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20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:10 am
by Shouri

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:51 am
by Azrael
sdb20160120.png (108.93 KiB) Viewed 34780 times

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:11 am
by 'J'
Awkward but aside, this is all rather sweet.

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:56 am
by Don Alexander
"Uh... So about that..."

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:24 pm
by Krendall
To be fair, she was being used at a point when she didn't have any friends to help her avoid it. Also, she used him right back to put an end to it.

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:42 pm
by Spidrift
Okay, so this is where this plotline is going. On the active side, Amber having to find Ray a gay lover who he can accept -- with Dillon no doubt wondering why it can't be him. On the character side, perhaps, Amber dealing with the problem that she needs to be a bit more honest and open about her past sometimes, because she can't always keep it quiet. I do hope that Ruby is in earshot when Amber says something about that.

And, let's face it, Amber is on slightly shaky ground when she calls someone else a user.

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:47 pm
by brasca
Ray isn't as clueless as speculated which makes me wonder if he is saying the right thing at the right time because of luck or he knows how Amber got cast and this is a subtle way of shutting down this argument.

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:04 pm
by Spidrift
No, I don't see how Ray could know that - Amber certainly seems to think it must be secret. And while Ray might not be a total moron, he's not shown much sign of that level of psychological subtlety. (He missed that Dillon was gay, for Heaven's sake.) I think that this is another case of WYSIWYG; Ray thinks (rightly) that Amber is smarter than him, and is telling her so because it's a nice thing to say.

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:42 pm
by JoybuzzerX
Spidrift wrote:No, I don't see how Ray could know that - Amber certainly seems to think it must be secret. And while Ray might not be a total moron, he's not shown much sign of that level of psychological subtlety. (He missed that Dillon was gay, for Heaven's sake.) I think that this is another case of WYSIWYG; Ray thinks (rightly) that Amber is smarter than him, and is telling her so because it's a nice thing to say.
Could be covering his bases. If she didn't get used, it's a major compliment, if she did get used, she can't say much on the issue.

As to the comic, makes me wonder if Amber will ask him if there's any guy he's ever been attracted to.

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:13 pm
by Spidrift
Regarding Ray's possible motives - that's still too subtle for most characters in this setting, let alone him. No, I'd bet that this is just Ray being flattering, and the writers giving Amber cause for comedy embarrassment. I hate to repeat myself so much, but WYSIWYG, honestly.

And as to Amber asking that... Well, she might - but I assume that she's picked up most of the story about Dillon, in which case she more or less knows the answer already. Her only reason for asking would be to tip Ray towards Dillon. And if she hasn't picked up about the thing with Dillon, she'll be thinking of Ray as a guy who sees himself as straight but who's dabbled in gay sex with Nathan, in which case he's unlikely to have felt much conscious attraction to guys before at all.

And I'm sure that some people will now say that Amber should simply put Dillon in Ray's bed. Which would make some sense, but probably won't happen, because Dillon needs to be tortured for comedy purposes. Why not? Well, Ray wants to see himself as a straight guy on the down low; it's better if he can find a nice guy for the purpose, but going there with a friend might feel insufficiently impersonal.

Hmm. Odds on Ray ending up in bed with Julian?

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:01 am
by Cresset
Spidrift wrote:Okay, so this is where this plotline is going. On the active side, Amber having to find Ray a gay lover who he can accept -- with Dillon no doubt wondering why it can't be him.
Ray already told him, it can't be a gay man because that would make it gay. As a straight guy who goes on the down low, he can only have sex with other straight guys.

Amber will have to find a guy who thinks like that, or at least can pretend he does...Jake?

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:25 pm
by themacnut
Spidrift wrote: And I'm sure that some people will now say that Amber should simply put Dillon in Ray's bed. Which would make some sense, but probably won't happen, because Dillon needs to be tortured for comedy purposes.
YESSSSSSSSS! :ymdevil: I'm all for comedy torture of Dillon - he deserves it. Which means he'll most likely be spending most of this storyline dodging Julian, a guy Dillon thinks of as the kid he used to babysit and therefore gets rather squicked out at the idea of him as as sexual prospect. While longing for a shot at Ray while listening to him banging his roommate. How deliciously perfect. :ymdevil:

Re: 20-01-16 I promise

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:58 am
by Quinlan1973