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Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:11 pm
by EdenNamir
You know.. I ahve NEVER seen a comet, not even a meteor shower. everytime i wanted to see it i either had school the next day... or it was too cloudy.

and last year the eclpse thingy i couldnt see cuz i didnt have any glases (im near sighted... so year i see nothing but color no deffinate shapes unless im RIGHT up on it.) and so i took pictures (is still on my digi cam... but husband hasnt found the blasted thing) and i hope they come out good.. cuz i really wanna see what it looked like...

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:23 pm
by midgetshrimp
Ithilion wrote:hmm... you're right, must have been hale-bopp
We're glad you didn't drink the punch. :D

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:45 pm
by karpeth
I, myself, Have repressed most of my childhood.

Though, I have some vivid memories.

Some renovation guys took a chair when I was 1. I thunk that they were stealing it.

I got a backpack when 2. It had pooh-bear on it.

I saw a ghost at 3. Overturned paperbag, moved.

I fell down a tree at 4. Was blacked out for half an hour.

I autodidactily taught myself algebra at the age of 5.

I cut my knee with a mora hobby knife at 6. Still have that scar.

I engaged in filosophical discussions at the age of 7.

After that, nothing for a long time.

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 3:31 pm
by JVDifferent
The Great Ebil Sithlord told me to post this here, because he found it ridonkulously cute. :P

Back in kindergarten, I totally loved absolutely everything to do with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Everything. In fact, I loved the Ninja Turtles so much, that whenever I had to answer the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?", I always answered Ninja Turtle.

All the teachers, and even my own mother, were all like, "THAT'S NOT A REAL JOB!"

But I never cared. :-bd

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 5:03 pm
by Bear
Well give me a while to invent gene splicing... or at least some sort of armored shell and ninja classes...

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:40 pm
by Don Alexander
Thread-liching ahoy!

Inspired by beary-mod's question about beards:

When I was little, I didn't understand shaving existed. So I thought that guys were born in two different way, those that grew beards and those that didn't. I was terrified!!! Because my dad had a beard all his life, and I was sure I would grow one too, and I didn't want to!! Beards made men look scary and old!! :-ss

Yup, and by the time I was 16, I wanted to look scary and old (see Xarlaxas motivation), and it's been with me ever since... :ymdevil:

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:06 pm
by NobodySpecial
One bad habit I have that I'll never be able to break is trying to finish other people's sentences when they stop in the middle of a conversation for what seems an endless amount of 'humm-humm'ing. I mean, yeah, I'm absentminded and forget things easily, but sometimes I get the idea that people are living in a Dragonball Z episode, and it drives me nuts.

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:46 pm
by JVDifferent
You know, NS, sometimes I do that too.

When I was younger I had a plushie toy snake I bought from a Trash 'n' Treasure stall. It was bright pink, and I named it Hot Rod.

Not much of a story hey, but it is amusing that the incredible amount of latent innuendo hiding in that snake toy only just struck me now.

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:58 pm
by Don Alexander
Chatting with the above poster, I just recalled one of the few "bad" things that happened in my mundane childhood.

Some km from where I lived, there was a set of ponds in the woods with frogs and fish stuff, pretty cool. We used to play there often. We were maybe 10 when two tennagers showed up, I guess they might have been 16 or so.

One of my friends recognized them as being altar boys from the local church. Instead of being good Christinas, they claimed they were "altar boys for Satan" and tossed us into one of the ponds!! :|

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:08 am
by Iceman
I remember few things from my early childhood, but the one thing I do remember from when I lived in København two decades or so ago, is when I was sitting at the playground near Kagså and the ice cream van came by.

The story of how I started to read is, in my opinion, rather fun. I was either three or four, can't remember which, and we were driving around the city, when suddenly I say "Bústaðavegur? What does that mean?" (We had just passed a road sign saying Bústaðavegur.) This is the first recorded incidence of me reading, as my parents had never read that streetname out for me.

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:35 am
by Sideb(.)(.)bPlatypus
For some reason when I was younger, I spoke with a Boston accent until I was about 3-4 /:)

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:43 am
by yiraheerai
When my best friend and I were younger, we'd go on fishing trips with our parents. One one such trip when we were about five-ish, we were trying to catch tadpoles, I think it was, and they kept getting away from us. We kept grabbing at them saying "Come here, you little bastards!"

...We about gave her mother a heart attack saying that. Especially when we kept saying it and telling her what it meant in defense that no, it wasn't a bad word, my dad said it to my cat all the time. :))

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:58 am
by mac2
That's pretty funny, but I can top it. The second word I said, ever, was a swear word. According to my mom, I was strapped into my car seat and dropped a toy. I leaned over, looked at it, and said "Shit!" clear as say.

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:29 am
by Tenjen
when i was little i thought women had two hearts [beating bump kind] NO GUESSES to exactly how i came about this logical conclusion. But it was corrected when i vocalised the belief.