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Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:47 am
by MerchManDan
Sticking to the somewhat-sexual theme....

Last year I went to a branch of my bank to get a couple of blank checks. My mind was evidently elsewhere while I was waiting in line, though, 'cause when I finally got to the counter, I asked the teller for "two black chicks, please." :-o [sputter] "I, uh, I mean, two blank checks, please. Blank. Checks." :ymblushing:
And here's the best part: I actually may have said "blank checks" the first time, and the teller (a very prim-looking-grandma sort of lady) gave me a weird look because I was repeating myself. #-o Either way, if the floor were to open up and swallow me whole, I would have been so grateful.

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:56 am
by yiraheerai
My mother and I went on a vacation with her brother and his wife to Colorado. We went white water rafting. While we were in our (shared) room, my aunt asks to see my computer. Without thinking much of it, I let her look at it. This was a time when I didn't have much of a NSFW collection, but there was some. Naturally, she found it and decided to announce, "You have porn!" to my mother and my uncle. She found it hilarious. My mother raised an eyebrow at me. My uncle.. either REALLY didn't want to know that or he was disappointed that I had one or both.

...Somehow, I still haven't gotten any better at hiding it. Probably because I don't really need to.

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:03 am
by Kamino Neko
When I was in high school, I was in the school play most years. One year I had an enormous crush on one of the older girls in the play (I think I was in grade 10, she was grade 12).

We also frequently put on the plays for elementary school students.

This one particular year, we opened the floor up to questions from the audience at one of the elementary school shows.

One of the kids asked how much we'd had to rehearse. I tried to say that we'd rehearsed during school, as well as after and before and on weekends, but completely blanked on the phrasing. Said 'and during periods'.

So, the girl I was talking about above looks over at me, grinning, and says something to the effect of 'I had two periods in that time'.

Now, that flub would have been embarrassing enough, if it were pointed out by someone else. But from her? Mortifying.

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:23 am
by Sideb(.)(.)bPlatypus
yiraheerai wrote:The classic "sneeze n' fart." You sneeze and while you're unable to control your body during that time frame, your body decides to fart, too '-' Wait, that's more embarrassing than awkward.
That happened to me in second grade except no one noticed except for a guy friend of mine, so we both started cracking up and got in trouble for laughing :))

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:39 am
by Asaryu
So... I had a pretty awkward moment this morning about an hilarious moment last night.

The boy had his mate over last night pretty late, and I was exhausted by the time he went home. Brett had left his car at his mates place so they both went off together pretty late and I packed up and went to bed.

I decided to play a bit of animal crossing of the 3DS before I went to sleep but I kept nodding off while I was playing. There's no autosave in this game so I had to manually save to turn it off and go to sleep, but the save takes ages.

Turns out that I fell asleep while I was waiting for it to save, so when Brett got home he saw that the bedside light was on and he was all "Nyaawww... she waited up for me". He turns the corner of the bedroom and sees me sitting up with the 3DS in my hands, light on, and he tries to talk to me, but I'm so completely asleep I don't notice. i-)

So he physically pries the 3DS from my sleeping hands and finishes the save (turns out I fell asleep before I even finished pressing A to confirm the save). Then he must have smushed me over to the other side of the bed, turned off the light and gone to bed next to me. I didn't notice a thing until the morning when I thought about how I couldn't remember turning off the light or putting the 3DS away... the big clue though was that my hair was still in its ponytail. I take my hair out of its ponytail when I got o sleep so I don't end up with a headache from the hairtie.

Then he related all this to me in the morning, giggling and laughing the whole time. b-(

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:15 am
by Azrael
That was a nice moment until he laughed about it, that kind of ruins it a bit.

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:28 am
by Asaryu
Yeah, we were both pretty hysterical about it to be honest. It was pretty hilarious.

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:46 pm
by midgetshrimp
Nothing wrong with a bout of the early morning gigglefits. There are worse ways to start the day :)

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:51 pm
by MuchachoNL
Indeed you can, like me this morning, somewhere around 6 o'clock.
Girlfriend turns over to cuddle before she goes out of bed and to work, but cuddles me a wee bit too hard.
I accidentally ripped a fart so loud, it sent the cats flying off the bed and left my girlfriend almost catatonic.

She didn't say anything and left, while I had a laughing fit (couldn't help it: the cats flying off was too hilarious).

So I think I'm gonna be getting it tonight.

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:16 pm
by mikbuster
You think you're getting sex tonight because you farted? :p

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:37 am
by Weertangel
Poor cats, must have been green from the noxious gasses ;)

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:20 pm
by MuchachoNL
mikbuster wrote:You think you're getting sex tonight because you farted? :p
Quite the contrary :P
Turned out she was just too flustered to even speak.
We laughed about it last night :P

Re: Awkward moment thread

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:04 am
by Don Alexander
I have never posted in this thread.

Clearly, there are no awkward moments in my life. :ymsmug:

Ooooor... It's one unending moment of awkward while my existence insults all of creation. :| :-$