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Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:04 am
by karpeth
We've got habits, we've got things to confess, and a lot things more, but not a topic dedicated to our addictions.

So, let me start, by;

I'm addicted to tea, seriously. I'm on my fourth (fifth when this is posted, though) pot for tonight, and I haven't slept in days. Fantastically delicious, but I can't stop craving it. If I go a few days without high-quality tea, I get so cranky that my parents threatened to stop all contact with me a few times. If I go a few hours, I get blue and fragile, and the only way to get me happy again is a litre of nice tea. Doesn't matter if it's russian style, brittish shyle, or asian style. I just need tea.

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:06 am
by Ithilion
we would have never guessed :P

my only known addiction is to technology, i simply cannot be away from something technological for long (it doesn't even have to be functional) ...the more hi-tech the better

as for craving... cinnamon, thats about it

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:08 am
by cyanide_sweet
My family has a history of bad addictions. Lots of alcoholism and gambling problems. And then there's me!
Every drug I've tried: never had problems quitting. Tried smoking a few times: never felt a desire to continue. I drink rather frequently, but only socially! No addiction there. Drink a lot of coffee, but I don't NEED to have a cup. I'm pretty lucky that way :)

I'm a li'l addicted to my cell phone though... my phone bill says I only send and recieve like *cough20000 messages a monthcough*... ;;)

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:09 am
by karpeth
Ithilion wrote:we would have never guessed :P

my only known addiction is to technology, i simply cannot be away from something technological for long (it doesn't even have to be functional) ...the more hi-tech the better

as for craving... cinnamon, thats about it
There's one thing called unhealthy obsession, which could have been an alternative. I'm not really obsessed by tea, rather addicted, as I have said.

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:11 am
by Phoenix
I hate tea. I can deal with it if it has so much sugar that you can barely taste it, but other than that, the residue it leaves on your teeth/tongue is foul. :ymsick:

I'm addicted to sports. Watching, playing, whatever. Not all sports though. Some I can't bear, some I can tolerate, and some I adore. :D Not what you were after, but I wanted to contribute! ;)

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:12 am
by Morwen

...what? that's about it

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:13 am
by Phoenix
Is it genuinely THAT good? /:) I've been told so many times that I'm not really missing out.

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:16 am
by Morwen
as much as i hate using internet memes, here's what i'd tell them

"ur doin it wrong"

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:21 am
by karpeth
Phoenix wrote:Is it genuinely THAT good? /:) I've been told so many times that I'm not really missing out.
Sex, nope, it's nice, but tea's better. Tea, yes, you're missing out.

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:25 am
by Peppercat
Oof! Cravings, I have many... especially food related! Like chinese food and chocolate Like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups :D And tequila. :x

Addictions, as in, true addiction... none that I can think of, really.

I like fairies and cats :) Big cats. Big wild cats. Roar.

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:29 am
by Sideb(.)(.)bPlatypus
I need to learn to like tea. I love Coke, but I'm not supposed to have it :/

Anyway, hm....I feel naked without my cellphone, so I guess you could say I'm addicted to it :p

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:32 am
by cyanide_sweet
SidewaysPlatypus wrote: Anyway, hm....I feel naked without my cellphone, so I guess you could say I'm addicted to it :p
You know it's bad when your friends joke that you should pose for your grad pictures with it, or that you should marry it, or say "WHOA you're not texting or making a phone call? How come you're not shaking and going through withdrawal?"

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:39 am
by Asaryu
As I have said earlier, I am a bit of a hedonist...but I'm also very obsessive over things.

I crave or become obsessed with things, and I will not stop for several days/weeks/months.

Stone-fruit. Reading. Book-binding. Sex. Sleeping. Caffeine. Sugar. People. Particular people (though this one is wonderful, since the obsession never truly goes away as the relationship changes and evolves). Cleaning. Writing. Films. Games. This forum. Dancing.

I am told that I am just like my father in this respect. Apparently he would lie in bed for days for for days or weeks and simply not move until he was finished with the obsession. This is why I refuse to touch drugs. I've already proven to myself that I cannot quit them even if I want to (my caffeine addiction is evidence) and the last thing I want is to turn out like him. Long story...not a nice guy.

Luckily, sometimes I can channel my addictions into something productive. So when I am writing essays, I try to find a hook...something that will catch me and that I can drown in. Then I can happily do the project for days on end and not sleep.

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:42 am
by Sideb(.)(.)bPlatypus
cyanide_sweet wrote:
SidewaysPlatypus wrote: Anyway, hm....I feel naked without my cellphone, so I guess you could say I'm addicted to it :p
You know it's bad when your friends joke that you should pose for your grad pictures with it, or that you should marry it, or say "WHOA you're not texting or making a phone call? How come you're not shaking and going through withdrawal?"

that is pretty bad :))

Re: Addictions & Cravings

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:45 am
by Phoenix
I use mine so little that people ask me if I even have one :P