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Re: 22-09-18 Probably the best time

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:55 pm
by Antinerd
A girl ought to be able to make it talent and not boob size. Didi is right. (Did I just type that?)

Re: 22-09-18 Probably the best time

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:42 pm
by Judanas
Antinerd wrote:
Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:55 pm
A girl ought to be able to make it talent and not boob size. Didi is right. (Did I just type that?)
I'll be sure to tell Vince Mcmahon when he's done molesting the divas.

Re: 22-09-18 Probably the best time

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:53 pm
by worldshaking00
Error of Logic wrote:
Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:35 pm
They're like particularly dimwitted lambs to the slaughter, aren't they?
I am pretty sure they are not part of Gigi's large bosomed 'affirmative action' league... despite trying to impress her with their padded bras and standing painfully at attention. Gigi has got to know the tricks, even if she hasn't personally had to use them. She pedals showmanship and skantily-clad flesh bouncing and jumping and pinning around four turnbuckles. Gigi is desperate(?) for something new to liven up Beatdown, has a recommendation from Lynn for a duo that
  • are conventionally pretty;
  • can wrestle proficiently alone or as a pair and have amateur-level reputable credentials;
  • are good friends (admittedly low priority from an employer's POV considering kayfabe etc. but useful for getting them both as a package);
  • but can turn on a dime and get violent with the other, with video evidence to prove it;
  • are susceptible to suggestion from those in a superior position than them (also admittedly, dangling the right carrot in front of them will also have similar results);
  • don't mind being in a lackey position (spying for Lynn in real life) in order to impress and/or get ahead;
  • (and probably most importantly) will work cheaply... or at least cheaper for the pair than a single "Didi" level wrestler... considering Gigi's negotiation tactics.
If there is an lesbian gaydar, Maura will show up as an enticement to that particular subset of the fanbase. Others might gravitate to Tess. Their fire & ice motif is also an easy marketing angle as a tag team.

To paraphrase the Monarch from Venture Brothers, "they both have the rare blend of expendable and <impressionable*> that makes them the perfect henchmen." {*my insertion}

Re: 22-09-18 Probably the best time

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:45 pm
by Spidrift
Cortez wrote:
Sat Sep 22, 2018 2:32 pm
Also, is it wrong that i feel this makes Damian look unprofessional?
It’s not exactly excessively professional, but they’re adults, he’s not a professional academic, and he probably doesn’t administer professional qualifying exams for them. So he’s not abusing much in the way of power or formal status.

(Nor is this really new. He’s pretty open about using his sex appeal to recruit students, and he flirted pretty hard with DiDi.)

Re: 22-09-18 Probably the best time

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:00 am
by Continuity
I suppose, given that they had "counterparts" in EC, that these 2 would be the ones chosen to get into the WW3, along with all the other wrestlers with doppelgangers in EC; was that planned? So this shouldn't be a surprise.

However, I was kind of rooting for Roxie. Somehow it feels she is still a loose end in the story arc.

Re: 22-09-18 Probably the best time

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:24 am
by cheshire86
Continuity wrote:
Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:00 am
However, I was kind of rooting for Roxie. Somehow it feels she is still a loose end in the story arc.
I have a hunch that Roxie and DiDi are on their way to being the tag team du jour locally, now that Maura and Tess have been called up to the Bigs. :) Who's to say if they become partners in the ring and in the sack, but I think it'd be cute if it worked out that way. Zii, on the other hand...

Re: 22-09-18 Probably the best time

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:52 am
by worldshaking00
While there are some similarities to Brandy & Didi and while weirder things have happened in this comic strip, I think that having Roxie & Didi hook up is asking too much. The seeds are there, but Roxie is just too caustic/grumpy/angry to put up with Didi's shenanigans. One glimmer of being a loyal nice friend doesn't erase the events that brought Didi into her life and how Roxie felt about Didi. Plus, we don't know if Brandy & Roxie are ever going to try an rekindle their love affair once Brandy is able to be out of the spotlight enough to be on the sly and start seeing Roxie secretly.

I think that Didi would be served better by having a 'happy ending' that involved her having an actual female friend unhindered with sexual feelings for her (and vice versa). She hasn't had one at least since puberty, although Sandra came close... until they started experimenting.

Re: 22-09-18 Probably the best time

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:12 pm
by Storm-forge mystique
Presumably Sandra is still in Montreal at this point, and probably knows better than to go down that road again.

Re: 22-09-18 Probably the best time

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:01 pm
by samtheman
worldshaking00 wrote:
Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:39 am
Don't think that arc could get wrapped up any better. Like, with several layers of wrapping paper-like wrapped up. Almost a shame to open it back up.
But the creative team will probably rip off all that wrapping paper like a child on Christmas morning.

Re: 22-09-18 Probably the best time

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:50 am
by worldshaking00
LOL. Maybe. If the present is nice, it might be worth it. Just, not another tie or pair of socks, please.
Storm-forge mystique wrote:
Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:12 pm
Presumably Sandra is still in Montreal at this point, and probably knows better than to go down that road again.
Hard to say. Time in the same comic can we wonky. Between comics, one might need a TARDIS. I'd like to have seen Didi and Sandra together, once again, as close friends (no need for sex, imo). However modeling has changed Sandra rather significantly. Whereas wrestling and discovering her inner lesbian hasn't affected Didi nearly as much. Maybe it is going to come as a finale? Maybe it won't, what with the vastly different storylines. We'll have to wait and see.