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AAL: 07/02/2013: post-fight consequence

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:56 pm
by Tenjen ... _-_page_12

to ... _-_page_18

skater boy loses some MAJOR MAJOR points. previously i already mentioned his major bias towards the competition and his immaturity on the matter (which is inexcusable since his advice giving shows he's capable of better. His White Knighting bullshit is gonna screw things up for him and any friendships with Luna and Francesca he hopes to foster

Just ramming him?! what. THE. FUCK. is he thinking? and then again when Luna steps inbetween.

Worst of all is that the prince is innocent in all of this and his goals noble towards asking Francesca about Luna.

While harsh, the principle is actually doing his job this time. though finding out who caused a fight is always important. He did however step in just before skater boy got his ass handed to him.

Seriously, its dishonorable to blindside an opponent unaware, and especially dishonorable to blindside him AGAIN when he's agreed to not fight at the request of a mutual friend for reasons that are based on bias and intentional misunderstanding.