08-10-10 More effort!

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Giz »

theodoric476 wrote:You can rationalize this as much as you want. And no, I do not believe that many of your readers view this a rape scene and this is just a way to raise some excitement and titillation. I suppose you could make an argument about Nina not being a victim of rape but what about Brook? She is drawn, unwillingly into this, kicking and screaming effectively by Blair. He laughs at her, gloats at her powerlessness and calls her names. If that is not symbolic of a rape what is? Rape is not about sex it is about dominances and power. He is acting out the role of a rapist almost perfectly and Brooke is acting out the role of the victim. Can you not see how a rational person could see it that way and be profoundly disturbed by it. Can you not see how thousands of your readers could see this as something far darker than what you intended. Why do you think there has been such a firestorm about this?
Deleted your quadruple post.

Brooke has also had growth to her body.
Blair is the villain here. Of course he's enjoying the fact that the orb is responding to what his subconscious deems to be the "ideal woman."
Right now, you are the one throwing a firestorm about this.
And can we please stop now? You've clearly made up your mind, so there's nothing I'll say that will change it.

Edit: I should add that there's an upcoming guest strip that shows a glimpse into Blair's past. Won't change anything for you, but hey, I'm mentioning it for the others reading this.

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by shellblade3 »

Man, bimbo related things anywhere always cause so many arguments. Even the most lenient of men will suddenly get up to shield the eyes of the children. It's not like EC has never knowingly pandered to more obscure escapist fantasy before (euphemisms for the win).

I love the increased tension of each strip, and with only two left we might be veering into a "Darkest Hour Clffhanger". Of course, that's all just speculation.

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Shadrach »

Wow. I've been following Giz's work for years, and this is the first time I've seen a reader make her angry. But then, falsely accusing someone of condoning rape will tend to do that.

I know it's common for people to confuse creators' motivations or attitudes with those of their characters, but that doesn't make it any more logical, fair, or ethical. Does Shakespeare having Macbeth and Claudius murdering kings in their beds mean that the Bard himself approved of doing so? Does George Lucas having Darth Vader blow up entire planets and everyone on them mean that Lucas himself condones omnicide? I think my point is made.

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by albert.aribaud »

Giz wrote:Edit: I should add that there's an upcoming guest strip that shows a glimpse into Blair's past. Won't change anything for you, but hey, I'm mentioning it for the others reading this.
That means there will be different storylines... to... translate... on my site... which was... not designed to...
Albert -- would you like to read EC, MC, and DC at least one week late and in French?

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Gil Hamilton »

Giz wrote:Brooke has also had growth to her body.
Blair is the villain here. Of course he's enjoying the fact that the orb is responding to what his subconscious deems to be the "ideal woman."
Right now, you are the one throwing a firestorm about this.
And can we please stop now? You've clearly made up your mind, so there's nothing I'll say that will change it.
I don't disagree with you, entirely. However, with great respect and some bluntness, I have to say that this point isn't being argued very effectively.

The claim that this is Blair doing this to adults and not 14 year olds is weak at best. He forced development on them, not magically made their birthdays four years earlier. They are still children, irregardless of the state of their cup size and in-seam. To say they are adults here strikes me the same as the tiny message inscribed on hentai videos at comic conventions, the ones that state that all characters shown are 18 irregardless to them clearly being designed from the ground up as children. It didn't even occur to me that those were supposed to be adult bodies, I thought that Blair had forced a cheerleader body on Nina rather than her normal small self (plenty of teenagers look like that, though granted that's well developed for 14). But that's neither here nor there; ask yourself, does forcing some 14 year olds into adult bodies in addition to forcing them into skippy clothing and forcing them make out together for your own personal amusement somehow change anything?

Not really. Somehow, I don't think a hypothetical Supernatural Police dragging Blair off to Magic Bordeaux are going to consider it mitigating circumstances that he stuffed them in more grown up bodies before he forced the children to have a "make-out fight" after putting them in a severely impaired mental state (in the sick making cases of this sort of thing in actuality, it's drugs, particularly hypnotics, but just because its a Magic Orb rather than Blair slipping them some Quaaludes doesn't make them any less impaired).

But Blair is a creepy terrible little muppet and characters frequently are sick-making as villains. They wouldn't be a villain if they weren't. However, what I think had burned alot of bottoms on this is being played up as fan service in a comedic strip. In fact, like the last three eyecatch icons over from Ma3 have been carefully cropped and focused on shots of the kids fun bits. "Hey, EC has some tangled limbs and miniskirts, I got to see that! *click* Oh, its children being forced to make out by an evil puppet!" You've got to see why some people aren't going to react to that by thinking it's hilarious and sexy, and take the idea that that is somehow fan service as somewhat offensive.

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Shadrach »

Okay, so they're underage.

But they are fictional characters. Fic-tion-al.

And Dave and Giz are not using images of real underaged individuals to create them.

Number of people damaged by this: None.

So can we all stop accusing Dave and Giz of being child pornographers now? Kthx.

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Giz »

Gil Hamilton wrote:He forced development on them
His subconscious did. I think we may need to rephrase a sentence on the update of October 4th.

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by albert.aribaud »

(Giz, please consider that we're not following on any flame war here, only discussing aspects of the comic in a civil manner)

Not disagreeing here with you either, Gil, but I feel there is more to be said on this precise topic.
Gil Hamilton wrote:The claim that this is Blair doing this to adults and not 14 year olds is weak at best. He forced development on them, not magically made their birthdays four years earlier. They are still children, irregardless of the state of their cup size and in-seam. To say they are adults here strikes me the same as the tiny message inscribed on hentai videos at comic conventions, the ones that state that all characters shown are 18 irregardless to them clearly being designed from the ground up as children.
IIUC (I'm not a hentai specialist, not even a japanese comic culture one, so don't hesitate to correct me), in the hentai videos, characters are depicted as apparently young though actually adult, whereas in the comic they are depicted as apparently adult though actually younger. Thus, while they share a common trait of showing people whose apparent and actual maturity are at odds, they differ in both their first (apparent) and second (actual) degree. Which does not mean that your point is wrong, but that the comparison must be carried further than simply pointing out the similarities, and we should also look at their dissimilarities.

In hentai, the idea (again, IIUC) is to give an excuse of legality to what would otherwise be construed objectionable (and certainly still is under the law of many countries, I imagine). Under this excuse, whatever the characters do, it must be assumed that they are both willing and legally allowed to. Their younger looks would actually be the only possible cause of disconfort for the reader; would they look older then no objection would be raised.

Here, the problem is inverse rather than similar: characters that are underage are turned into adults who then behave as adults. This raises issues also, but not the same; one is the character's original age; another one is the indirect coercion.

As for age:
Gil Hamilton wrote:It didn't even occur to me that those were supposed to be adult bodies, I thought that Blair had forced a cheerleader body on Nina rather than her normal small self (plenty of teenagers look like that, though granted that's well developed for 14). But that's neither here nor there; ask yourself, does forcing some 14 year olds into adult bodies in addition to forcing them into skippy clothing and forcing them make out together for your own personal amusement somehow change anything?
Shows that different people read different things I guess: at first I did think of Vapid Nina as Nina gone older; but this completely went away after her 100%-valspeak utterance, which I took as a sign that there was no Nina anyway in there. This was further confirmed by Twiggitt losing all intellectual faculty, and so on ; at the end, I could only see unrelated characters, as neither their bodies nor their minds were those of the originals (btw this helped me not to think too much of Carrion Comfort).
Gil Hamilton wrote:Not really. Somehow, I don't think a hypothetical Supernatural Police dragging Blair off to Magic Bordeaux are going to consider it mitigating circumstances that he stuffed them in more grown up bodies before he forced the children to have a "make-out fight" after putting them in a severely impaired mental state (in the sick making cases of this sort of thing in actuality, it's drugs, particularly hypnotics, but just because its a Magic Orb rather than Blair slipping them some Quaaludes doesn't make them any less impaired).
Completely agree on this, and the similarity you point out real cases is quite valid -- to the point that we may wonder whether it is intentional or not. Anyway, regardless of just how deep as a reader we admit or reject G&D's story choices, obviously Blair has to answer for his behavior. This may take the form of a punishment by one of the remaining cast; or, as Giz reminds us that it is his unconscious playing here, this may be a sudden revelation by Blair himself, which could lead to playing his character back down to comical later on. Time will tell.
Gil Hamilton wrote:But Blair is a creepy terrible little muppet and characters frequently are sick-making as villains. They wouldn't be a villain if they weren't. However, what I think had burned alot of bottoms on this is being played up as fan service in a comedic strip. In fact, like the last three eyecatch icons over from Ma3 have been carefully cropped and focused on shots of the kids fun bits. "Hey, EC has some tangled limbs and miniskirts, I got to see that! *click* Oh, its children being forced to make out by an evil puppet!" You've got to see why some people aren't going to react to that by thinking it's hilarious and sexy, and take the idea that that is somehow fan service as somewhat offensive.
It certainly is a change of tone -- whether it is permanent or temporary, we'll see in less than a week I think.
Last edited by albert.aribaud on Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Albert -- would you like to read EC, MC, and DC at least one week late and in French?

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Giz »

albert.aribaud wrote:Shows that different people read different things I guess: at first I did think of Vapid Nina as Nina gone older; but this completely went away after her 100%-valspeak utterance, which I took as a sign that there was no Nina anyway in there. This was further confirmed by Twiggitt losing all intellectual faculty, and so on ; at the end, I could only see unrelated characters, as neither their bodies nor their minds were those of the originals (btw this helped me not to think too much of Carrion Comfort).
You are correct. More mature and/or tweaked to Blair's ideal woman, and not the same people on the inside. This is not Nina of the future, this is Blair's subconscious version of Nina in the future.

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by WCRI »

For some reason I feel like I should be at the front of the mob holding the pitch forks and torches, angrily stomping toward Dave and Giz's place. But I've just read the last two pages, and I can't help but laugh. We've got a poster that's claiming to be a representative of the moral authority [read: majority] Another poster trying to analyze the strip and by proxy the comic. Yet another poster playing the roll of the troll with the infamous MST3K "lol its fiction" line just to stir more shit up. And the artist of the strip trying to defend the strip from the outraged poster that's claiming to represent the moral authority. Only to really show that whoever did come up with this event didn't give it much thought as to what it both embodies and entails. (sorry Giz, but really, Mr. Analyzer, Gil Hamilton made some good points)

What we have here is really three things that is setting fires to many asses. A.) Blair, whether or not by intent or intelligence, is responsible for causing the alteration, be it completely changing the [characters'] body, or simply accelerating the physical maturity of the character's body, without consent or knowledge of the character being affected. You, and Dave have as much admitted to this. B.) Blair, through effect of the orb, has removed any ability for these characters to be able to think for themselves in any manner that doesn't reflect his desire. Which has been pointed out is by legal definition, coercion by intent, and applied methods. This being magical rather than chemical or old fashion brainwashing. I.E. the characters whom, regardless of physical maturity are still of their original, mental, ages; are being forced into actions that is neither typical of them, nor under any normal circumstances condoned by them. C.) Blair, knowingly aware of what the orb is doing for him by his will, conscience or not, is taking full advantage of the situation, and is indeed promoting the situation to continue via violating the characters' own will and volition.

So, orb or no orb, sub-conscience or total cognitive control; Blair is behaving in a manner that is willfully harming the characters. Regardless of fictional status, Shadrach.

Much like with the Suzi situation, it isn't that the people these characters are harming aren't real. But that these characters are harming people, fictional or not.
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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Miss Vavavavoom »

I'm not so made that I'd go off into rage. I just want to know if Blair is going to get what's coming to him.
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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Panchocheesecake »

I'd post a pair of bouncing boobs gif right now, but here's a.......oh fuck it, gil is being such a downer. Are we close to a conclusion already? TL;DR is in me. :-w
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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Gil Hamilton »

Giz wrote:His subconscious did. I think we may need to rephrase a sentence on the update of October 4th.
"Subconscious" means mental activity that a person isn't aware they are undertaking. Blair is quite conscious of what he's doing, given that he's talking about it. Again, with respect, tweaking a sentence here and there isn't going to change that very much. You'd have to re-write the entire thing in order to make Blair not entirely responsible for this and even then, it doesn't change really that this is kind of still really distrubing, you know?

I would like to continue discussing this with Albert, since this is good conversation.
albert.aribaud wrote:IIUC (I'm not a hentai specialist, not even a japanese comic culture one, so don't hesitate to correct me), in the hentai videos, characters are depicted as apparently young though actually adult, whereas in the comic they are depicted as apparently adult though actually younger. Thus, while they share a common trait of showing people whose apparent and actual maturity are at odds, they differ in both their first (apparent) and second (actual) degree. Which does not mean that your point is wrong, but that the comparison must be carried further than simply pointing out the similarities, and we should also look at their dissimilarities.

In hentai, the idea (again, IIUC) is to give an excuse of legality to what would otherwise be construed objectionable (and certainly still is under the law of many countries, I imagine). Under this excuse, whatever the characters do, it must be assumed that they are both willing and legally allowed to. Their younger looks would actually be the only possible cause of disconfort for the reader; would they look older then no objection would be raised.

Here, the problem is inverse rather than similar: characters that are underage are turned into adults who then behave as adults. This raises issues also, but not the same; one is the character's original age; another one is the indirect coercion.
I'm not an expert either, but someone who thumbs through bins of brightly colored DVDs at conventions and ran an anime club, so I've had discussions about this subject before.

I agree that the situation is somewhat the inverse, but the point is the same. These are still 14 year olds. In the case of the aforementioned hentai characters, they obviously are by design. In this case, they are by design 14 year olds that have been endowed with adult bodies. In this case, and very often in the former case (I've gathered), both are being coerced, despite being children into behavior against their will by a coercive force. My point then becomes that declaring them to be "adults", when they are children by sensible measure, becomes an exercise in legality in the same way it is an exercise in legality for those hentais. Conceptually, though, it changes nothing.

Besides, I wouldn't describe them as behaving like adults. Their language, what there is of, is pure teenager in the case of Nina (commenting that Brooke got short and "Like, y'know, whatev'r") and Brooke screaming as she's being brainwashed by the power of the Magic Orb. This doesn't say "adult", this says "drugged teenager".
Shows that different people read different things I guess: at first I did think of Vapid Nina as Nina gone older; but this completely went away after her 100%-valspeak utterance, which I took as a sign that there was no Nina anyway in there. This was further confirmed by Twiggitt losing all intellectual faculty, and so on ; at the end, I could only see unrelated characters, as neither their bodies nor their minds were those of the originals (btw this helped me not to think too much of Carrion Comfort).
No to belabour the point, but have you ever seen what some one acts like when they've got a little bit of a hypnotic-sedative in their system? They aren't themselves either, that's kind of the point. They have little faculty to them and are highly suggestible, which is why those are used as date-rape drugs in larger doses. One can't say "Well, that's not really them, their minds aren't there", because that isn't true. That IS them, but "them" in an extremely impaired state.
Completely agree on this, and the similarity you point out real cases is quite valid -- to the point that we may wonder whether it is intentional or not. Anyway, regardless of just how deep as a reader we admit or not G&D's story choices, obviously Blair has to answer for his behavior. This may take the form of a punishment by one of the remaining cast; or, as Giz reminds us that it is his unconscious playing here, this may be a sudden revelation by Blair himself, which could lead to playing his character back down to comical later on. Time will tell.
Time will tell, but the story doesn't bear out that this is Blair's subconscious acting, as he's very conscious of what is happening. However, this seems alot like a "Magic Reset Button" sort of situation where the status quo is simply restored without any memory of things happening, as it somewhat stretches credibility that any character could knowingly forgive Blair here.
It certainly is a change of tone -- whether it is permanent or temporary, we'll see in less than a week I think.
I agree with that 100%. Best to wait and see before any torches and pitchforks are hoisted. The arc isn't over yet, after all. :)

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Panchocheesecake »

Actually blair is just enjoying what the orb is giving him, he's not commanding anyone besides the girls. Hell, not even the girls are real to begin with. Originally he just wanted more girls, the orb is doing the make out fighting and transforming the girls. Blair's not the victim, but he's certainly enjoying what he's getting and not stopping it.
In the sexy way!

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Re: 08-10-10 More effort!

Post by Giz »

Blair is conscious that the orb is responding to his subconscious. We are not denying that.
