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Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:51 pm
by viet_tomboi
oooh by the way...where IS Bruckenstein? isnt in Europe or something?? my mom was gessing it was in Germany (as an anz lol)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:17 pm
by viet_tomboi
*i hope that people are LOOKING for the answer...either that or they're not replying...='[*

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:08 pm
by Adam_Arnold
Please don't bump your own post 3 times in a row. Luna's writers only check this thread every week or so, but they will see your question and answer it.

My own guess...
If you've ever seen or read "The Princess Diaries," then the country is kind of like how that one is.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:08 am
by viet_tomboi
:sweat: oooh ok thanks

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:04 pm
by Adam_Arnold
Kataro KUN wrote:I was just Wondering ....... Why does oliver hate his dad? he seems pretty cool to me :thumbup:
You'll find out in Volume 4.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:18 pm
by 59cobalt
Adam Arnold wrote:
Kataro KUN wrote:I was just Wondering ....... Why does oliver hate his dad? he seems pretty cool to me :thumbup:
You'll find out in Volume 4.
Which was just delayed 'til November. T_T


Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:08 am
by viet_tomboi was delayed?! i never knew that!! :saaad: :anger2:

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:31 am
by Nunzio DeFilippis
Hey all,

Sorry it took so long for me to reply. It's been crazy busy around here, but I should have replied to some of these questions a long time ago, so I apologize.
kakashi wrote:Cool, ok back to the question, do you think Luna will end up with Jonah or Oliver? they both have feeling for her, but only one can win her heart, who will it be?
That's not a question I can answer, except to say, keep reading and see.

Oliver's feelings aren't going away anytime soon.

And big changes are in store for Oliver, changes that will affect the Luna/Oliver dynamic quite a lot.
goagles62 wrote:Why is Oliver's Hair Green!?
Shiei's choice, I think.
goagles62 wrote:And is it natural?
Not sure how it could be... unless Oliver was genetically engineered too...

That's a joke. There's not a lot I will spoil in advance, but that's one thing I can say unequivocably... Oliver wasn't genetically engineered.
goagles62 wrote:Oh and my friends are keep saying Oliver is going to die!
Why do they say that? Any particular reasons for that theory? Something they see us setting up? Or just gut feeling?
goagles62 wrote:Please tell me no one dies, please!
Someone dies in Volume 4, but I won't say if it's anyone important. It could be a completely new character... or it could be a big regular character... You'll have to read Volume 4.
goagles62 wrote:And if you say that the forth and fifth book hold the answers, it sorta makes it feel like that will happen.
Oops. That's kinda what I said.
kakashi wrote:The chance of one of the main character die is not that high, but i'm still worrys about Oliver, his dad is working for the Count. I woder how he feel when he find out that his own father is trying to kill the girl he love.
Well, he'd need to find out two things in that case - one, his father works for Von Brucken... and two, that Luna is a target of Von Brucken's plans.
viet_tomboi wrote:oooh by the way...where IS Bruckenstein? isnt in Europe or something?? my mom was gessing it was in Germany (as an anz lol)
It's a small country in Europe, right on the edge between Eastern and Western Europe, which made it a valuable US ally in the Cold War. Now that the Cold War is over, the US has realized it's got a pretty crazy leader.
Kataro KUN wrote:I was just Wondering ....... Why does oliver hate his dad? he seems pretty cool to me :thumbup:
He doesn't hate him. He's embarassed by him. His Dad just says whatever he feels like saying, which for a teen can lead to some mortifying spots (like the lovely ladies comment).

Oliver is a little harsh on his Dad, but his dad is a bit of a screwup... I mean, he has a good job at the UN and he's risking it all to work for Von Brucken. Not a smart guy, that Charlie.

We'll learn a bit more about Oliver's family situation in Volume 4, as Adam points out.

Here's a post from another thread. Just thought I'd move it here...
Dasaru wrote:I would like to know how you guys (the writers) came up with such an origional idea as Amazing Agent Luna. Was it one of you that came with the idea? Or was it a person that paid you to develop the story?
Luna's story was ours. We brought the idea to Seven Seas. We had a different idea we pitched them, one that was based on something we'd tried to develop at Marvel when they were looking for manga-esque stories. And that story was a good fit for Shiei. But then Marvel started saying they wanted to revisit the other idea, and we told Jason we'd find another idea that was a good fit for Shiei.

Luna is what we came up with.
Dasaru wrote:Also, I've been wondering... Do you guys create the first few mangas in a script form before you start making it, or is the entire manga planned out in writing before you start?
We map out the series in very broad strokes, then plot the volume out in detail. We start writing, and as we write each chapter, it goes to Shiei for her to do her magic. We sometimes adjust the pacing as we see how long the previous chapters took, page-wise.

But she's doing the art as we write the next chapter. And we always rethink the next volume once we finish the current one, because plans change as you write and as you see what an artist as talented as Shiei came up with, and what she liked to draw.
Dasaru wrote:What kind of ideas did you guys get when writing parts of the manga? Do you guys still edit and revise parts of the manga as it goes along?
Yeah, we edit as we see the art, adjusting the dialogue as we go. After we write a script (in screenplay format), Shiei does the art, and we do a lettering script, placing the dialogue in balloons. That lettering script often involves a lot of adjusting and rewriting - we improve the script, we also adjust based on the artwork.
Dasaru wrote:Also, thanks for your time - it's well appreciated!
You're very welcome. As I mentioned before, sorry it took so long to get some of these replies.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:30 am
by viet_tomboi
Dasaru wrote:So does that mean, after the Amazing Agent Luna series ends, you and Christina Weir (the writers) will be jobless? Does that make your job with The Seven Seas temporary? Or will you guys help out with other stories made here?

Also, do you guys have previous training and/or work in the field? Or can someone like myself come up to a company like the Seven Seas and propose a story idea? (I have a feeling what the answer's going to be, but I just want to make sure)
wow nice questions! but i have some, too. how long do you think the Luna series will be? up to book 15? 20? when Luna graduates?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:44 am
by Lord Styphon
viet_tomboi wrote:wow nice questions! but i have some, too. how long do you think the Luna series will be? up to book 15? 20? when Luna graduates?
ITT we don't read this thread.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:31 am
by viet_tomboi
oh...i so knew that! =p :sweat:

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:36 pm
by Nunzio DeFilippis
Dasaru wrote:So does that mean, after the Amazing Agent Luna series ends, you and Christina Weir (the writers) will be jobless? Does that make your job with The Seven Seas temporary? Or will you guys help out with other stories made here?
Christina and I are freelance writers. We take our ideas to publishers and try to get them to buy/publish them. In other cases, we take our services to publishers, and try to get them to hire us to write their books (like our work on New X-Men and Adventures of Superman).

So, it's not so much that the job is temporary. It's that the career path we chose makes us our own bosses, and our relationships with publishers become ones with an expiration date.

That being said, we will keep pitching ideas to Jason and Seven Seas, because we like the quality of the books when they publish them.

Also, we have Destiny's Hand going with Seven Seas as well, so we won't be done with Seven Seas until both series are over.

Oh, yeah... we're also going to try to launch a Series 2 of Luna.
Dasaru wrote:And if you guys are moving around a lot, it must be difficult finding work!
Freelance life can be pretty nerve-wracking, in terms of finding steady income.

But location-wise, we stay in one place. We only travel for meetings as needed.
Dasaru wrote:Also, do you guys have previous training and/or work in the field? Or can someone like myself come up to a company like the Seven Seas and propose a story idea? (I have a feeling what the answer's going to be, but I just want to make sure)
Seven Seas' story submission policies should probably be explained by someone at the company - I think they're discussed elsewhere in the forums.

Christina and I had a pretty full resume before coming to Seven Seas.

We'd worked in American comics, both superhero stuff, and alternative stuff like thrillers and romantic comedies. We also have experience writing for television (ARLISS and Kim Possible).

The trick is finding someone who will read your work. Then you impress them enough to hire you. Then you have a credit to your name and that makes you less of an unknown and more publishers will talk to you. That's why webcomics and self-publishing are popular - you get to produce something that people can look at and judge.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:57 pm
by 59cobalt
Nunzio DeFilippis wrote:Seven Seas' story submission policies should probably be explained by someone at the company - I think they're discussed elsewhere in the forums.
