22-04-13 Found it in our bedsheets

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Re: 22-04-13 Found it in our bedsheets

Post by brasca »

At least Ruby's Penny & Aggie doppleganger could handle Nancy's sex toys with more control than that. :))

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Re: 22-04-13 Found it in our bedsheets

Post by tanonev »

Bambikles wrote:Sooooooo... No sexual intercourse, no sextoy. Ok. Does this impliy no self-pleasure AT ALL ? :-\
This is something I simply can't imagine nor believe. My mind refuses to acknowledge this can exist. But if it's the case, Ruby may ironically be even more ignorant about the things of sex than Gary.
Not wanting sex with guys (or girls for that matter) is a thing, not wanting sex at all is good for monks and nuns only. Or people severely mentally traumatized. I doubt Ruby's trauma is of that level. Though it may be, just because it's a comedy, after all. :-??
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Re: 22-04-13 Found it in our bedsheets

Post by Spidrift »

Erin appears to be authentically asexual. It's a fairly rare state, but sure, some people have their hormones in equilibrium at that level, and are happy with it. Ruby, on the other hand, seems to be quite emotionally damaged. Her underlying inclinations may be asexual - or straight, or gay, or bi - but until she can contemplate the subject more calmly, she's not really going to know, and she's unlikely to be happy or easy to be around.

(Which is going to make life interesting for Amber. Assuming that she feels some responsibility here - and it looks like she does - she's going to have to become a bit more tidy, just for a start. Then she's actually going to have to get to know someone she doesn't seem to have spoken to much for about ten years, and who currently despises her. All while surrounded by a bunch of friends whose heads are on a completely different planet.)
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Re: 22-04-13 Found it in our bedsheets

Post by tareacel »

I don't understand the leap of logic to "Ruby is severely damaged".

So she's focused on her career. She doesn't want to get distracted by boys. This is a bad thing? Remember that before Zii shagged Amber, Amber was also a grade A student who had goals other than porn... Ruby is just trying not to fall into the same trap she saw her sister fall into.

As far as her prickliness to all things sex goes, I think it's less a case of "severe psychological damage" and more a case of "the lady doth protest too much". I think she's worried that if she gives in even just a little she'll become a sex fiend like her sister, and she doesn't want that. So she simply doesn't allow herself to give in at all. (Doesn't mean the desires aren't there. Or healthy. Just means she has hella self-control.)

As for the Purell and hygenic stuff? Zii mentioned as well that both of their parents are doctors. That was BRED into them.

I *do* think Ruby's a little scared of all things sex... but not because she's deeply traumatized by her sister's career. I think she's scared that if she lets up on her self-control a bit, the same thing will happen to her that happened to Amber.

As for the whole "saw an Amber porno at a party", psychologically speaking, seeing a sibling in a sexual situation is nowhere near as traumatizing as seeing a parent. She might have been hella embarrassed, but there's no real *trauma* that would have stemmed from that UNLESS the boys at the party started making threatening remarks as to whether the sisters were similar...or some shit like that.

So really, there's no cause to consider Ruby damaged. She's just an uptight, career-focused virgin with health professionals for parents.

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Re: 22-04-13 Found it in our bedsheets

Post by Spidrift »

Do we know that Amber was a straight-A student? I'm not saying that this wrong, or that she was dumb, but I don't recall any statement to that effect. "Quiet and shy" is all I remember off hand.

As to the rest - well, admittedly, we may be looking at some comedy exagerration here, but the cumulative implication of what we've seen seems to me to go beyond "uptight" and into "damaged". There's all the yelps and jumps, the sub-OCD fastidiousness (about toothpaste, not just sex toys), the throwing things out of windows, the assumption that Dillon would be pervy - and then there's the fixed belief that Amber is some kind of parental favourite, the getting through university not just intacta (we assume) but with the very idea that she might have a boyfriend being unthinkable, and the total inability to process Amber's pretty clear attempt to ask if she was a lesbian. Any one or two of her actions so far might just say "uptight and focussed", but her behaviour in practically every frame she's appeared in so far all adds up.

At the very least, if she's just career-focussed and nervous of her own impulses, she's overdone it, to the point where she's damaging herself. Never mind the lack of sex; the inability to relate to her own sister, when Amber is really trying to talk to her, is just sad. And it does all go back to her reaction to seeing that porno, so far as we can tell.

EDIT: By the way, we now have Word of God that Ruby was about 14 when she saw that Amber porno. That means that it's still rankling with her after, what, 6-8 years? Realistic or not, that's a significant effect. And Amber doesn't seem to have talked to her about the thing properly in all that time...

And I really want to see Amber's explanation to Dillon or Chanelle about why she's not only taken Ruby in, but is putting up with her attitude, when the time comes. It could be anything from simple family loyalty to really horrible Oh Crap guilt over the consequences of her actions; it'll be both a measure of Amber and an indicator of the tone of the comic.
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