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12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 9:55 am
by Giz

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:01 am
by VoxPopuli
It's time to resolve this already.

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:03 am
by TheEighth
Those two chuckleheads though she was setting up a foursome, which is kinda dumb...but then again shows that even they think Peggy and Gary are together. Which shows a bit of jealousy from Yuki, from feelings for Gary still lingering I presume

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:10 am
by OllieOrOlly
I wonder if Yuki still holds a candle for Gary or she is merely expressing a lingering hint of jealousy? She does have a tendency to dwell on certain things, which is why it is difficult to figure out whether she is pining for Gary or is just the proverbial former high school prom queen runner-up...

I didn't expect this turn out, which I guess is good, but also makes a dead end of sorts. I suppose instead of being confronted by "happy couples," which was the purpose of the Vince and Jane development, perhaps Peggy is meant to realise how others that know her already think she and Gary go well together? Yuki's jealousy could be interpretated as being for the past, rather than coveting something for the future; hell, maybe Yuki had given up properly pursuing Gary because she believed he and Peggy were an item, therefore the point of the update isn't to help Peggy come to terms with her feelings, but rather to reignite Yuki's flame? (Or it could be both, I don't know... I'm not used to not being able to see possibilities right away)
Evidently Peggy sobers up like a champ, as there doesn't seem to be any indication she is still super drunk; she accepts one potential drink, so perhaps enough time has passed that she needs some hair of the dog that bit her?

Excellent art as ever. Yuki and Peggy are stunning, and their various expressions are portrayed to perfection; particularly impressive are Peggy's incredulous eyes and stance in panel 2, as well as Yuki's envious expression and standoffish pose in panel 3.

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:11 am
by TheFoolishOne
'Whaaa, that would be rude of us, of course not. But Gary is coming right?' LOL

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:19 am
by JoybuzzerX
Obviously a set up to show Peggy she may already have been in a relationship and didn't realize it. Or at the very least, that's what it looks like for everyone else.

I do like that Yuki is showing some jealousy, but then I did like the idea of Gary ending up with Yuki. :p

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:10 am
by brasca
The first couple was too monogamous and the second too polyamorous. Maybe the next one will be just right.

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:19 am
by Storm-forge mystique
Who would "the next one" be? Zii and Didi?

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:32 am
by samtheman
So much for my fanwank. It's looking like Peggy isn't getting a threesome here either. And since Peggy mentioned that Gary was probably at home that now means he isn't at home. Also I see that Yuki is still fixated on Gary. Gary doesn't want to be with you anymore Yuki. Let him go already.

Now to wait until Thursday's update with this arc slowly moving forward followed by yet another five days between updates. I do wonder if the creative team is trying to stretch this out until May 17th so they can end the comic on it's 11th birthday/anniversary.

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:39 am
by Maniax
I really wish this Peggy storyline would end soon. She doesn't want to be with Gary because she needs her sexual freedom, we get it. Let's move on.

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:49 am
by samtheman
Maniax wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:39 am
I really wish this Peggy storyline would end soon. She doesn't want to be with Gary because she needs her sexual freedom, we get it. Let's move on.
But the "He's not my boyfriend!" trope needs to be taken to it's inevitable conclusion.

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:55 am
by Spidrift
Interesting that Peggy's state of inebriation has apparently evaporated completely after the shock of finding herself in a room with a happy couple.
OllieOrOlly wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:10 am
I wonder if Yuki still holds a candle for Gary or she is merely expressing a lingering hint of jealousy?
I don't get any of that. Yuki just feels a little bit slapped down by Peggy's mild sarcasm in panel 2, and hits back with a sarcastic reference of her own to Peggy and Gary's frequent and unhidden kinky activities. She's not jealous - the thing with Matt is clearly working okay - just very mildly snarky. Or just, y'know, joking.

(Hmm, but when has Yuki seen Peggy getting kinky with Gary? Okay, quite possibly offstage at some point...)
JoybuzzerX wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:19 am
Obviously a set up to show Peggy she may already have been in a relationship and didn't realize it. Or at the very least, that's what it looks like for everyone else.
Slightly ironically, in that the last two pairs of characters who'd fallen into coupledom without noticing it were Matt and Kiley and Matt and Yuki.

But yes, whatever; the point here is clearly that Peggy is being shown that her relationship with Gary has solidified in ways that are flagrantly obvious both to her and to casual observers. She can fight it or she can accept it, but pretending it hasn't happened isn't going to work.

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:15 pm
by samtheman
What would be funny is if after Peggy leaves Matt's place she sees Gary on the street but Peggy still tries to avoid Gary by running away from him like Kiley did that one time.

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:23 pm
by Jackass Mask
Huh. Never thought I would actually rather have the wrestling storyline.

Re: 12-03-19 Not tied at the hip

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:03 pm
by capicoli
I was never too hot the gary/peggy thing and I got to say this isn't helping. Kinda feels like Peggy doesn't feel that way about him and is being forced by circumstances to be with him. I would have preferred someone more sure of their feelings like yuki or Kiley a while back. This just hasn't won me over like when zii realized she kinda likes gary.