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The Contest for the Next Contest! : Vote Now!

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:05 am
by Bear
Entry period is now over! Its time to vote! You've got 3 days and 2 votes each.

Due to my muses needing a rest, this months contest is...

Design your own contest!

Thats right! Thanks to LadySheDevil's suggestion, the contest is to make and design the next forum contest.

You've pretty much got free reign to do what you like here in choosing a contest theme, its rules, entry requirements or limitations, showing what an entry should look like etc. So be creative and have fun with your entry.

In addition to the usual Colour and Title and/or winners badge if you win, the winning entry WILL becomes next months contest!

There are a few rules and guidelines though:

1. Only 1 entry per person.
2. Remember its a contest for the forum.
3. Try and make it open to the most number of people. Some people don't have micro-phones, video cameras, singing/dancing/talent ability etc... so try not to discriminate.
4. Contests on the themes of previous/currently established contests are not valid entries.

Otherwise, you've got free reign, just remember it has to be for the forum and runable from the forum. Appart from that the usual things apply such as keeping to the 16+ rating and the Guidelines of the GD forum.

Entry period will run until the 27th. After which voting will take place until the 31st.

As mentioned the prize for winning will be the name colour and rank title of choice and a fancy winners badge, plus, your entry will become next months contest!

This thread for entry's only. Please keep all discussion/questions/comments to the relevent discussion thread.

Re: The Contest for the Next Contest! : Entry Thread.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:31 pm
by Lilianna
Name of Contest: Design A TV Show

What To Do: Write a script for the pilot episode of your new TV show. Don’t forget to include a plot, three to five main characters, and who the actors are. What channel would your show be on? What time slot (primetime, late night, midday, et cetera)?

Rules: One TV show per user. Must have at least 100 posts before entering. Plot and script must fall within general rating of the boards. May not be based on existing work, such as TV shows based on comic books, movies, or anything else.

Re: The Contest for the Next Contest! : Entry Thread.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:33 pm
by MarkMoriquendi
Based on GothPoet's recent posts....

Contest: Design A Superhero

What you do: You need to come up with a superhero! Name, race (if applicable), super power(s), how the gained their superpowers, home planet, and how they came to earth (if applicable), what their costume looks like, superhero affiliations, alignment, and a picture if you're feeling especially creative.

Rules: This is an open contest, and open to anyone. The only limit is your imagination. Try to steer clear of existing superheroes tho

Re: The Contest for the Next Contest! : Entry Thread.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:45 pm
by 1ocksmyth3
WTF hair contest:

What to do: Get in touch with your inner hairstylist. Style, color, pin, or spray your hair into the most outstanding do you can! Your imagination, hair cooperation, and styling solutions are the limit!

Rules: It does NOT have to be your own hair if you have an ... ehm... "willing" participant. Guys and gals will be judged separately.

Re: The Contest for the Next Contest! : Entry Thread.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:03 pm
by Don Alexander
I present:

The "Write an Ma3 guest strip!" contest!!

The aim of this contest is rather simple. As our Gods Giz and Dave need a vacation every once in a while, they have a week of guest strips (twice a year, it seems). The last batch of strips already featured at least one forumite as artist.

In this contest, you - yes, YOU write a guest strip for Menage à 3!!! Write, only! The artwork decision will come later. We have some awesome artists on the board, but maybe someone from outside wants to do it.

All you need to do is write the strip. Describe the location, the people who are involved, and of course what they are doing and saying. The end of the strip should be funny, of course!!! Your votes will highly depend on how much you make us laugh!! :D

Also, remember that Ma3 guest strips are not necessarily canon. While they should not deviate too much from the character's personalities, and the style should remain within the realm of sexy slapstick, alternate universe ideas are highly welcome.

Get going, fry those brain cells!! :-bd

PS.: Of course, this contest only really works if Giz and Dave agree that the winning contest entry will actually become a guest strip one day in Ma3.

Re: The Contest for the Next Contest! : Entry Thread.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 6:22 am
by Dirty n Evil
I offer for your consideration...

The "What Would You Do To Win a Ma3 Forum Contest?" Contest!!!

How does this work? The entries into this contest will offer up some action with some tie to the comic that they will carry through if just to win an Ma3 contest. If they are voted to win, then they have to carry out whatever 'bid' they made to win the contest. This is a goofy fun contest, so no actions that are potentially harmful or dangerous will be accepted. If photo documentation of carrying through with said action is possible, it is encouraged in order to share with the rest of the forum a good laugh. If not possible, a post by the winner describing the experience of what they've pledged to carry through is minimumally required - we are all friends here, so we'll trust you to be honest.

This is a contest intended to encourage people to have fun and be silly, so naturally something to the extreme of "I will get a tattoo of the Ma3 logo on my buttocks" while humorous is a bit permanent and thus discouraged. Writing it in marker on your bum and posting the picture? Better. This can be a unisex contest, meaning there's no cause to run two seperate polls due to gender.

This sort of contest is meant to be fun for everyone, because even if you win... to a degree, you lose. =))

Re: The Contest for the Next Contest! : Entry Thread.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:18 pm
by Radbaron
This has been discussed , but I left it open for anyone else to enter it. No takers, so here goes:

The Call of Cthulu!

This should be an easy contest for all the forumites. A passage from the story "The Call of Cthulu" will be posted in the forum. Any person/being/deity wishing to enter the contest will read the passage, into a microphone ($5 at Radioactive Shaq , come on!) and post it back to the thread. Extra points will be awarded for creativeness, voice modulation, scariness and outrageous bribes. The winner will be eaten first when the Unholy God arrives.

I suggest using for uploading your voices , it's free and very easy to use. If you have problems with technical stuff, ask for help. We're more than willing here, I know :)

Re: The Contest for the Next Contest! : Entry Thread.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:17 pm
by zgwortz
The Sound Off Contest!

This is an entirely audio contest. Just audio. Your entry will consist solely of the link to your audio file. No pictures. No bribery. One entry only. (As Radbaron posts above, it's not *that* difficult to get audio into your computer, and you can use to upload it...)

The content of the audio can take just about any form: music, a song, a poem or dramatic prose reading, a radio play, whatever you like, as long as it's no longer than 10 minutes, and has *some* connection to either the MA3 comic, Eerie Cuties, or the Pixie Trix Comix forumverse and it's inhabitants, so, for example, a dramatic reading of some Elder Cave fanfic would count.

Content should remain within the 16+ rating of the forum, so I suspect a nocturnal recording of a certain pair of currently visiting forumites would probably be disqualified due to rating (despite it's obvious entertainment value...). :ymdevil:

Contestants should be judged on originality, presentation, and overall entertainment value.

Re: The Contest for the Next Contest! : Entry Thread.

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:14 pm
by Engy
With the recent construction and opening of the Thunderdome, I present to you:

Design your own fighter!

((Don't feel like reading through the wall of text? The text in italics and bold is the summary of that paragraph. You can skip the rest and just read that))

That's right. You will make your own fighter and the only limit is your imagination! And a few rules, of course.
First things first. The fighter that you design does not have to be the fighter you will have to fight with in the dome. For example, my fighter in the dome is actually the Engineer from team Fortress 2, but that wouldn't be a very creative fighter in this kind of contest, right?
So, you can decide to base your fighter on your already established personality on these forums, or you can start completely anew.

Your fighter is also not bound to current day technology and fighting styles. Want your fighter to be able to cast fireballs? Let him shoot fireballs. Can he communicate with monkeys? Go ahead. Is he carrying a rocket propelled machete? Sure, go for it. Same goes for fighting styles. Ever heard of Donkey Fu? Me neither, but that doesn't mean your fighter doesn't know it.

Limitations, you ask? Of course they exist. First of all, no super-weapons. I don't care if you can hack into the pentagon, the nuke would not only kill the enemy, it would also kill you and destroy the Dome. Same goes for magical super-weapons. No volcanoes, tornadoes or earthquakes, unless they stay the size of a normal human being. Same goes for explosives. Small explosives are allowed. This is to ensure the survival of the Dome and to make sure you don't become overpowered.
Every character also has to have a weakness. Preferably at least two but that depends on the first weakness. And don't make them impossible, such at 'is harmed by temperatures lower then -300° Celsius'. Temperatures don't go lower then -273.15°C and even if they could, I doubt that even a superhero could create such low temperatures.

Alright, you have managed to struggle your way to all this text and are excited to join in. But how to start?
To help you, I set up a skeleton that you can use as a base. Expansion of this base is encouraged and will yield you more points.

Weapons: (Can be enchanted)
Abilities: (Both magical and practical)
Appearance: (Can be drawn, but a description suffices)

To help you, I set up an example fighter (Me):
Nickname: Engineer
Species: Human
Weapons: Shotgun, Handgun, Wrench
Abilities: Setting up buildings* to help fight
*Buildings: Sentry, Dispensers and teleporters. Can be whacked with the wrench to be upgraded and repaired.
Weakness: Übers, sticky bombs and spies.
Appearance: Overalls, red T-shirt, knee-pads, metal construction boots, black goggles, yellow mining helmet with flashlight, yellow glove.
Quote: “Sentry goin' up!”

Of course this is a very basic fighter design, but it should give you a couple of ideas on how to design your own fighter. So, are you up for the challenge? Do you have what it takes to create the winning fighter? Join in and you'll know.