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Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:38 pm
by All_Hail_Otakudom
Ok, How bout The Simpsons or Family Guy?

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:45 pm
by Adam_Arnold
All_Hail_Otakudom wrote:Ok, How bout The Simpsons or Family Guy?
I like them both, but Family Guy and South Park are far better shows than The Simpsons the majority of the time.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:18 am
by All_Hail_Otakudom
What do you think of Itasha? Would you ever do it? I would.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:28 am
by Lord Styphon
What do you think about this Perry Bible Fellowship comic?

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:14 am
by Peregrin
Adam Arnold wrote:
All_Hail_Otakudom wrote:Which of the Doctor's incarnations is your favorite?
As a die hard Dr. Who fan... I don't have a favorite. It's just impossible to pick a favorite as there are things about each and every one of them that I enjoy.

[It's also worth pointing out that I've been a fan of Dr. Who and The Prisoner for much, much longer than I've ever been a fan of anime.]
Oh, come on. Tom Baker and David Tennant are the best, and you know it.

Also, I am disappointed in your statement about the Simpsons. I at least hope that you'll give Futurama the credit it deserves.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:03 pm
by Adam_Arnold
All_Hail_Otakudom wrote:What do you think of Itasha? Would you ever do it? I would.
As long as my car starts, I could care less what it looks like... >_>

Lord Styphon wrote:What do you think about this Perry Bible Fellowship comic?
I assume they're talking about Tokyopop? Hard to tell.

Peregrin wrote:Oh, come on. Tom Baker and David Tennant are the best, and you know it.
Not the biggest Tom Baker fan, to be honest. I always liked Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison, Colin Baker (especially in the audio dramas), and Sylvester Mccoy more. Again, I like them all for different reasons, though.

Also, I am disappointed in your statement about the Simpsons. I at least hope that you'll give Futurama the credit it deserves.
I hated Futurama when it first came on, but I like it's later stuff. And I did enjoy some of the movies.

But no, I watch The Simpsons, but it can be downright boring sometimes. They try too hard to be of the moment and it shows.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:22 pm
by Harukochan
It's been a while, but how is your cat?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:24 pm
by Chaotik
How did you get the idea for Aoi House?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:45 pm
by Adam_Arnold
Harukochan wrote:It's been a while, but how is your cat?
Luna's fine. Really lazy... typical cat.

Luna had kittens about a year+ ago and we kept one of them. Named her Zelda. She used to be really mean, but she seems to have gotten out of that bizarre phase. Though, she does seem to like laying on and playing with plastic bags. o_O

Chaotik wrote:How did you get the idea for Aoi House?
Since even I've forgotten some of the details, I tracked down one of the old interviews I did where the subject came up... so here's an excerpt from an interview I did with early last year:

Code: Select all

BA: Your own Aoi House is the only manga that is presented in its entirety on the site. Like Megatokyo, it’s all up there for free. How did you develop the story?

AA: With lots of PEZ and Diet Pepsi!

But seriously, I first had the idea of doing a series about an American anime club back in fall 2004. I had been brought to Seven Seas’ attention through my work on the webzine I ran at the time, Animefringe: Online Anime Magazine, as someone that could create and run their website. I discovered that they were doing original manga using American writers and artists from all over the world, so I asked them if they’d be open to me proposing a story, which they were. I then gathered my thoughts for a while and come up with a story set in an anime club that’s a pretty different than what we see today. The original proposal had a bit of a shoujo slant to it with the two female leads that ran a college anime club and have aspirations of becoming manga creators...and one friend just happens to have romantic feelings for the other.

Obviously, that’s not the story that eventually got written. Jason DeAngelis liked the idea of a story about an anime club, but felt the story needed to be more harem-esque. So I put my original proposal aside and started over from scratch with two straight guys that are forced into joining a live-in anime club house that they later discover is run by all sorts of crazed yaoi fangirls. Unfortunately, Jason was unsure about how it would do in the market, and even less sure about a first time writer (I was doing English adaptation work on manga and freelance writing at the time, but this would’ve been my first self-written series). So we agreed that I would write the series as an online webmanga, and based on how it performed online, we’d consider putting out print compilations later. Little did we know what an immediate, overnight hit it would be!

Within days of launching the series, we started trying to figure out how we could eventually do print volumes of the materials. At the time, Jim Jimenez was the artist and the series was being written panel-by-panel like an American comic with each page being episodic with mini gag-based story arcs. As fate would have it, Jim had another job offer to do a full-length series, so it was decided that Aoi House would be completely relaunched as a full-fledged manga with fan-favorite artist Shiei (Amazing Agent Luna) bringing her own unique style of cute to the series.

The cool thing about the relaunch was that it felt like a course correction. It allowed me to go back to an earlier version of my proposal and add back in Sandy’s pet hamster Echiboo, which meant enormous new possibilities for the story, as it allowed for us to tell a fresh new version of the story that people hadn’t seen already. And from a storytelling perspective, I was able to start writing the series in screenplay format, which meant that instead of dictating everything panel-by-panel, Shiei was free to plot out the panels and pace the scenes as she saw fit. Essentially she became the director, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Shiei has an amazing eye for layouts.

You can also find the original pre-Aoi House proposal I wrote here:

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:54 am
by All_Hail_Otakudom
Have you ever played a Visual Novel?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:39 pm
by Adam_Arnold
All_Hail_Otakudom wrote:Have you ever played a Visual Novel?
When Mixx Entertainment first showed up, one of the first non-products they put out in late 1997 was the PC game Graduation as part of their short-lived "MixxGames" subdivision. Graduation was actually a release of Graduation II, but still, it's one of the first Japanese visual novels we got here.


I've also played through three of Himeya Soft/C's Ware's h-novels from back in the day--Love Potion, Amy's Fantasies, and Glo-ri-a. My favorite of the three was the hilarious Amy's Fantasies.


And I've played through Tokimeki Memorial: Dancing Summer Vacation (in Japanese) thanks to a printed out translation of one of the dialogue paths.


Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:48 pm
by All_Hail_Otakudom
Ahh, anyway, what's did you think of The Faculty? & what is your favorite movie?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:50 pm
by Adam_Arnold
All_Hail_Otakudom wrote:Ahh, anyway, what's did you think of The Faculty? & what is your favorite movie?
I actually haven't seen The Faculty as of yet, which is strange as I tend to like Robert Rodriguez's non-kiddie movies. I'll have to pick it up at some point.

As for my favorite movie... that's reeeeally tough. I watch between 3 and 7 movies a weekend now, so I haven't had much of a chance to stop and think about it. I'm just more interested in seeing as many movies as I can.

That said, I have been collecting every movie that certain directors have put out. Guillermo del Toro, the Coen brothers, John Carpenter, Sam Raimi, Peter Jackson, and David Cronenberg to name a few.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:34 am
by All_Hail_Otakudom
Seriously? It's been out for almost 11 years now! At least say you've seen From Dusk till Dawn.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:36 am
by Lord Styphon
All_Hail_Otakudom wrote:Seriously? It's been out for almost 11 years now!
So? What does that have to do with anything?