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PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:56 am
by Giz

Re: PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:12 pm
by OllieOrOlly
Nifty black underwear combo; while Sharon's personality so far has been a bit abrasive, she is indeed lovely. I wonder if she will remain in an *antagonistic* role or if there is any actual kindness in her?

As for Julian, well, to quote Steven Stotch from South Park, "That's your friend compass. It points up 'cos Jesus is your pal!" :))
Guess we can conclude that Aaron is at least more curious than disgusted?

Re: PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:37 pm
by Spidrift
I get the joke, but really, if it's looking back at Aaron, it means that Julian is excited about something. Presumably Felix. And other people would notice, even if they're too polite to comment.

But this is probably overthinking.

Re: PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:48 pm
by Chantaru
Aaron will be the one to understand that Julian is gay, when he turns to talk to Sharon and goes limp again.

Re: PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 1:17 pm
by brasca
Quite the dilemma. Aaron has his scantily clad sister or a naked man to look at.

Re: PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 1:42 pm
by UnsightlyWalrus
Just because Aaron's eyes are drawn to penis doesn't mean that ve's gay in any way as our eyes are naturally drawn to things that we don't see every day. And for most men it's not something we see every day on other men.

Re: PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 2:47 pm
by worldshaking00
Quite. It is an awkward position to be placed in, especially for a neophyte like Aaron. Should make matters even more interesting for him should Felix have nude Tracy out and about too.

As to Julian's lower part looking back at him, maybe the head is just starting to move his way and 'looking over the rim of glasses'-like (not that Julian's member wears glasses... just run with the imagery dammit :) ) We know Julian is enamored with Aaron, and proximity to him might be having Julian react... even if just a bit.

Aaron might not expect Julian to be gay if Julian 'wilts' before Sharon (or Tracy even). He might think Julian is just a real professional model and has better control than most men would. Of course, I would really love for Aaron to crack a joke like "you must be gay to not have had a hard-on around Tracy" to which Julian is *gasp* open and tells Aaron that he is. But a man can dream.

Sharon's shy side is fetching. Leaves some hope that she has redeeming qualities. Which also opens up the door for Aaron to also have a side that is more likable than 'annoying dork'.

Re: PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 4:24 pm
by Antinerd
At the end of the day even straight guys will more often than not be turned on by an erect cock on a good-looking guy. Studies of porn viewing habits confirm this over and over again but most people are not aware of it. Including Aaron obviously.

I think Dan Savage has mentioned more than once that he has had a lot of mail to deal with (he mostly doesn't publish them) from guys writing "OMG I think I'm gay!!!!!" Like a bunch of Aarons.

Now we need a pool to bet on whether Aaron loses his butt virginity to Julian or not. Not whether he is actually gay.

Re: PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 5:13 pm
by Error of Logic
Am I the only one who'd prefer to see more of the plot Aaron's writing than his need to choose between looking at the sister he detests and having a staring contest with Little Julian?

Re: PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 5:53 pm
by Spidrift
The problem with writing about a fictional character's writing is that the (real) writer can end up having to create work that isn't really their own style, and it's very hard to get that right. Felix says that Aaron's script is good (though presumably a bit rough around the edges), so Giz would have to create an unarguably good superhero story, in the voice of a geeky but not incompetent male teen. (I don't know how Giz feels about writing superheroes; I believe that she's done it, but just the once...) And if she slipped in some way, we'd all be arguing about whether that was deliberate or not.

It can be frustrating for us readers, but I can't blame Giz for telling rather than showing us the quality of Aaron's work here.

Whether torturing Aaron with a combination of sibling conflict, the Westermarck effect, and gay panic is any better is a different question.

Re: PTC 21-01-20 Leaps off the page

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 9:34 pm
by BlairFan
TMI, Aaron, TMI. :)) :)) :))