10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by Spidrift »

That's an interesting question, isn't it? I suspect that different people would feel very differently about it - though some would get quite creeped out, I imagine. There's some odd slop-over from the incest taboo that hits people in a lot of different ways.

Zii, though, has a habit of detaching sex from deeper emotional connections, and she may quite reasonably assume that Amber normally thinks the same way. Their own fuck-buddy relationship isn't exactly based on deep passion, after all. And Zii has in the past goinked guys in front of their own brothers, remember.

Actually, I think that if Zii knew that Ruby was a virgin, she might see that this was asking for all sorts of trouble, with or without Amber. First times have emotional weight, and she's developed the sense to be careful about Izzy. But she probably assumes that Ruby, the good-looking early-twenties graduate with a taste for hot guys, has had a boyfriend or two, even if she is a bit conventional and quiet. Hence, an afternoon of fun with her would broaden her horizons a little, but not seem like a very big deal, on Zii's or Amber's terms. When Zii realises quite how repressed and inexperienced Ruby currently is, she may even decide that she's ducked a bullet.
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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by wiseguy »

taking aside whatever "personal sex preference" Ruby has (might be straight, might want to be with Dill as "Rudy", or whatever else)

if Zii proposed doing girl on girl for a web cam and make MONEY

Ruby would go for it

she loves the thrill of successfully making money it seems

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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by LegendaryKroc »

Would probably require a fair bit of talking into it, though.

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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by wiseguy »

if the emphasis at first is "something that will give us a lot of business",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ruby might end up "not caring" about details after she decides to get more business

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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by Spidrift »

I myself wrote:Zii, though, has a habit of detaching sex from deeper emotional connections, and she may quite reasonably assume that Amber normally thinks the same way.
On which subject, incidentally - whatever anyone in-comic might or might not expect, I rather doubt that Amber will ever raise any detectable objection to anything that involves Ruby getting (consensually) laid. Aside from the fact that Amber has an ultra-liberal, not to say pornified, view of sex, encouraging stuff that makes Ruby "less uptight" is the only way that Amber has yet found to make Ruby a bit less hostile.

Mind you, once Ruby does start enjoying sex, Amber may just find Ruby bitterly blaming her for putting her off from something this good for the last five years...
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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by JoybuzzerX »

Feywald wrote:I see Zii's plot from M3 is carrying over, kinda surprised she would go after Ruby though.
It's Zii and it's M3. Zii goes after every woman. I would have thought she may have known Ruby a little better, as she's never shown any sign of interest in the same gender and she's Amber's sister. Zii is just the female Matt, so she's often forgiven for the same screw ups.

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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by Azrael »

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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by Spidrift »

JoybuzzerX wrote: Zii goes after every woman. I would have thought she may have known Ruby a little better, as she's never shown any sign of interest in the same gender and she's Amber's sister.
When Zii last knew Ruby, she was a 12 year old kid -- the little sister who Amber locked out of the bedroom while Amber and Zii were having sexytimes. She didn't know her well, and wouldn't have had any hints as to Ruby's future sexuality.

Then Zii met Ruby again in the comics shop, and immediately discovered that, while she was cute and into yaoi, she was also repressed and worried about respectability. Even if Zii felt a twinge of attraction - and her gaydar was likely returning a flat No - making a bisexual pass at someone who has trouble admitting to even looking at cute men would be both pointless and too crass even by Zii's standards.

But now Ruby is looking all enthusiastic and adventurous and, as Zii says, open to suggestions. That amplifies her cuteness and emphasises that she is a sexual being who admits it. Zii is inevitably going to be a bit turned on, and the new adventurousness makes Zii think that she at least has a chance. So, yes, being Zii, she ventures a pass. But it's over-simplifying to say that she tries it with every woman; just the cute ones where there's some chance and it wouldn't be downright evil.

(Zii's mistake here is that she didn't realise how deep the repression and confusion she saw in the coffee shop went, or that the new bouncy business-Ruby is pretty well all of Ruby's extroversion and libido. She thinks that Ruby is basically just another conventional but sexual woman who can be helped out of her standard-issue shell and talked into some sexy fun - a smarter version of Sonya - whereas actually Ruby's issues are a bit bigger than that.)
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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by brasca »

wiseguy wrote:taking aside whatever "personal sex preference" Ruby has (might be straight, might want to be with Dill as "Rudy", or whatever else)

if Zii proposed doing girl on girl for a web cam and make MONEY

Ruby would go for it

she loves the thrill of successfully making money it seems
Makes me think that Ruby would be more accepting of Amber's past if she presented a Power Point business plan on how her porn career equals big profit, but somehow I doubt it would be that easy. While I think Ruby could be manipulated to leave her comfort zone through the justification of business there are limits.
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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by Spidrift »

Ruby wants to make money in business, but what we've seen really obsessing her, over and over, is respectability. Consider why she went to the concert in disguise. Look at her internal monologue immediately before her first meeting with Zii. She didn't tell Andy that yaoi was profitable; she told him that being a fujoshi was respectable. And so on

You can certainly call her tight-assed or priggish, but she's really not a money-grubber. I'd say that it's entirely possible that the money and business success would mostly just be a way of keeping score (with some pleasant side-benefits) for her. They'd show that she's won the game by the conventional rules.

And porn acting is just not respectable. She's nudged Dillon and others into those photo shoots, but she's stayed firmly behind the camera - and the stuff that she's creating looks like it's still pretty PG-13, just well shot enough to be hot anyway. She probably doesn't want to tell her parents about this sideline, but she could just about muster some excuses for it if she had to. Amber has done stuff that she couldn't bring herself to tell those parents about, and that, if you like, is where the line is drawn.
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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by Error of Logic »

So now she's had one sister, she wants to try and bang the other one, too. =_= Greedy...

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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by vampire hunter D »

But understandable ;)
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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by Spidrift »

We've never seen any evidence that Zii keeps score, actually. She doesn't go round listing or counting her conquests. She was proud of the triplets, because hey, triplets, and she likes to take the odd photographic souvenir, but it honestly seems that she has a lot of sex because she likes sex, and she has sex with a lot of different people because she likes a bit of variety and anyway she's a love 'em and leave 'em girl. (She has a rather blatant fear of commitment, in other words.) So I'd give her the benefit of the doubt here; the fact that bedding Ruby would mean that she'd got two sisters may genuinely not have crossed her mind.

And as vhD says, being interested in either or both of Amber and Ruby requires no special explanation.
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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by Tako »

1.-For God's sake, Zii, stop trying to have sex with any moderately attractive person you approach! Not everybody wants to have sex with you or have sex in front of you for your amusement. :-w

2.-Have those two realized that they are about to do something illegal? Some of those men Ruby took pictures of are heterosexual, some are in committed relationships, and some others are proffesional actors who don't want to be known for porny pictures. Any of them could go to the police when they realize Ruby and Zii are making copies and selling them without their consent. #-o
Zii I understand, she lacks restraint when it comes to anything sexy, but Ruby has studied to become a businesswoman, she should think about it. 8-|

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Re: 10-11-15 Just what I like to hear

Post by Spidrift »

1. Zii appears to work on the classic principle that if you don't ask, you don't get, and if you ask every time, you get quite a lot. By rights, realistically, she should get slapped down for it quite a lot, but it's not like a small, skinny girl is threatening.

2. What on Earth are you talking about? Those were posed photographs, with costumes and all, and Ruby talked specifically about using them for a calendar while taking them. It was 100% clear that all the participants knew perfectly well what she'd talked them into. Being Ruby, I wouldn't be surprised if she has signed releases from them all.
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