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[RAILGUN] Omake and 4koma

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:01 pm
by ProvidenceBreaker
I noticed some of the Japanese volumes have extra content under the dust jackets. Is there any plan to utilize any of that content within the books? Volume 1 just recycles an image from the manga itself, but volumes 4 and 5 each have 4 comic strips printed on the actual cover. I haven't gotten a look at volumes 2, 3 or 6 yet to know if there is anything worthwhile there.

Re: Omake and 4koma

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:08 pm
by Adam_Arnold
ProvidenceBreaker wrote:I noticed some of the Japanese volumes have extra content under the dust jackets. Is there any plan to utilize any of that content within the books? Volume 1 just recycles an image from the manga itself, but volumes 4 and 5 each have 4 comic strips printed on the actual cover. I haven't gotten a look at volumes 2, 3 or 6 yet to know if there is anything worthwhile there.
Yes, we always try to include any content found under the dust jackets as an omake at the end of the books.

Note that we only have the rights to the "standard editions" of the Railgun manga. There have been a handful of "collectors editions" for a couple of the volumes that have alternate covers and poker decks with them, so we're unable to include that content as we don't have the rights to it.