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Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:24 pm
by cyanide_sweet
Umm I woke up at close to noon... drank a lot of coffee... went out and saw a movie (Body Of Lies for the second time)... now I'm home, yay...

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:27 pm
by Don Alexander
You seem to reacquainted yourself with the English language as well :P

I hope no ill aftereffects from last night :ymhug:

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:32 pm
by cyanide_sweet
Oh god... I don't even WANT to recall what I said to you. I apologize for not acting like a normal human being. I hope I wasn't too stupid :ymhug:

Anyone who is curious, I was just a li'l bit drunk last night :P

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:37 pm
by Don Alexander
cyanide_sweet wrote:Oh god... I don't even WANT to recall what I said to you. I apologize for not acting like a normal human being. I hope I wasn't too stupid :ymhug:
=)) =)) =))

Is that why you're not on Skype?? ;;)

No, actually, it was very oo!! I had a lot of fun, even if it was a bit short. :P And I want to know more about the insane cat on the treadmill. ;)

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:08 am
by Phoenix
I slept on a couch in a tower block, in what must have been the noisiest city centre ever (!), then went to a two hour presentation to begin my ultimate season campaign, discussing new offensive and defensive tactics, then had an hours fitness session, that sucked out loud, followed by a 90 minute scrimmage, which was excellent, except that most of the offence made major errors in getting to grips with the new plays, and we got nailed by the defensive line.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:08 am
by Don Alexander
Ah, yes, another day spent without doing anything productive...

Goodnight, y'all!! :-* and :ymhug:

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:27 am
by Ithilion
going the way of the DonDon...

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:25 am
by Tenjen
Have a few minutes before class. long college day today.

Didnt watch valkyrie that day. I watched slum dog millionaire.

I'am happy i watched it. Gives a true image of an aspect of India's underbelly and its a movie which made me feel happy. Not a lot of movies have done that recently.

I''d recomend it.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:21 am
by Swayambhu
My day made me lol.

We got a phone stalker we had to call the cops on, but not before I could have fun with him.

He kept asking everyone what we were all wearing, and if we had porn, then would call back again asking the same stuff. (He did this for about 4 hours, actually.)

Whenever I picked up the phone, I said stupid stuff. Like, first time I did it, I put on my big black man voice. When he asked for my name, I told him it was Kelly, then asked if he was little, because "I loves 'em tiny. Makes 'em seem delicate, so it's all the more fun to break 'em when I'm playing with 'em." He hung up on me after that, but he called back again shortly after. I just kept messing with him until one of my coworkers got to the phone before I could, and went "srs business" on his ass. Not that it helped, lol.

Coworkers freaked out a bit too much over it. They should have just mellowed out and had fun with it until the cops could take care of him. Besides, I don't get why they just wouldn't block the number. We have that option, lol.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:44 am
by Tenjen
i remember me and other friends [seperately and together] doing that to the MSN species of that fellow.

Awesome times.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:01 am
by LadySheDevil
My favorite thing to do is harass telemarketers. It's fun having them hang up on me rather than the other way around for once! There's a couple weird numbers that call and there's deadness on the other end... 1-123-456-7890 and, the one that freaks me out, 0-000-000-0000. I'm not even kidding. I don't even bother answering.

As for what I've been up to... Too much work, running around making plans of the marital variety... I have my dresses narrowed down to... 3? xD I can't decide! (Only one of them is actually white... The other two are green. And the white one has green on it... I love green. :D )

And I've been playing Star Ocean: First Departure. I'm loving it. But handhelds make me sleepy for some reason, so I wind up dozing off in the middle of battles... >.> Oh well.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:18 am
by Asaryu
If you post up pics of them, we can vote on the dress!

My day involved card games, nommy food and lots of sitting.

I need exercise...I am turning into a lump.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:29 pm
by Don Alexander
It'll be one precious lump. :P :ymhug:

I'm all for LSD wedding dress modelling! :ympray:

Okay, my day so far...

... has been quite good, actually!! :)

I got my yummy rolls! om nom nom Then, I got here in time to see our secretary and sign my new work contract. Only after I had left I looked at it in detail and saw I was not just employed for a month (which always made me feel Oliver Twist-y "Please, dear institute, can I have some more??" :-s ), but until mid-summer!!! The pay still sucks (400 bucks a month...) but it's a measure of security! #:-s

Furthermore... Shortly after Christmas, my bank account included an extremely pleasant surprise. Instead of the expected 400, I got 976 Euros!!! I was actually a bit worried, maybe someone had done something wrong and they would want it back... :-ss But no, it seems Taxes are derived by assuming I was employed (under my old PhD contract) for 12 months, but I only had been for three months, so they had charged me too many taxes and I got a big return! YAY!! And in a few days, for once, I will also get 800 Euros.cWhile I am far from swimming in money, it does relive the aches a bit... Toward the end of last year, I was way too much in the red for my taste.

My cold is letting up, after just a few days. I think my immune system is not as good as it used to be, seems to me, all too often, if I switch places or travel somewhere, I catch a new bug. :( On the other hand, I never get more than a runny nose and some coughing, and it's gone in a few days. *pats immune system on shoulder*

Hope you are getting better SidewaysPlatypus, and hope you actually aren't getting sick, Lolli.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:31 pm
by Sideb(.)(.)bPlatypus
Messing with telemarketers. My mom got a sales call once and couldn't hear the lady speaking at one point, so she said "what?", and then the lady said "what" as well (...) so my mom kept it up and pretended she couldn't hear her and then hung up :p

I called in sick to work today, so my day will probably consist largely of sleeping.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:37 pm
by Don Alexander
Sleeping is good. Did it all weekend. Get better soon!! :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:

You will be needed to bite teacher-butts again soon. ;)