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Next Step Towards the Evolution of MMO is a Step...Back?

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:04 am
by Mifune
The developers of all YOUR favorite MMOs needs to take a huge step back. Apparently so far back that they should be looking at Ultima Online.

[Build A Proper Sandbox MMO]

Everything he mentions in his article would be an improvement to MMOs. Include a character customization system as advance as AION's, Champions Online's, and Star Trek Online's, then add a bit of live content (I just want that) and the ability to FINALLY CLIMB THE DAMN WALL (the Parkour the hell out of the town) and you just might have a perfect game.

Hmm...I should really put some research into UO.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:14 pm
by DawnBandit
I'm reminded of an MMO where you're pretty much allowed to do anything, build towns and all that stuff, but you also need to gather food and such. I can't exactly remember the name...