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Re: 22-07-09 I'm happy with who I am.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:43 am
by Java
Bear wrote: Its only when Chloe admits that she's happy and comfortable with her body that she gets the 'growth-spurt'. Perhaps its some sort of disguise mechanism in Succubi that when she thinks she's ugly, she's 'plain', but when she starts thinking she's beautiful the full on succubus aspect kicks in? I'm thinking this as, no-one else has pointed out that she seems to have lost her freckles too.
Bear wrote:Well there possibily goes my theory...
Nah, I think your theory is pretty sound for the most part Bear, mostly because I had the same one :P They do say that the thing that's sexiest is a woman with self-confidence, so a succubus with self-confidence must enhance that 10-fold. She got large breasts just by thinking a little more positively about her image, but she still didn't seem VERY self-confident, so it's possible that she could get even sexier than this if the theory is correct.

Re: 22-07-09 I'm happy with who I am.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:55 am
by Potato_Imp
Phantasos wrote:Whoa, Succubus have one hell of a growth spur.

Let´s hope her instant huge rack doesn´t turn her into a self centered douche.
Assuming she keeps it. While Succubi having comically abrupt sexual maturity-related growth spurts is most likely the case, there is a possibility that this was triggered by her sudden self-image improvement (As Starfire of the now discontinued Teen Titans series has shown, quirky biological traits of fictional non-human races are great plot devices. We already have an Easter Vampire after all) and she may revert to her original human-like measurements the second something revives her adorably hammy self-image issues, either cause of a curse unique to her or part of Succubi reaching full womanhood is having consistent man eater-like self-confidence, which Chloe is still working on, on account of possibly not starting until our lil' Easter vampire let her know that she's a lot prettier than she thinks.

We'll know one way or the other very soon, but I hope my crackpot theory is at least close. It would make great plot food as well as making Chloe more huggable as a character. Both Nina and Chloe already have the best of DiDi's comedic timing. Chloe doesn't need DiDi's Most Common Superpower-y physique, as I didn't notice anything else developing to match.

Re: 22-07-09 I'm happy with who I am.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:02 am
by sandman
Blair,Blair speak to me Blair, ooh thats funny stuff keep the Blair antics comin'.
I can't wait to see what else happens next. =))

Re: 22-07-09 I'm happy with who I am.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:46 am
by Daremo
Given the colour of Blair's hearts in that panel, I think that's Tomato Juice Layla is enjoying(traditional substitute).

As for Chloe, =(( I was looking forward to pettanko angst. Nina doesn't seem to have any.

Re: 22-07-09 I'm happy with who I am.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:35 pm
by zoom
Wow, hope no one got hurt by those flying buttons!

Re: 22-07-09 I'm happy with who I am.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:32 am
by Azrael
I think The Fugs said it best. :p

Re: 22-07-09 I'm happy with who I am.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:50 am
by Ravenhull
Ack! This is a no-update Friday.... we gotta wait until monday to see if Blair survives... the agony... the agony... ... ...

hmmmmm... maybe I should stop before I get mellodramatic... :-B

Re: 22-07-09 I'm happy with who I am.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:39 pm
by whiskeyred
I am falling completely in love with this webcomic :ymhug: I read so many webcomics every day and this is definitely in my top five.

Re: 22-07-09 I'm happy with who I am.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:56 pm
by Harlock_the_Bard
Regarding werewolf's huge hands: ever seen a German Shepherd puppy? He'll grow into them. :)

Re: 22-07-09 I'm happy with who I am.

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:57 am
by brnleague99
Actually this reminds me of how flabbergasted I was the first day of ninth grade, when I walked into Homeroom and discovered that every girl present had recieved a gift from the Boob Fairy over the summer.


Good times.