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Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:46 am
by Lord Styphon
cr187 wrote:though u make a good point, i don't think that the seven seas group would really take what really happened in history and just plop it down in thier story.
You seem to be under the impression that anything Ryokosha and I argue about has something to do with the topic of the thread in which the argument takes place. You should probably do something about that.
Though in a way, i think they made the count an incompetent fool as an opening for someone even more (well a two year old is even more) dangerous.
While the Count isn't quite up there among the ranks of the greatest supervillains, he didn't exactly come across as imcompetent. Luna is a better fighter than he is, and we got some comedy at his expense, but he didn't come out looking like he was in over his head with the whole supervillain thing.
I think for some of the series the count will be the bad guy, and then he will start to help luna and the gang because someone less incompetent comes along and starts creating havic (sp?)
Since all the havoc currently being wrought is a result of the Count, I have to wonder where this conjectural Greater Threat is supposed to materialize from.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:29 pm
by Lord Styphon
cr187 wrote:incompetent isn't what i was tryin to say, but last night i couldn't think of the right word.
So what is the right word?
and lord styphon, i'd really appreciate it if u didn't poke fun at my ideas, not all of yours are great either
If you like, I can dispense with the levity and tell you directly why your ideas suck. Would you prefer that?

Case in point:
basically, i think around the sixth or seventh book, someone else will come out of nowhere and put havoc to a new level. maybe everyone will start to blame the count because they think he has somethin to do with it. then after project something-or-other, he will join up with luna to help fight a guy taking his rep.
The fact of the matter is that new, more powerful villains popping out of the woodwork is a horrible plot device. It's a trap that long-running series fall into because they need something to keep the series going when the old enemies have done their thing and been defeated and the heroes are stronger after beating all of them. Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z are good examples of this.

AAL is a series that covers a specific period of time, Luna's sophmore, junior and senior years in high school. Project Scion forms the Count's ongoing plan for world domination, which Luna works to stop while dealing with all sorts of growing pains during this time. The way it's set up, there's little room for a new villain to materialize out of thin air, and since Project Scion would likely still be ongoing, the Count would have little reason to work with the wasp that Luna is. Especially since his own plans would still be in progress, and Luna isn't likely to pass up a chance to stop them if given one.

And the fact that any new baddie really would have to come out of nowhere. The focus has been on von Brucken and his plans as the antagonist and prime factor in the overall plot. Introducing a new one at all, but especially with von Brucken still at large, would be a blunder. It would be filling a need that simply doesn't exist.

And tk421, I'd like it if you used the Quote tags. They make things look much better.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:53 pm
by Ryokosha
Lord Styphon wrote:While the Count isn't quite up there among the ranks of the greatest supervillains, he didn't exactly come across as imcompetent. Luna is a better fighter than he is, and we got some comedy at his expense, but he didn't come out looking like he was in over his head with the whole supervillain thing.
The Count strikes me as sort of a "Maxwell Smart" of villains. Never to rank amongst names like "Dr. No" but at the same time he does have a way of having things work for him at least in part. Perhaps partly by being surrounded by people that seem very competent and partly by being in the right place at the right time.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 6:57 am
by Lord Styphon
cr187 wrote:lord styphon, get it through ur thick-skulled-pee-brain-sized-mind that everyone has there entitled opions. and in my opion, one of these days u r gonna get *itch slapped hard.
You should not repost
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By moderators.
Have you guys ever noticed that Project Scion, actually means Project Heir, like an heir to the throne. I think (well dur) this is all in preperation for maybe Jonah to do something with the count to maybe launch an attack or somethin? Maybe, i dunno
Yes, I was aware of that. Judging by what's been said and done, Project Scion most likely involves taking the students of Nobel High, many of whom are the scions of the world's most powerful families, and cloning them. These clones would be programmed to obey Count von Brucken, and when they inherited and thus controlled their parents' power, von Brucken would in turn control them.

And the world.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:11 am
by Hakumei Hizoku
Can you guys give us just a little sneek peek on Vol.3?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:01 pm
by Nunzio DeFilippis
keyotoyume wrote:Okay I have another question! Will we ever get to see Francesa's Parents?
Eventually, but we haven't plotted the specifics yet.
cr187 wrote:will we have more of an inside look onto like control, doctor andy, and just the political and economical inside looks on the spy network they work for?
We got an inside look at Control's family life in Volume 2, but expect a lot more on her history and what she's capable of in future volumes. As for Dr. Andy, we have some big plots in mind for him down the line, and they'll explore why he gave up his thriving self-help business to work for the government.

An inside look at Luna's Agency will come if and when Luna herself decides to look into them.
cr187 wrote:also will we see how come the count is doin all this, and, to be literal, WHY?
The Count is typical of James Bond villains in his why... he wants to take over the world.

Though the details of his plan - and some of his personal history - will be revealed in later volumes.
Lord Styphon wrote:Because in actuality, Count von Brucken is a lab mouse pretending to be a European dictator as part of an elaborate scheme to take over the world.
"The same thing we do every night, Tromperie... try to take over the world."
Lord Styphon wrote:You don't need to be a big country to have a nice network of agents; you just need to be able to afford them. Consider all of those small Italian city-states in the Renaissance.

Since Bruckenstein is unlikely to have the same commercial that states like Venice, Genoa and Florence did, I'd guess that the Count's resources are largely inherited wealth. Possibly Nazi gold, as well.

Or maybe he's running on credit.

Why is he doing it? He's a supervillain; it's what they do.
Absolutely on the last bit. He is a supervillain.

As for how he can afford it... we'll explore Bruckenstein's history in later volumes, but it used to be an ally of the US, which means a lot of its resources come from the US itself.

But it also has resources of its own. We haven't decided yet, but we're thinking gold or uranium in that one mountain top.

As to the big debate on this thread about the realism of Bruckenstein...

Luna's context is very James-Bond-esque, so we haven't had to plot out the political realities as much as if it were a serious spy piece.

But at the same time, we try to make it fit enough that readers don't find it all too silly.

Bruckenstein would be 'kissed up to' because it served as a buffer against Eastern Europe during the Cold War. Plus, it had resources we could use.

That meant we armed it, gave it the best air and ground defense such a small country could muster and bought a lot from it, giving it decent wealth and technology.

Then the Cold War ended, and we realized we'd given a lot of support to a dictator.

Von Brucken's defenses are a bit of modern tech and a bit of James-Bond-tech. So our military would incur major losses going after it.

The only way to take it out quickly would be with a nuke, and the US would never nuke a mountaintop in Europe.

And who knows, maybe Von Brucken has a doomsday failsafe? Invade my country and I destroy the resources you're coming after. Or somesuch.
cr187 wrote:Though in a way, i think they made the count an incompetent fool as an opening for someone even more (well a two year old is even more) dangerous. I think for some of the series the count will be the bad guy, and then he will start to help luna and the gang because someone less incompetent comes along and starts creating havic (sp?)
Well, Von Brucken was never designed to be incompetent as an adversary.

He's buffoonish as a person, that's true. But his people get things done well enough. Ask poor, kidnapped Principal Ohlinger how much she wishes they were incompetent.
Lord Styphon wrote:The fact of the matter is that new, more powerful villains popping out of the woodwork is a horrible plot device. It's a trap that long-running series fall into because they need something to keep the series going when the old enemies have done their thing and been defeated and the heroes are stronger after beating all of them. Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z are good examples of this.

AAL is a series that covers a specific period of time, Luna's sophmore, junior and senior years in high school. Project Scion forms the Count's ongoing plan for world domination, which Luna works to stop while dealing with all sorts of growing pains during this time. The way it's set up, there's little room for a new villain to materialize out of thin air, and since Project Scion would likely still be ongoing, the Count would have little reason to work with the wasp that Luna is. Especially since his own plans would still be in progress, and Luna isn't likely to pass up a chance to stop them if given one.

And the fact that any new baddie really would have to come out of nowhere. The focus has been on von Brucken and his plans as the antagonist and prime factor in the overall plot. Introducing a new one at all, but especially with von Brucken still at large, would be a blunder. It would be filling a need that simply doesn't exist.
We intend to have threats and enemies for individual volumes that are not directly Von Brucken related.

But we do not intend to replace Von Brucken as the major threat. He's our badguy, and Project Scion is his scheme, which will be the basis of the entire series.

The series starts when Luna finds out about it, and ends when the threat is 100% defeated.
Lord Styphon wrote:How is he doing it? I know exactly how his plan is supposed to work. It's brilliant, really. And says something about Luna and Co. that they can't fit it together themselves (even if they don't have a piece of the puzzle that we do).
Well, Luna and company don't have access to all the scenes we do. We don't intend for Von Brucken's plot to be a major mystery... it will be revealed to the reader way before it's revealed to Luna and Control.

But we've seen the speculation here and won't say one way or another except to say that some of the guesses are very logical and some are very close to the truth.

As I said, all will be revealed to the readers long before it's revealed to Luna. And at that point, some of you may feel very smart.
Twilight Bandit wrote:Can you guys give us just a little sneek peek on Vol.3?
A visual sneak peek? That's up to Seven Seas.

A teaser on the plot?

Let's see...

We see Luna as a 6 year old.
Luna and Francesca have a major falling out.
Jonah beats the crap out of someone.
Oliver's life gets deeply complicated because of Luna.
Dr. Andy and Control get a bit closer.
Mr. Dreyfus tries to find Principal Ohlinger and gets pretty close to Luna's secrets as a result.
We see Control in action.
A major character dies.

That enough of a teaser?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:12 pm
by Harukochan
This isn't just getting good, it's getting great! :twisted:

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:13 pm
by Hakumei Hizoku
Nunzio DeFilippis wrote:
Twilight Bandit wrote:Can you guys give us just a little sneek peek on Vol.3?
A visual sneak peek? That's up to Seven Seas.

A teaser on the plot?

Let's see...

We see Luna as a 6 year old.
Luna and Francesca have a major falling out.
Jonah beats the crap out of someone.
Oliver's life gets deeply complicated because of Luna.
Dr. Andy and Control get a bit closer.
Mr. Dreyfus tries to find Principal Ohlinger and gets pretty close to Luna's secrets as a result.
We see Control in action.
A major character dies.

That enough of a teaser?
Not enough XD It's never enough with AAL. But I wonder whos the major char that will die?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:37 am
by Harukochan
Maybe Elizabeth? :sweat:

No, it's probably someone important.