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Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:46 pm
by Don Alexander
Bear wrote:See... everyone is capable of keeping on topic without the threat of Beary-Wrath descending upon them :D
But only if we piss each other off, it seems! :D

To add another angle to the debate, while there are quite a few clumps of land in Germany where the people show a fierce local pride (especially Bavaria, which is always seen as stereotypically German... :ymsick: ), I'm decently sure that they would have no problems being called "German".

Also, we do have our problems with immigrants here, especially Turkish ones (every time I read about another "honor killing", I want to smash something X( ), but I would more follow stephaielikes in stating that it's still only a small percentage of the immigrants who are responsible for this shit and that most are good, contributing members of our society. I will recall to everyone that we had something named the "Wirtschaftswunder" (economy miracle) in the decades after WWII, where Germany rebuilt and blossomed, and this was mainly due to large numbers of imported immigrant labor, mostly Turkish.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:39 pm
by Phoenix
stephaielikes wrote:And yet not every immigrant is immoral or a negative influence on British society, and not every native is a virtuous.
So please, complain about the immigration system failing to rule out those who may not be deserving of asylum, but don't generalize in words (I'm hoping you don't do so in your mind). The concept that all immigrants are bad, that all immigrants drain off our system and create gang culture, that all immigrants steadfastly stick to their own culture and act disrespectfully towards the tenants of English society is a disgusting one; it reminds me of Atticus Finch referring to the 'evil lie' that all black men cheat and cannot be trusted around white women. I'm hoping this isn't your belief.
If it were, I'd be no better than that which my ancestors fought to defeat in the World Wars. No, of course there are many decent, hard-working immigrants, who not only contribute, but put residents to shame by their contributions. These people make me proud to see that our country has the kind of multiculturalism that made me move cities (my old one was very racist) to see more of.

However, my original point stands that there are many (and I'd say the number is verging on half, rather than being a minority anymore, but let's not trouble over semantics), are not like this. There are many residents, as you rightly said, who are a disgrace to the country and ought not be kept in the manner which they take advantage to live in, and I despise these people equally. Hell, those people have plagued my life for years, with a stream of beatings growing up, nearly killing my father, and then running away, so that he never got compensation for never being able to work/speak/walk again. Scallies are the virus of England and ought to be dealt with with rock and stone. Public punishment for minor crimes and stricter sentences for the bad ones. None of this "life imprisonment (30 years), being halved for good behaviour, and appealed after 7 and let out even earlier as a "changed man". Anyway, I digress.

I have friends whose parents are immigrants - Legal ones, who are hardworking and contribute. They love this country and embrace the culture, alongside their own, rather than trying to overpower one with the other (and I in no way think that immigrants of any kind ought to neglect their heritage just to fit in). This country needs to learn a way to better understand, collaborate and get on better. Racial, religious and any other form of segregation simply is not acceptable. I hate the idea of single-colour schools, or single-religion schools. It forces these differences to the forefront and creates, not solves, problems.

Anyway, I could rant for days on this topic (particularly broaching the influence of religion), so I'll leave it there, lest I anger myself too much to be able to sleep, and cause another tirade from Steph ;)

I can't find an online source for the WLF thing, but I've found several regarding smaller areas: ... arity.html

I'm very glad that several "minorities" (I hate that term) have stood up and appealed against such foolishness being done in their name. It makes me wonder who the idiots in charge are lsitening to when they change things for the sake of "political correctness".

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:00 pm
by Bear
Political Correctness has become a bane in England, as has the compensation cultures and health and safety cultures that have arrisen because of the same idiotic do gooders who try and claim they are doing something in someone elses name to try and better the country.

What all links that together? Just today my mum, who works in a primary and infant school (3-11 year olds) as an non-teaching assistant and nurseery nurse told me about one of the Polish children they've been forced to take on by our council... the kid couldn't hardly speak a word of English and came up crying and bawling... in Polish... of course they couldn't understand the kid for ages and finally worked out the kid had a splinter in his finger... Now the bad bit... She's no longer allowed to remove the splinter incase they don't remove it all and the parents don't know about it incase the school gets sued... which did happen after another immigrant familys kid trip over while running down the steps at school and broke their wrist.

Now I'm not getting at the kids, kids will be kids... its the fact that because of political correctness and everything its caused that the actual people who've lived in this country all of their lives have been restricted by those that have barely been here any time and are trying to exploit the system.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:05 pm
by Scaramouche
More and more, I'm thinking the current concept of nations (in developed countries at least) is utterly ludicrous.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:13 pm
by Bear
I'd agree with that... all Nations have done is to serve a greater rift between peoples and cultures.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:19 pm
by Don Alexander
@bear & scaramouche: I'm not a sociologist, but I fear that some kind of superposed ordering structure has to exist in our modern world...

But then, many dystopian future visions see the mega-corporations surplanting the nations.

I, for one, welcome our Weyland-Yutani overlords.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:20 pm
by Scaramouche
Well, I actually like the differences. I think the desire some folks have to see all humans become identical clones is insane. I prefer us all to be different. I like the differences.

But nations? Originally a nation was a tribe, a group related by blood. That's not the case any more.

Governments? They tax us to fund their interference in our lives. They get us to pay for the federal government, the state government, the local councils, and everything else. We're paying more tax now than we ever did under monarchies. And the whole system is a dog and pony show throwing us bread and circuses while basically just bending over for the corporations and financial institutions anyway. So what's the benefit of government? Public infrastructure? Well, more and more, that's being privatised. We pay for toll roads, pay it to corporations. We pay corporations for our electricity, gas, petroleum, water. We pay corporations for medical care, military supplies, insurance, and everything else. Why bother with the government at all, when we could just pay for corporation-supplied services for everything? I just don't see the government as very relevant given that we pay corporations for everything anyway, and most infrastructure can be handled by those corporations.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:25 pm
by Scaramouche
Scaramouche wrote: I just don't see the government as very relevant given that we pay corporations for everything anyway, and most infrastructure can be handled by those corporations.
Not that I like that idea, a world governed by market forces and supply/demand. I just think it makes a lot more sense, in terms of efficiency, than what we have now.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:30 pm
by Arantor
Scaramouche wrote:
Scaramouche wrote: I just don't see the government as very relevant given that we pay corporations for everything anyway, and most infrastructure can be handled by those corporations.
Not that I like that idea, a world governed by market forces and supply/demand. I just think it makes a lot more sense, in terms of efficiency, than what we have now.
I'm not convinced it would benefit too much, actually. Don't forget what we've seen recently in the credit crisis about the failure of the capitalist systems to regulate themselves or behave in a sensible manner.

There are certain activities that I do not believe could, or should, be totally privatised. (Then again I live in the UK, so in some ways it's a moot point)

I can give you a few good examples of this from the UK of why they shouldn't.
1. Public transport
Public transport in the UK is (as all other UK'ers here can bear witness) mostly a joke. The estate I live on is 20 minutes walk from the centre of town, 40 from the nearest decent supermarket and about 25 from the local hospital. Now my estate has quite an array of older people on it. Up until a few years ago there were no regular bus routes; wasn't deemed financially viable. Then the local council stepped in and contributed towards a bus company contract. Now there is a regular bus, and it is frequently full. But without local government intervention it would not be present.

2. National Health Service
Yes, before any of the flame wars start, the NHS is not the best service in the world. But it is free to any who need it. It is paid directly out of pay packets via a tax and I know that if I need medical attention I will receive it and not have to pay for the privilege after. Of course, private care is available, but reducing the option to private only would exclude a lot of people who do need medical attention and would not be able to afford it.

3. British Rail
British Rail used to exist. And while it was derided for being sometimes late and had naff sandwiches in their buffet cars, it worked.

Now the country has been divided up into 15 or so train operators, each with their own rules. Some rules are consistent, some are not. For example, I live on the London-Brighton train route, of which two different companies provide train service - First Capital Connect (which does Brighton to London and on to Luton) and Southern (which does the area either side of the London-Brighton line, such as Worthing, Hastings, Southampton etc)

And despite running on the same lines, sometimes one operator's trains will be delayed where the other's won't, plus FCC sometimes issue "FCC only" tickets which aren't accepted on Southern trains despite travelling the same part of the route but are fractionally cheaper.

And just to top it off you have Virgin Trains managed by Richard Branson and co that has different rules again about the kinds of discount tickets they'll accept. Now, I have travelled various parts of the country but it's a nightmare trying to work out what to do with the train system.

Additionally, London has its own magical system now, the Oyster card, that lets you swipe yourself in and out on journeys with pre-paid credit (and an RFID tracking tag) that isn't available anywhere else in the country.

Just... gah. Privatising the railway was IMO one of the worst acts of the previous government.

In short, I'm all for nationalising certain industries and in favour of a government, just not the current incarnation of government. (Without getting into the debate, I tend to side with the 'old' Labour - up the workers! etc. - but I can't bring myself to vote for the current government next time. I'm voting for Cameron and his cronies not because they're best equipped to run the country, they're just likely to cause the least damage.)

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:46 pm
by Bear
You do know that Cameron has said publically he is going to make people pay for a portion of their health care, IE an oppration costing £10k he will make you pay 5k of, effectively getting rid of the NHS. Cut £80billion of public spending, effectively getting rid of nurses, police, fire services etc. Not to mention his plans to privatise the Post Office compeletly. So basically your saying your going to vote for someone who's all for those things you just said you hated...

Not to start a politcal debate now, but the Conservative party of Britain are directly responsible for most of the bad events and things that have happened.... They privitised the rail service, they wanted to scrap the NHS since day one, they're the ones who introduced the charging for withdrawing your money from cash machines, and the ones that sold off the Parcel delivery portion of the Post Office which basically means it no longer makes any money which is why the post office is failing...

I'd rather vote for those racist assholes the BNP then Cameron and his Tory cronies...

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:24 pm
by stephaielikes
Also, 'call me Dave' has such an irksome voice I don't want him in power for that as well as the myriad of political reasons.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:22 pm
by Phoenix
Bear wrote:Not to start a politcal debate now, but the Conservative party of Britain are directly responsible for most of the bad events and things that have happened.... They privitised the rail service, they wanted to scrap the NHS since day one, they're the ones who introduced the charging for withdrawing your money from cash machines, and the ones that sold off the Parcel delivery portion of the Post Office which basically means it no longer makes any money which is why the post office is failing...

I'd rather vote for those racist assholes the BNP then Cameron and his Tory cronies...
Plus the financial mess that Major left, and the disaster of Thatcher closing the mines, leaving us largely dependent on foreign imports for coal-fired power, despite having another few hundred years worth left (that wasn't financially viable at the time, but five years later, was - and still is)

I'd rather not vote than vote Tory. Whilst I hate Gordon Brown, Labour stands for the ideals that I'd rather live by. I'm already 90% sold on moving abroad - especially now Obama will be president - but a Tory win (which in my eyes seems very likely), will make that 100%.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:49 pm
by Arantor
Without wishing to push the debate into a full scale war: I dislike everything that the Tories represent. I admit that fact above. However as much as I think they would ruin the country, I believe they will ruin it less than the current shower would, so whilst I do not wish to vote Tory I feel I have to, to get the Labour shower out, since the Lib Dems are never going to unite and draw enough support.

I believe in what Labour used to stand for, but if the Labour party continues as it is, Britain will end up becoming a police state, IMO. We already have legislation passed that makes taking photos of acts illegal when the acts themselves are legal. ID cards are on the way, that we will have to pay for when they get here, but very soon they will become mandatory, I think.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:55 pm
by stephaielikes
I just can't vote in a party responsible for Section 28 and similar pieces of legislation being proposed until I know for sure that this is no longer part of their manifesto.

Re: The 'British' debate.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:59 pm
by Don Alexander
Arantor wrote:Without wishing to push the debate into a full scale war: I dislike everything that the Tories represent. I admit that fact above. However as much as I think they would ruin the country, I believe they will ruin it less than the current shower would, so whilst I do not wish to vote Tory I feel I have to, to get the Labour shower out, since the Lib Dems are never going to unite and draw enough support.
Kind of sobering... Most of the world has been riding the "Change? Yes we can!" wave these last days and weeks. In some sense, suddenly, many of us might be quite jealous of the US Aemricans, who for once did not just have the choice between the lesser of two evils...
Arantor wrote:I believe in what Labour used to stand for, but if the Labour party continues as it is, Britain will end up becoming a police state, IMO. We already have legislation passed that makes taking photos of acts illegal when the acts themselves are legal.
Um, what does that mean?? Is taking a picture of someone watering their lawn (clearly legal) now illegal?? WTF??

We here in Germany have a raging deborte on online privacy right now, with our government hoping to push through a "federal trojan" which would imply that all computers get a back door so that the government can look into our computers whenever they want, because of course, we are all vile terroristpedophileegoshootergamermusicdownloaders... :ymsick:
Arantor wrote:ID cards are on the way, that we will have to pay for when they get here, but very soon they will become mandatory, I think.
This, actually, I've never understood. We have an ID card in Germany, and have had for ages, and, yeah, we have to pay for it. I've never seen anything wrong with it, but especially in the US people seem to be ready to tear the Capitol down if someone even mentions it...

@steph: Care to tell the non-B... E... whatever you people call yourselves what Section 28 is?