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Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:53 am
by kratos auron
You can stop it now.

You seem to be forgetting one big rule in anime and manga. When someone tells someone else about their emotions, the guy is always right. (Mason)

Anyways, Morgan and Alex ended up together. There;s nothing you can do about it. And I still say Alex x Morgan ftw.

Also, they are fictional characters. Argue all you want, it's not going to help your life at all. If you want to argue on the internet, at least keep a cool head and remember that what you're arguing about doesn't even exist.

I just do it because 1) It's fun. 2) I like to see how emotional some people get when you put down their favorite things.

This is a perfect example. This guy got death threats for this parody.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:03 am
by Lord Styphon
I can? Where from.
There are these stores. They're called "bookstores", and they sell things called "books". In its printed form, Aoi House is also a "book", and can be purchased from a "bookstore".

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:14 pm
by MidnightVampricKisses
Okay, now this has gotten out of hand.

It's OVER. It's through. There's nothing more we can do anymore. Elle is single and Alex is with Morgan. I'll still love EllexAlex but there's nothing we can do anymore. We can still love our ship because it's there, just not the way we wanted it.

You can cry and moan and groan and throw temper tantrums and boycott Aoi house but it's not gonna change anything at all.

Come on, Neagi. Pull yourself together man! It's over! It's through. We cant do anything about it anymore. Just let it go. From an EllexAlex fan to another, let it go man...

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:55 am
by Lord Styphon
Neagi wrote:don't be synical with me jackass, i thought this was a web based comic only. Clear and simple mistake.
The word you're looking for to describe the attitude I displayed is "sarcastic", not "cynical" or "coy".

But if you want me to not be sarcastic towards you, you shouldn't make it so easy. "Making it easy" in this case means being as ignorant a slut as Jane Curtin about something so basic about something you've exerted lots of energy obsessing over. Given that level of obsession, you have no excuse for your ignorance.

Particularly since the Notes that accompanied some of the pages you used to try to support your tl;dr argument about your OTP (these three pages, specifically) contain clear references to a print version being available in stores on specific dates in the future, and it would have been so simple to just scroll down and read them.

You really have nobody but yourself to blame for this.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:00 am
by Adam_Arnold