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21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:11 am
by Giz

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:16 am
by Paul
A succubus that doesn't know how to act or feel around males? Wow, Chloe, you have a lot to learn.

It seems Brooke Lynn is indeed the green-haired girl, and has a snake named Seth. :)

And Chloe hates snakes! :ymdevil: Out come the wings! :))

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:33 am
by vince3
This is gonna get ugly in a hurry, I think.......

But before then, Chloe is very lovely..... :x :x :x :x

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:43 am
by Gredinus
Chole is starting to look a bit to feminine (aka DiDi Clone).
Makeing her a little bit chubbier would solve that problem and it would make her look cuter like in the beginning (I know instant puberty changes things).

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:49 am
by Don Alexander

Awww, Chloe is so beautiful with her blush in the first panel.

And I must say... snake girl is highly attractive!! :-o

Two more things: Snake girls attire is a bit dissheveled...

And is Chloe's mom dead? :-s

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:07 am
by CaliforniaDave
What - a snake but no badgers? :D

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:55 am
by sandman
Paul wrote:It seems Brooke Lynn is indeed the green-haired girl, and has a snake named Seth. :)
I think that might be her name too .I'vebeen waiting to see who the green haired girl was since she first appeared early in the comic and I also think the snake might be a boy in his snake form trying to get close to Chloe.
Also where's Blair I want to see more of him.

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:17 am
by Paul
A boy in snake form? Didn't even consider that!

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:22 am
by ThunderBird
Don Alexander wrote:And is Chloe's mom dead? :-s
I think she went to hell. Lame Pun :D

And if the snak is indeed a boy, there will be another familiar alongside Blair.

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:22 am
by Bear
Erm.. why does Chloe seem to be a blond all of a sudden? :-\

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:00 am
by Gredinus
Bear wrote:Erm.. why does Chloe seem to be a blond all of a sudden? :-\
Maybe puberty changes your hair color ;)

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:53 am
by brnleague99
Now down to brass tacks. Is Seth a green mamba, a boomslang, or a (harmless) green tree snake? B-)


I watch a lot of snake documentaries.

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:06 am
by Ravenhull
It's good to see that Cloe has kept up a good practice of dental hygine and has such a good set of teeth. :D And she seems to have learned the art of projecting her chest.

As for her in the last panel, is it anger or '(un)holy s***!!'?

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:17 am
by Ithilion
...hmm... vamps, succubi... and i find liking the (possibly) medusa more ...thats odd

Re: 21-09-09 Mom would be proud

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:07 pm
by badwolf
I'm sure having the snake pop up like that would be startling, but she's scaring the poor guy half to death in the last panel, judging by its expression. I imagine him thinking "Yeah, I KNOW I'm a snake, what're you shrieking it at me for??"

"Mom would be proud" was funny, too....I wonder if we're going to get to see Mom? Her wistful tone makes me wonder whether her mom is still around, or what her family situation is. What kind of families do succubi have? Do they always marry incubi, and how does that work out?

Thanks to Giz for making us ask questions like this...:)