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Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:44 pm
by kratos auron
well, from what you've said, all I could suggest is Cabal.

Shin Megami Tensei:Imagine, you capture demons by talking/threatening them. (Depends on the demon.) Of course, it's not a guaranteed catch, so often times you have to try over and over... (Which is indeed incredibly annoying at times.)
The battle system is all about timing. (at least when you're playing as melle.) It is clunky, but it's far more player interactive than any other MMO's battle system I've played. But from what you've said, I don't think you would ever really get into the game anyway.

Perfect World: What do you mean by C9? If you're talking about the Tideborn expansion, then no, it's not out yet... I'm highly excited about it though.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:01 am
by Mifune
No. Though I do look forward to the expansion. I'm talking about "Continent of the Ninth" AKA C9 which has an amazing character creator. Its an action based MMO that's live in S.Korea. I'm waiting for an International/NA release of the game...which might take some time. (How long was AION live before the NA/Euro version went live? And that was being backed by NC Soft.) There are actually a number of MMOs being developed in Korea that are similar to C9; TERA, Blade & Soul, Dragon Nest, Mabinogi Heroes, etc.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:20 pm
by lugger91
I played Warhammer: Age of Reckoning for two months. PVP gameplay was fantastic, even at low levels. Grinding, however, sucked, but I do like the idea of public quests and such. Has WoW taken notes? I haven't played in two and a half years.
In PVP, the classes are a little uneven and at higher levels, Chaos always loses due to serious population unbalance. For the price tag ($15 a month), I'd say that Warhammer would be worth it if you're bored with WoW and have extra income (reading other's comments, I understand some of you don't). However, my school server hates the game and I get dropped every other week for a week at a time. I ended up dropping the game because it's not worth fifteen bucks if you can only play for two weeks out of a month.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:28 am
by Mifune
WoW...the game that I got bored with in several minutes after making a character on my friends account. I have played WAR though, I have a free account (which only gets you to level 10) and I do love their PvP. If I had the money I would probably pay to play this game. Though I'm kind of hoping that Mythic decides to switch to a micro transaction. Or better yet, do what Turbine is doing for DDO. Dungeons and Dragons Online does both a micro transaction and has an optional subscription fee which comes with a number of benefits (more character slots, access to all the races and classes, special quests). Though honestly, I wish Mythic would make a new version of the game based on Warhammer Fantasy Third Edition...but I doubt it'll happen. Something like that would require lots of work, especially if they do it the way I envision it.

(Skill based that uses Careers instead of classes to determine your characters growth with ways to switch careers for a number of Advancement Points. More action based then click based.)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:18 pm
by lugger91
I absolutely see what you're saying there. MMOs seem to be stuck in a rut for the past couple years and many seem to have difficulty thinking outside the box. They seem to think that if they sell gimmicks and slightly better graphics, they can sell games. Because MMOs take large amounts of time to get to high levels, it would make sense that players have large amounts of brand loyalty in the market. Simply changing a few things won't get a game maker many players as one would expect. An overhaul is needed for the MMO world, else I end up playing Halo 3 for the rest of my life (a grim prospect mind you).

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:01 am
by Kaito The Ramen Bandit
currently waiting for Huxley from IJJI, C9, and Mabinogi Heroes lol

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:01 am
by guillx
Just started Grand fantasia.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:18 am
by DawnBandit
Picked up Dungeon Fighter Online a few days ago.

What I thought would be a fun time waster has consumed six hours of my day for three days in a row now. Must... burn... all... fatigue...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:58 pm
by kratos auron
Just something I thought I'd point out.


It is being done by Gpotato, and set to be released this spring. (Sadly, right now the game hasn't even entered closed beta testing, which I have signed up for.) This is a free to play nation Vs. nation game, (presumably the first of it's scale) It boasts huge nation wars of 1000 vs 1000, and always has "lobby" form PvP available, with modes such as team death match, and capture the flag. Supposedly even lower end computers are going to be able to handle the massive scale of this game due to coding, gender based classes (Less rendering needed in game) and other details.

I say this is one to look out for. Sign in's for Closed Beta are already over, even though we still have no idea how long it will be before CB starts. Expected to be released this spring.

My MMO's:

Still playing Shin Megami Tensei: IMAGINE fairly actively. If you ever feel like joining, feel free to give me a shout. I'm pretty much strong enough, and know enough about the game to help with almost anything.

Still play Perfect World and Cabal, but rarely. Mainly sticking to Megaten.

Everything else I've dropped.
Plan on picking up AIKA as soon as it comes out. Fairly excited, as I barely missed the CBT for megaten, so this will be the first MMO I caught at the very beginning.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:39 am
by Mifune
I hope the character customization for AIKA is better then what I've seen of it so far. Other then that; YAY, GUNS!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:54 am
by kratos auron
The character customization is fairly limited due to the fact that it needs to be that way.
With 1000 vs 1000 battles, no one wants load lag every time a new character model comes within your rendering distance.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:16 am
by Harukochan
I played Fly For Fun and Corum, but I haven't been on in years, due to various reasons, like reformatting my laptop and losing the 3d stuff in the process. Whenever I get a new computer, I may take up Corum again, and am considering Ragnarok.

Re: MMOGs Are Starting to Bore Me...

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:21 pm
by kratos auron

Mabinogi Heroes.
I honestly haven't tried Mabinogi Fantasy Life, mainly due to the cartoon style of graphics. I hear it's a pretty great game but... I haven't been able to get into a cartoon style ever since the disappointment of Wind waker.

Mabinogi Heroes, I haven't looked up much on it yet, but from these videos it looks amazing. It appears to have mechanics similar to console titles, destroyable and interactive surroundings, and real time combat.

In Korea, this is a free to play game, so I am assuming Nexon (Who HAS confirmed this game will get a North American release in 2010 Q4, under the name "Vindictus") is going to keep it free to play. This is a prequel to Mabinogi Fantasy Life.

But seriously, check this out. Here is a video of real gameplay in a closed beta against a boss. This is closed BETA! And it already works this well! Very impressive.

>_> I do believe that this thread is basically going to become me posting links and small explanations to new online games. Though I don't mind. I try a large amount of these kind of games for the hell of it, so if I can play the crap and inform others beforehand, it will prevent them from playing the crap. And I've played enough of them to usually realize what is bad or not fairly early in. Or not... I get addicted to things to easily... even if they are crap...