mail.
Citation needed for the winter festival line.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:52 pm
by Bear
Oh I'm not saying all immigrants are bad. I appologise if I seems to be generalising and and lumping them all together as in reality I don't mean to.

There are plenty of migrants who've done good for the country, who do knuckle down and pay taxes and contribute etc. It's just the bad portion of them that i dislike for giving Britain and being British a bad name...

Also I forgot to mention... The BNP... might as well call themselves the British Nazi Party as thats how they act and treat anyone who's not white or 'British'. I hate being called British because of people like that claiming everyone in the country is like that and that they are speaking for all Britains in their racist views.

I know there are plenty of sections of 'white' Britain that are responsible for drugs, gang violence etc, but I lump them into the above mentioned groups who claim themselves as British which is anotehr reason I dislike being called British.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:53 pm
by stephaielikes
I was referring more to phoenix, but given the above... how come English doesn't have the same stigma in your mind?
I'm just curious. :)

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:55 pm
by midgetshrimp
Well, seeing as I live in America, I may be encroaching. However, the only real problem I have with illegal immigrants is that, well, they're illegal. If someone is hell bent on bettering themselves by going somewhere they believe gives them more opportunity, they will have the drive to work their asses off to do it legally. No matter where their from. Since the US only has two borders, I can't give a wide variety of examples, but the cost or someone from Mexico risking the border and failing has to be at least the cost of doing it legally. I'm probably ridiculously naive in my views on this, considering I live in Maine, and rarely see anyone who isn't white... and really cold.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:59 pm
by stephaielikes
I think it depends on the law and their personal circumstance, MS... I'm not really qualified to make a general view, either.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:00 pm
by Bear
It one does when it comes to Football Hoologians, but at least they are being hooligans out of a twisted sense of national pride, rather then a hating of people ruining the nation.

Something in my mind connects English with the old English Gent and chivalry and just alot more nice images then British...

And on the point Miget just raised... I don't mind immigrants so long as they're both legal, and contribute to the nation. I don't mind them when they come here to better themselves or better the country with their acts, its when its for the aforementioned reasons of them doing neither of these and being a burden on the country that I dislike them.

I'm certainly not about to round them all up into concentration or immigrant camps like the French.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:25 pm
by midgetshrimp
Oh, I don't even care if they contribute to society. It's not like everyone who is legal does. I know I don't. I don't leech off any systems, but I hardly count myself as a societal advantage. I just think if they're legal, then there's really nothing the rest of us can complain about in regards to them, without having to hold ourselves responsible as well.