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11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:33 am
by Adam_Arnold

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:50 am
by Ravenhull
Hmmm... interesting start. Part of me is still wondering from the title if this is going to do a time skip to today, or if it will stay in the classic Dracula era...

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:09 am
by Adam_Arnold
The series does kick off with a prologue that sets up everything before we click over to the present. I think you guys are really going to enjoy seeing where Nunzio, Christina, and Rhea are going to take the classic Dracula mythology in this one.

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:06 am
by Christina Weir
Can't wait to hear people's thoughts about the series. We had a blast doing Volume 1 and have just started work on Volume 2!

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:09 pm
by Ravenhull
Am I safe to say that this will have a definite 'shojo' feel to it? Just wondering what to expect. Also got to wonder, after looking over the cast page, if a van Helsing decendent will be present too. And is a print edition available already, or will that possibly come later? Looking forward to how this develops.

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:54 pm
by MonCappy
Call me intrigued. I'll be keeping an eye on this comic. Will it have the same update schedule as PMS? Also, what does it mean that this story is a shoujo manga?

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:20 pm
by Ravenhull
Ah, didn't see it was explicited stated to be shoujo in the 'new readers' page.

As for what it is, shoujo (TVTropes description) is typically directed to female audiences, as opposed to shonen, which is directed at boys. Examples would be Dragon Ball = Shonen and Sailor Moon = Shoujo. That said, there is nothing saying that there is no appeal to the male audience. Mainly means that there will probably more emphasis on relationships and such rather than action. And while these terms are usually made regarding Japanese works, this, and much of the other stuff from Zoom/Seven Seas is inspired by the manga style, and as such uses some of their terms and tropes.

But like I said, just because the author describes the work as meant to appeal to 'girls', that doesn't mean that there is no chance us macho guys will find no appeal. I definately will be giving it a chance to see how I like it as it unfolds. And I am very macho. Very... Now I must be off, a new episode of FiM is downloading... ;)

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:31 pm
by Adam_Arnold
Ravenhull wrote:And is a print edition available already, or will that possibly come later? Looking forward to how this develops.
Volume 1 will be out October 2011 in both print and ebook form. We're currently working on getting it wrapped up this week and to the printer.
MonCappy wrote:Call me intrigued. I'll be keeping an eye on this comic. Will it have the same update schedule as PMS?
Yes, Dracula Everlasting and Amazing Agent Jennifer will have the M/W/F update schedule that PMS has. Vampire Cheerleaders will continue on a M/W/F update schedule until the middle late August when it'll take a little break (as we'll have run through the existing pages we have).

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:10 pm
by Christina Weir
Ravenhull wrote:Ah, didn't see it was explicited stated to be shoujo in the 'new readers' page.

As for what it is, shoujo (TVTropes description) is typically directed to female audiences, as opposed to shonen, which is directed at boys. Examples would be Dragon Ball = Shonen and Sailor Moon = Shoujo. That said, there is nothing saying that there is no appeal to the male audience. Mainly means that there will probably more emphasis on relationships and such rather than action. And while these terms are usually made regarding Japanese works, this, and much of the other stuff from Zoom/Seven Seas is inspired by the manga style, and as such uses some of their terms and tropes.

But like I said, just because the author describes the work as meant to appeal to 'girls', that doesn't mean that there is no chance us macho guys will find no appeal. I definately will be giving it a chance to see how I like it as it unfolds. And I am very macho. Very... Now I must be off, a new episode of FiM is downloading... ;)
All very well put. And yes, I think we emphasize the shoujo element in this story. But there will be some action. It is, after all, Dracula! So stay tuned...

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:42 pm
by Artemisia
Hey...who says that shoujo has to, well, be nothing but romance. There's a lot of shoujo titles out there that have quite a bit of action :D

Looking forward to continuing to read this.

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:15 pm
by Iceman
Well, you are no ordinary woman, are you?

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:49 pm
by tenebrusmke79
I have a question about this series. I looked at the webpage for the series, but I don't see how I can read this particular chapter. Does it only have one page or are there more in the works?

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:53 pm
by Adam_Arnold
We're updating with a new page each Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

So, Page 2 will be posted on Wednesday. ^_^

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:15 pm
by tenebrusmke79
Adam Arnold wrote:We're updating with a new page each Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

So, Page 2 will be posted on Wednesday. ^_^
Ah. So it's page by page. Interesting way of doing it. I will be sure to keep an eye out for more.

Thanks for the response.

Re: 11-08-01 [DE] Abraham Van Helsing Journal 1

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:44 pm
by Ravenhull
As commented above, a print (and probably e-reader) edition will be out in October which should cover everything out at that point plus another couple of months of online pages, assuming that it will be about the same length as Vampire Cheerleaders and such. Me, I have the print edition of VC/PMS, but I'm enjoying being here on the forums as the pages come out like 'normal' webcomics discussing stuff with those who who don't have the full volumes.

That said, it should be noted that the legacy 'Pixie Trix Comix' titles (Ma3, Eerie Cuties, Magic Chicks)don't work on that model, but are more standard webcomics that have a printed edition put out about once a year that includes what's already been online, plus a few pages of bonus material.