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Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 2:22 pm
by brasca
Spidrift wrote:I'm wondering if we'll get a clarification of the Angel-Ramona relationship there. My first wild guess is that they're sisters, and I could see a concerned sister jumping in on a point like that.
If they are related I would think she'd have jumped in sooner. She might be Angel's roommate or some other longtime friend or acquaintance who is comfortable with sharing yaoi, but shies away from a lot more than Ruby. Which reminds me...
christopheftw wrote: Dillon is an actor. He should be a little more careful about his face. If he gets penalized for slowing down production it might be a valuable lesson for him. It does seem that Angel was the attacker, but Dillon could have listened to Zii and disengaged earlier.
I can understand Ruby's preoccupation with getting some good pictures, but that is the face of her meal ticket getting roughed up.

I am wondering if the punchline to this chapter will be that while Angel, Dillon, and Zii were brawling Ramona and Ruby comment on all the immaturity only to get into a fight over popular characters in yaoi comics. From nerds I expect nothing less.

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 2:26 pm
by Spidrift
Don Alexander wrote:Whoa, that's not even inked yet!
It's not the only one. I assume that when the next print collection is announced next year, Shouri is going to have to put aside a few days for inking duty.
brasca wrote:
Spidrift wrote:I'm wondering if we'll get a clarification of the Angel-Ramona relationship there. My first wild guess is that they're sisters, and I could see a concerned sister jumping in on a point like that.
If they are related I would think she'd have jumped in sooner. She might be Angel's roommate or some other longtime friend or acquaintance who is comfortable with sharing yaoi, but shies away from a lot more than Ruby. Which reminds me...
christopheftw wrote:Dillon is an actor. He should be a little more careful about his face. If he gets penalized for slowing down production it might be a valuable lesson for him. It does seem that Angel was the attacker, but Dillon could have listened to Zii and disengaged earlier.
I can understand Ruby's preoccupation with getting some good pictures, but that is the face of her meal ticket getting roughed up.
Both Ruby and Ramona are small or lightly-built women with some slightly old-fashioned ideas or behaviour patterns. They probably think at heart that girls don't fight, haven't been in a brawl since primary school if then, and would be genuinely scared to mix in with three more aggressive people who are flailing about a lot. I can't really blame them for standing back not knowing what to do. I imagine that the other three have been yelling a lot, so trying to talk sense into them wouldn't work either.

And fortunately, black eyes in these comics may be comedy injuries that heal in minutes. Remember the bruise that Senna gave Gary when they parted? Though other such injuries have lasted a while, so perhaps we'll get some scenes of makeup artists complaining at Dillon about him giving them work to do.
brasca wrote:I am wondering if the punchline to this chapter will be that while Angel, Dillon, and Zii were brawling Ramona and Ruby comment on all the immaturity only to get into a fight over popular characters in yaoi comics. From nerds I expect nothing less.
I can't see those two getting into worse than verbal spats. And Ramona seems to be very quiet and nervous, whereas Ruby is running on confidence approaching arrogance these days; I think that Ramona would fold instantly.

Actually, I could see Ruby taking Ramona under her wing a bit; Ramona may remind of herself, all those ... weeks ... ago.

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 2:28 pm
by OldBrit
Cortez wrote:Not sure if she's getting pleasure from it, Zii does seem genuinely concerned seeing as she brings it up in the middle of a fight.
She's bringing it up when she's entangled in the bindings, so it's sort of immediately relevant.

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:03 pm
by LilaKooks
Maybe Angel should get something from here, as a gift from the first step to forgiveness.

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:52 pm
by Xexyz
Is it just me or is Zii's hair in the 2nd panel a lot fuller than normal? Not that I'm complaining...

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:55 pm
by Spidrift
It's quite full, but it has been disarrayed by a brawl..

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:26 am
by LegendaryKroc
Telling Zii to go to Hell is uncalled-for given that she makes a good point Angel would benefit from hearing. Alas, xe is too proud to listen to people xe has a grudge against. 8-|

Though Dillon, on the other hand, could do with being told to shut up if that's his in-depth contribution to the post-argument conversation. ;)

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:41 am
by brasca
I think Angel needs to pay a certain therapist a visit. Not so much because she needs it, but because Kiley could really use a confidence booster.

This strip was remarkably violent. Even that brawl between Sonya, Yuki, and Zii didn't get that out of control. Maybe it's be cause they like each other too much to do any physical damage, but you'd think Sonya would use it as an excuse to rip off the clothes of the girl she secretly loves, Zii, and the one she subconsciously loves, Yuki.

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:46 am
by Spidrift
LegendaryKroc wrote:Though Dillon, on the other hand, could do with being told to shut up if that's his in-depth contribution to the post-argument conversation.
Be fair to Dillon; he's in the exact same situation as Ruby when she made that "YOU'RE A GIRL!" faux pas. Only worse, because this has implications for his past issues with Dillon.
brasca wrote:This strip was remarkably violent. Even that brawl between Sonya, Yuki, and Zii didn't get that out of control. Maybe it's be cause they like each other too much to do any physical damage, but you'd think Sonya would use it as an excuse to rip off the clothes of the girl she secretly loves, Zii, and the one she subconsciously loves, Yuki.
Well, that thrown cowbell should really have put Sonya in hospital with concussion. But this time, the comedy happens to require torn clothing, to bring about the big reveal for Dillon.

That aside, well, you could say that Angel has real emotional issues, which tend to up the serious violence level, whereas Sonya and Yuki are both mostly in it for the melodrama. But mostly, it's down to comedy and plot.

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:56 pm
by IONDragonX
Diving into my curiosity, I find this: ... n-20028710

>Natural hormone changes
>Most people think of estrogen as an exclusively female hormone, but men also produce it — though normally in small quantities. However, male estrogen levels that are too high or are out of balance with testosterone levels can cause gynecomastia.
> Gynecomastia during puberty. Gynecomastia caused by hormone changes during puberty is relatively common. In most cases, the swollen breast tissue will go away without treatment within six months to two years.

>Substances that can cause gynecomastia include:
>Street drugs and alcohol
> Alcohol
> Amphetamines
> Marijuana
> Heroin
> Methadone

So, maybe drugs during puberty contributed to Angel's current sexual life??

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:39 pm
by rogermart
I don't think so, because Angel is physically a girl, she has breasts (small ones but still) and lady parts down under... The thing is, she's gender-fluid so she identifies herself as a boy (Angel) or a girl (Angie) over time.

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:49 pm
by Jobe00
Spidrift wrote:But like I said, I don't suppose that Zii particularly wants Angel badly hurt. She's vengeful and excitable, but she's never shown any sort of mean streak.
You not remember when Zii got revenge on a kid for online trolling by tracking him to his home address and banging his mom?
Petty and down right mean.

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:33 pm
by JoybuzzerX
Thought I was the only one who remembered that :p Zii can be spiteful.

Quote removed. The DAMNed

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:42 pm
by Spidrift
Actually, I remember it just fine - though as I recall, it became such a contentious subject that discussion of that plotline ended up more or less banned on these boards. So, Don, if you want to delete this post for potentially resurrecting that old flame war, I won't take offence.

But, that said...

I took that incident as Zii being vengeful (definitely) and excitable (she was driven to screaming fury by the troll), but specifically not mean. Having driven across town muttering about killing somebody, she actually took her revenge by ... having a night of consensual sex with a willing partner. "Mean" would have been, oh, smashing up the little creep's computer or something. Zii managed to get her revenge by an act of positivity and pleasure.

Re: 09-12-15 You know

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:03 pm
by Don Alexander
Nuuuuu, they mention That Which Shall Not Be Mentioned! ~X(

Listen, peppz, it's contentious enough over at Ma3 right now, so please drop this immediately.

The DAMNed