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Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:06 am
by Ryokosha
Lord Styphon wrote:No, NSA is one of the foreign intelligence agencies in the U.S. Intelligence Community. What it does is intercept signals, decode them, and glean intelligence information from them. (Hence, Signals Intelligence, or SIGINT. =D ) That being said, its operations are (supposedly) mostly concentrated at its headquarters at Fort Meade and various listening stations; it's not supposed to have any combat forces at its actual disposal.

( . . . )

And YOU thought Amazing Agent Luna was just a simple (yet rad) story of a teenage girl spy and her trying to adapt to high school life. =P
Well that's sort of what I mean though, it listens to foreign but it is not suppose to have listening posts in downtown Berlin, that is sort of what I mean in this case about working only in the U.S. boundaries.

Actually the FBI is one of the few that has such ability I think, since they were the ones that spearheaded such "successful" operations as Ruby Ridge and Waco.

Yup, Luna has so many underlying implications it's scare. :happyhappy:

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:09 am
by Adam_Arnold
Ryokosha wrote:Another question that came to mind for me is how much does the Principal actually know?
Volume 2 might just hold some of that answer.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:56 am
by Ryokosha
adam_omega wrote:
Ryokosha wrote:Another question that came to mind for me is how much does the Principal actually know?
Volume 2 might just hold some of that answer.
Awesome, now I really can't wait for Volume 2.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:11 am
by Lord Styphon
Ryokosha wrote:Awesome, now I really can't wait for Volume 2.
Amazing Agent Luna: Volume Two

Street Date: On Sale Now

It would appear that your wait is over, then. =D

Going back to the other thing...
it listens to foreign but it is not suppose to have listening posts in downtown Berlin
Why not? Is the U.S. Embassy in another part of town? =P

A lot of these listening posts are scattered around the world, at U.S. military bases and the like. (I think there's a major one at an airbase in England). And, in the Cold War, at least, there would have almost certainly been one in Berlin. Specifically, West Berlin. Sticking a listening post in the middle of Warsaw Pact territory, with both the East German government and the headquarters for the Soviet army poised to invade Western Europe (and where outside of a war, the Communists couldn't touch it) was just too perfect to pass up.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:19 am
by Ryokosha
It's out but is it only out in comic shops or places like Borders and Barnes and Noble as well?

Well if you want to get nitpicky it is true that both Embassy's and Military Bases within another country are technically the soverign soil of the nation they represent. So when you are within a U.S. Embassy technically you are not subject to the laws of the country just outside the gate but instead you are subject to U.S. laws.

It could also be illegal even if too well to pass up. Of course there are always the funny stories of the Nazi's and British I believe both having listening posts within the same building somewhere in Switzerland a supposed nuetral country sometime during WWII.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:57 am
by Adam_Arnold
Ryokosha wrote:It's out but is it only out in comic shops or places like Borders and Barnes and Noble as well?
Comic-Con was the very first place to get it. We literally got the boxes shipped to us directly from the printers and took them straight to Comic-con with us.

It hits comic shops this week (July 20) and then will be in bookstores in about two weeks.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:54 am
by Ryokosha
Okay cool I will check this weekend at my local comic shop then.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:54 pm
by Harukochan
The way this "Barnes & Noble" is, it'll be two months before it gets on the shelves. That's how it was back home with the Last Hope book, nobody had it.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:52 pm
by Ryokosha
You mean your local one? Mine has it right on the day or the next day after the estimates that Adam has given in the past.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:57 pm
by Nunzio DeFilippis
Ryokosha wrote:You mentioned Luna's grandparents, these are people that will be supporting characters in Volume 2 that we haven't met yet, but might b ecome important supporting characters for more then just Volume 2?
As you'll see when you pick up Volume 2, her grandparents are very important supporting characters in Volume 2. They may return in later volumes.

A different supporting character is introduced in Volume 2 who actually lives nearby, so he will be a more recurring figure.
Lord Styphon wrote:Just what agency *does* Luna work for? It's probably not important, but I just like to put names to foces and/or organizations. At least in regards to the good guys.
Luna works for "The Agency." We have yet to confirm if that is the NSA or the CIA or some new shadowy group. Because they are covertly operating in the U.S., if they were CIA they'd be breaking the law. So we've kept it vague for that reason.

Well, that reason, and because keeping it vague makes them seem a bit more like a shadow group that people may have never heard of.
Lord Styphon wrote:Secondly, just where is Nobel High? The UN connection suggests somewhere close to New York, but this isn't explicitly mentioned (unless I missed it) (EDIT: which I did). This also factors into the whole agency thing, since it would (theoretically) rule the CIA out as Luna & Company's employers.
Nobel High is located in New York City and is directly affiliated with the United Nations.
Ryokosha wrote:Is it more a "shadow group" where maybe 9 out of 10 people working for it don't know who they are working for and one most people aren't aware of it existing or maybe what it does even if they know of it's existance?
As I said, we may write in an official answer someday, but for now, we keep it vague so that people will assume exactly what you're suggesting here. A shadow group that very few really know about.
Ryokosha wrote:Another question that came to mind for me is how much does the Principal actually know? Maybe it is just what I was seeing in various scenes but at times it seems she or even Mr. Dreyfus might be getting an idea more is going on then meets the eye since Luna's arrival.
Volume 2 explores the possibility of one of those two getting a bit curious about Luna's double life.

The other is a bit more oblivious, but may not be able to stay oblivious for long.

Volume 2 was not out at my local comic shop last week. Hopefully this week. But it should be out in most comic stores by now, and bookstores soon. Can't wait to hear what everyone thinks!

And Volume 3 is now underway! Lots of fun plot twists coming up.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:47 pm
by Nunzio DeFilippis
azure wrote:Since the technology to create Luna was pretty advanced can we assume that the tech in AAL is far above real life? or is it only the agency that have access to it?
The agency has decent technology, especially in the area of genetic engineering. And there may be gadgets and machines that are fairly fantastic - see the end of Volume 2 for one of those. But the general technology of this story is modern.

Like I said, there are devices and inventions that are beyond modern tech - stuff at the heart of Project Luna and other stuff at the heart of Von Brucken's plan. But those breakthroughs are written as such, and you should assume the average tech on the street is the same as in the real world.
Sapphire120614 wrote:Since Olivers popularity is so high how is every going to react
React to what?
Cavalier wrote:im just hoping that oliver gets to end up with luna :P
You'll just have to wait and see.

Oliver's not going anywhere. Then again, neither is Jonah.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:28 pm
by Adam_Arnold
Nunzio DeFilippis wrote:Like I said, there are devices and inventions that are beyond modern tech - stuff at the heart of Project Luna and other stuff at the heart of Von Brucken's plan. But those breakthroughs are written as such, and you should assume the average tech on the street is the same as in the real world.
Another way to think of it is that it's sort of like the tech found in a Bond film. You just have to assume that there is a department full of scientists and programmers working on new inventions for these organizations. That kind of thing happens even today and we don't know about it until years later.