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Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:55 am
by Sai Rong
Yay! I'll go read it right now! :D

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:03 pm
by Sai Rong
Eh. I hate to be the voice of dissent, but it didn't blow me away. The art was fantastic, but I didn't like the lay-outs. The constant close-ups on the main character made me feel claustrophobic when I wanted to see more of the town. The splash page seemed a little over-kill, esepcailly since it was just an old lady that caused No Man to strike a pose. If it had been a humourous moment, it could have funny but since it was played striaght it just seemed funny unintentionally. Still, the art itself is drool worthy. My main reason for complaining is so you guys hurry up and put up the second chapter and prove me wrong :wink:.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 5:20 am
by BoogieBlade
Hi, this is Jason DeAngelis, writer and editor of No Man's Land.

First off, I'd like thank everybody for joining our ship! Welcome aboard! :P

Sai Rong, you've got a great eye, and made some excellent comments! Actually, you're right! The intention was to make the first panel on page 6 (after the spread) if not humorous, then at least somewhat ironic. As you pointed out, No Man makes a big dramatic pose in the splash page, and then the next thing we see is a little old granny pointing a gun at him. So, it is supposed to be a bit anticlimatic.

What happened was that Jennyson originally drew panel 1 on page 6 so that it stretched across the top of the page, so the irony was more obvious then. However, there was no panel with No Man's reaction shot. It went straight to the next panel with the granny. I felt that we needed to see No Man's reaction to justify granny's dialogue, so I asked Jen to draw it in. He squeezed it in up top and cut off some of panel 1. The trade-off was that it seems we lost some of the irony that we were shooting for in panel 1. Good catch, Sai Rong!

Anyway, these are just the first few pages, so please bear with us. In the beginning, we were still getting our little feetsies wet. I guarantee you that as the pages advance, the art (and the story, I hope!) get better and better.

Jen is like a Super Saiyajin -- he keeps on getting stronger and stronger. There's no telling how far he'll go. (Getting new artwork from him is like Christmas everyday!)

Anyway, thanks for the helpful and encouraging comments!



Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:07 am
by RobochangerEX
I've only gone through and sampled the manga of this site... so far No Mans Land has caught my attention the most.

There is a bit of over use of close-ups in the first chapter... which did set a great mood the first few pages. Though after a while it became a bit over kill. I can tell it's not for the lack of tallent -though I've seen many of artist do this to cover thier lack there of.

My compliments though on the over all look, style, mood, lighting (something sorely missing from most manga), line work, placement of speed lines, panel break down and placement, solid character structure... etc.

Of all the titles beeing offered here, NML is about the only one I would consider picking up at retail. This being only based on the art... if the over all story didn't hook me though, 'sigh.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:29 pm
by shiei
i have to agree that the artwork is really really great and cosistent (which i have trouble on doing) ...cant wait for the next installments...cant wait for the manga itself!!!
Master Jennyson...can i have your autograph?