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Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:13 am
by Swayambhu
Since the Holidays are coming up, I thought I'd make a thread, and ask everyone a bunch of annoying questions. :D

What are your favorite Christmas movies?

Your least favorite?
(Movies that you either just hate or got really sick of.)

What are your favorite Christmas songs?

Your least favorite?
(Same applies, and the music doesn't have to necessarily be traditional I'll give a fine example when other people start to post.)

Do you send Christmas cards out every year?

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays?

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas?

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights?

I, uh--I'm drawing a blank suddenly, so maybe I'll ask more questions later.


Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:22 am
by cyanide_sweet
What are your favorite Christmas movies? Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer! The one with the dentist-elf. It's cute :)

Your least favorite? Bad Santa. 'Nuff said.

What are your favorite Christmas songs? I love Sleigh Ride :x

Your least favorite? I don't know... I could have told you last year, I worked retail and I got so sick of all the Christmas Music

Do you send Christmas cards out every year? I give out about 50, I try to make sure I cover my close friends :)

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays? I don't know?

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas? Yes! I love decorating and baking!

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights? Meh, not really.

I love christmas :)

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:34 am
by midgetshrimp
What are your favorite Christmas movies? Mr. Magoo Christmas Carol. With razzleberry dressing

Your least favorite? (Movies that you either just hate or got really sick of.) I don't like those old classics. They bore me.

What are your favorite Christmas songs? Carol of the Bells by TSO

Your least favorite? (Same applies, and the music doesn't have to necessarily be traditional I'll give a fine example when other people start to post.)I don't like those old classics. They bore me.

Do you send Christmas cards out every year?Nope. Lazy.

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays?As long as I'm with my family, and they're happy, I'm happy

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas?Sometimes. I did a little decorating here at the apartment and my house.

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights?There's one street by my dad's that goes all out. I love going there

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:52 am
by Retiarius
Swayambhu wrote:Since the Holidays are coming up, I thought I'd make a thread, and ask everyone a bunch of annoying questions. :D
What are your favorite Christmas movies?
Scrooged has its moments. A Christmas Story until the inevitable cable-TV marathons ground it down to a fine dust, although there are still lines I recall with semi-fondness. Probably the best one is still How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the old cartoon version, not the movie version I never saw) just to hear Thurl Ravenscroft (the late voice of Tony the Tiger) belting out the Grinch’s infamous theme song. :ymdevil:

Your least favorite?
All too many of them are cheese graters and nitric acid on the soul.

What are your favorite Christmas songs?
A Christmas Carol by Tom Lehrer, of those I can immediately recall.

Your least favorite?
Their name is legion.

Do you send Christmas cards out every year?

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays?
Maybe. I don’t begrudge others who like it the holiday, nor do I have anywhere near the wealth of Scrooge or his meanspiritedness about it. (Meanspiritedness is wasted on a holiday. :ymdevil:) I just don’t want to get any of it on me. I want to give gifts when I can afford it and feel like it, not because I’m guilted into it by tradition turned to propangda to bolster some big-box retailers’ end-of-year bottom lines.

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas?
The sole christmas decoration I own or have any interest in putting up is an old, old poster I salvaged from the bulletin board of like my fifth- or sixth-grade class. It is a Dear Santa letter/wish list with about four dozen outrageously silly items on it entitled, "Dear Santa-Baby".

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights?
Actually, I still like this. Tastefully done, colored lights in darkness and white snow on a cold, crisp, hushed winter night has a calming effect.

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:02 am
by Swayambhu
Swayambhu wrote:What are your favorite Christmas movies?
Jim Carrey's The Grinch, OMG THAT'S MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE EVER. I could watch that again and again and again, and never get sick of it.
Your least favorite? (Movies that you either just hate or got really sick of.)
Ugh, the puppet-animated cartoons, like Santa Clause is Coming to Town and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. It's terribly overplayed here, and I'm quite sick of it.

Frosty the Snowman, too. >:(
What are your favorite Christmas songs?
Tom Waits and Peter Murphy did a song together called "Christmas Sucks."

Heard it once, immediately downloaded it, and it's been my favorite Christmas song since. The lyrics are morbidly hilarious. :D
Your least favorite? (Same applies, and the music doesn't have to necessarily be traditional I'll give a fine example when other people start to post.)
UGH, Feliz Navidad. Especially that super whiny version of it. I could strangle infants to that song.
Do you send Christmas cards out every year?
I'm such a bad little procrastinator. I only recently got around to doing all my cards at once, including old birthday cards. :(

But no, this is the first year I've done Christmas cards. I think?
Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays?
Yep, me. I really hate a lot of things about the holidays, more than I like the other things about the holidays.
Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas?
Nope. I'm a total Grinch when it comes to decorating, unless it's stuff that I bought myself. I'm very particular about decorating and designing.
Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights?
Used to, not anymore. I might glance at the neighbors' stuff, but I don't go around, looking for anything particularly eye-catching.

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:05 am
by Azrael
Let's see, off the top of my head:

What are your favorite Christmas movies? Peanuts Christmas , Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer

Your least favorite? (Movies that you either just hate or got really sick of.) The Sound of Music, It's a Wonderful Life (Like them but sick of them)

What are your favorite Christmas songs? Fairytale of New York - The Pogues, We Three Kings, Little Drummer Boy, Do you See...

Your least favorite? (Same applies, and the music doesn't have to necessarily be traditional I'll give a fine example when other people start to post.) Any of the contemporary Top 40 style songs they have out these days

Do you send Christmas cards out every year? Yes at least a few.

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays? Sometimes when I get to missing certain people I get a bit Grinchy.

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas? Rarely

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights? Sometimes. I like the ones that go "Tim Taylor" nuts but are at the same time tastefully and well done.

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:16 am
by LadySheDevil
What are your favorite Christmas movies? Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer... Frickin' classic!

Your least favorite? Peanuts is really starting to get old... Blah.

What are your favorite Christmas songs? Baby, It's Cold Outside (don't have a specific version, really, I like em all... Just like me to like the X-mas date rape song... xD)

Your least favorite? Anything featuring chipmunks or Elmo... 8-}

Do you send Christmas cards out every year? I try to... Doesn't happen often.

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays? Yeah, when I realize I'm broke, I go "Ah, fukkit, I didn't like him/her anyways" lol

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas? I need to be in a very specific mood... Didn't hit me last year, hasn't hit me yet this year.

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights? I love it! Makes me wish I had a house so I could do the same...

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:42 am
by Peppercat
What are your favorite Christmas movies? My dad likes Miracle on 34th St. He loves that movie. He insists on watching it with me and my bro each year, which means I get to spend time with him so I guess it's my fave movie too :)

What are your favorite Christmas songs? White Christmas in English. I try to sing it like a tenor... and fail miserably. Naturally. But people laugh, and that's what matters :)

Do you send Christmas cards out every year? Nope, I'd rather call or pay a visit.

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays? Not me. Christmas is fun: it involves food! :D

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas? I like watching people decorating, does that count? :P

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights? YES! I love it.

Extra: Two weeks ago in NY

Mom: LOOK! There's a giant Father Christmas in that garden!
Me: ... that's a Thanksgiving Turkey, mom.

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:03 am
by Ithilion
What are your favorite Christmas movies? The nightmare before Christmas, no contest

Your least favorite? anything overplayed for the last 28 years... classics my arse

What are your favorite Christmas songs? Silent Night, Little Drummer Boy, The night Santa went crazy

Your least favorite? more or less everything else

Do you send Christmas cards out every year? I forget my own birthday sometimes, you think I'd remember to send cards on the birthday of an imaginary character?

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays? neither, not religious but Christmas is about having fun with friends and family.. so I try to do that as much as possible

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas? Yes, No, ask me when I'm done with this sudoku ...entirely depending on mood and company

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights? I usually spend Christmas at my father's village, some 800m above sea level, laid back on a fluffy wool blanket in front of the fireplace, enjoying some hot coffee with my cousins and watching the snow outside... why bother going anywhere?

Anybody here like Eggnog? never had any, only know what it is thanks to movies and such

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:26 pm
by Bear
Should really rename this 'Non-demoninational, Yuletide Season Celebration Stuff'. lol

What are your favorite Christmas movies? Don't really have one, though Nightmare before Christmas and Santa Claus : The Movie from 1985 with Dudley Moore in it come close. As does Scrooged.

Your least favorite? (Movies that you either just hate or got really sick of.) The vast majority of new ones which are just terrible... Any with Tim Allen for a start.

What are your favorite Christmas songs? Slade: Its Christmas.

Your least favorite? (Same applies, and the music doesn't have to necessarily be traditional I'll give a fine example when other people start to post.) 'Grandma We love you' *shudders* Creepy young kids choir singing...

Do you send Christmas cards out every year? No. I think cards are a waste of money as you either spend a fortunate and get a cheap on in return, or buy a bulk box of cheap ones that aren't really appreciated.

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays? Yes, I only buy presents for those people who buy me them, and to equal cost. :ymdevil:

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas? Yes. Its not christmas without a tree.

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights? Yes and no... if someone gots OTT with the entire christmas village in their garden thing, I find thats just tacky.

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:20 pm
by demoncat
What are your favorite Christmas movies? Santa’s Slay. :ymdevil: And I agree with Ithilion, Nightmare Before Christmas wins.

Your least favorite? (Movies that you either just hate or got really sick of.) The Charlie Brown Christmas Tree one. Well, most of them actually.

What are your favorite Christmas songs? If it doesn’t have words I’m probably okay with it. In fact I really like some of the big instrumental numbers, but I don’t know their names.

Your least favorite? (Same applies, and the music doesn't have to necessarily be traditional I'll give a fine example when other people start to post.) I can’t listen to too much of anything with lyrics. Johnny Mathis has earned a special place in my Christmas time hell. The worst by far was when I was working retail and they played a CD of yodelling cowboy Christmas songs OVER AND OVER. It flat out hurt.

Do you send Christmas cards out every year? Nope, too lazy and disorganized. I’ve participated in a couple card exchanges on different forums though.

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays? I’m not a Grinch, but I may be a Scrooge. I’m pretty indifferent to the whole season. My feelings don’t change towards my family, friends, or common man during this time, why should my behaviour?

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas? I don’t decorate but I do bake cookies and make candy for friends and family. It’s traditional for my family and not only does it make people happy but the hot oven keeps me from freezing while it’s cold. :)

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights? Not really. It’s too cold out, there’s rarely anything new to see, and I have a bit of a problem with the fact that the same people who complain the most about wasting energy and how I need to cut back on my usage leave up gigantic displays which is okay because it’s festive and thereby untouchable. At least that’s my experience. Guess I am a Grinch after all! #-o

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:31 pm
by Swayambhu
Anybody here like Eggnog? (Plain, spiced, or even liquored up. :p )

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:01 pm
by LadySheDevil
Swayambhu wrote:Anybody here like Eggnog? (Plain, spiced, or even liquored up. :p )
Yes, yes, and oh HELL yes!

Eggnog + rum = :x

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:21 pm
by Don Alexander
Swayambhu wrote:Anybody here like Eggnog? (Plain, spiced, or even liquored up. :p )
Oh God, Oh God, Oh Yes, Oh Yes.

NOG!!! :x :x :x

But... *ahem* without alcohol. from Luxlait. In the cutest country in the world, Luxemburg.

It's like a creamy spunky orgasm... @-)

Re: Christmas Stuff!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:24 pm
by Lilianna
What are your favorite Christmas movies? The Santa Clause series and Rudolph. What? I can't help it.

Your least favorite? None, really.

What are your favorite Christmas songs? Jingle Bells and Rudolph. Everybody knows them, so it's easy to start a random singalong.

Your least favorite? Crappy covers in general.

Do you send Christmas cards out every year? Nope.

Anybody here who's a bit of a Grinch, or a Scrooge, when it comes to the holidays? Nope. I love giving presents, if only because it means I get them.

Do you decorate, or like to decorate for Christmas? I like the look of a decorated house, but I had to decorate the school library yesterday (I'm the student aide) and... oh my god. There's like five pounds of scotch tape holding up the garland.

Do you like going out and looking at other peoples' Christmas decorations and Christmas lights? YEEEEES.