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Post by zgwortz »

I've noticed a number of people have posted that they play various MMORPGs here in assorted threads -- thought perhaps we should have a central place where those of us who do play them can talk about it. Who knows, maybe we'll even start a MA3 or Elder Cave guild... :p

My first encounter with games like this was the Kingdom of Drakkar back in the early to mid 90s. (Technically just a MORPG - they never had the Massive size...) I actually kept an in-character diary on the web while playing the game as a kind of guide for new players. Fond memories, but the technology was horribly outdated even then. I'm told this is still up and running as a web based game nowadays.

My next encounter with the genre was Everquest, which I played for a while and lost interest in. After that was City of Heroes -- I still have my account, but hardly ever play it anymore.

Currently, I'm semi-actively playing World of Warcraft, mostly working on Scherzo, my level 27 Gnome Warlock on Drenden. I have a bunch of chars on Tanaris and a few on other scattered servers.

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Post by Ithilion »

MMORPGs... le sigh... a pained story

I used to play WoW... back in the day before druids could even turn into owlbear thingies

I was in a RP server, with my PvP flag always on (unless i had to go on a frustrating quest where the npcs were the issue and i couldn't bother with idiots trying to gank me) ...i had a character of each race and profession

all would be fine, except for two minor issues

1. I was not blind to the fact WoW was technically inferior to most other MMORPGs out there... cartoonish graphics are not good graphics by default ...or more to the point, that even though Blizzard had a linux client made, they never got it public
2. I made the grave mistake to expect people in a RP server to actually stick to the lore of the world of WarCraft... only to have the majority blatantly ignore it... and later have Blizzard themselves spit in the face of lore in order to promote the more 15yo-friendly black/white approach

my chars were around level 40 when i got sick with it and simply uninstalled
Last edited by Ithilion on Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thaldin »

I've played a long history of MMOs...

The Realm, UO, EverQuest, WoW, and now Warhammer Online...

I've raided high-end in EQ and WoW... and now I just take it easy in Warhammer, actually been spending most of my time playing my XBox...

But in Wow, I have a level 70 hunter on Garona (alliance side) and one on Hyjal (horde side), played the hunter class since closed beta and I can't stand crappy hunters that gave the class a bad name...

In WAR, I just dink around on Magus on the Destruction side.

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Post by Retiarius »

The only MMORPG I’m playing is Star Wars Galaxies.

I don’t have time or money for others right now, and wouldn’t bother with fantasy based ones like World of Warcraft because I get enough FRPG in weekend Dungeons and Dragons sessions. Few computer games let you design your own spells from scratch and those that I’ve seen that do don’t do a very good job of it.
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Post by LadySheDevil »

I'm not big on spending money I don't have every month on games that most likely won't keep my interest for more than a few days at a time.

I play Guild Wars, which I just completely began anew. It's pretty sweet that my items and gold I had stored in Xunlai chests actually carried over... :D

I sometimes play MapleStory, but people are irritating as all hell in that game.

I'm currently being pressured into Final Fantasy XI, which has a $15/mo fee, but it could be fun... I've always wanted to play as a Tarutaru. <3

Gave WoW a try, but just couldn't get into it.
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Post by Bear »

I used to play several MMORPG's, but now I've just not seen the point in them anymore. Okay, so they're all bright and shiney and have good quests and stuff... but there is just far to much grinding in many of them, then theirs all the idiots who try to scam you or be abbusive, or those PKer's who kill newb's just to rip them off, then theres the real noob's who are the pker's and don't have a clue about anything....

Give me a good solid solo game please.

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Post by Pfhreak »

Do MUDs count? I played Alanthia for a few days. As for graphical MMORPGs: I played Oberin... once. I just can't seem to get into online RPGing. I guess I was spoiled by actually getting together with people in meatspace with TRPGs. :-B
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Post by midgetshrimp »

I'd say MUDs count. I play one called Avendar. I haven't had a character on there in a few months, but now and again I have an itch to create, and it's free so there's no guilt.
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Post by thaldin »

LadySheDevil wrote:I'm not big on spending money I don't have every month on games that most likely won't keep my interest for more than a few days at a time.

I play Guild Wars, which I just completely began anew. It's pretty sweet that my items and gold I had stored in Xunlai chests actually carried over... :D

I sometimes play MapleStory, but people are irritating as all hell in that game.

I'm currently being pressured into Final Fantasy XI, which has a $15/mo fee, but it could be fun... I've always wanted to play as a Tarutaru. <3

Gave WoW a try, but just couldn't get into it.
Ah knew I forgot something, I also played on FFXI... I actually liked it, but sometimes it was just too hard to get a group and you really can't solo worth a damn at all in that game, but I made a great White Mage/Black Mage =)

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Post by zgwortz »

Hmmn... If we count MUDs, then I'd have to add the old British Legends game on Compuserve. (BL was a commercial version of the first MUD, which was just called MUD)

@Bear, I've been mostly playing WoW recently as if it were a solo game. 99.9% of the time I'm totally ignoring the other players. (Except as sources of money in the auction house, that is...) I've even avoided the grinding issue by not even trying to level, but instead trying to do every single quest available to the faction, not just the race. (ie. did the quests in all 4 starter zones, then all the secondary zones, etc.) I'm in fact finding myself outleveling the available quests without even trying, and I find that to be a *much* better game then grinding to level. And I'm doing it with both an Alliance character and a Horde character now, switching back and forth, so there's always new content to keep my interest. I'm sure eventually I'll get tired of it again (and probably before I get to the really high levels), but at least this way is more fun.

Before that I'd had a long lull period of about 8 months where I wasn't playing anything. I'd dabble a bit in WoW and CoH, but not enough to keep my interest very long. (Although I *do* admit to really enjoying it when I and a group of friends decided to start new characters and a specialized role playing guild just for fun -- we all played human rogues and had names based on pasta - I was Fettucini, and the guild was La Pasta Nostra... :D That was almost as fun as when we all setup older, somewhat senile, heroes in City of Heroes to form the Grumpy Old Heroes guild... :p )

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Post by Retiarius »

Bear wrote:I used to play several MMORPG's, but now I've just not seen the point in them anymore. Okay, so they're all bright and shiney and have good quests and stuff... but there is just far to much grinding in many of them, then theirs all the idiots who try to scam you or be abbusive, or those PKer's who kill newb's just to rip them off, then theres the real noob's who are the pker's and don't have a clue about anything....

Give me a good solid solo game please.
Odd. I haven’t seen that happen much in Star Wars Galaxies, but then our server isn’t a heavy-population one. Those times I see some knucklehead trying to scam a player, especially a new one, I immediately send a /tell (instant message) to the intended victim as to what’s up. Nothing like that has happened for a long time, though.

As for the PKers—since the PvP zones are sharply defined and hard to accidentally wander into, we have less trouble with that. You pretty much have to WANT to be in PvP to get into PvP in SWG.
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Post by Tenjen »

6 months played time on ONE char in WoW

and thats total ingame time. juston my main.

iam also a stat and strat nut

and a lore junkie
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Post by Swayambhu »

Gayest MMORPG a friend of mine ever got me to play was Tibia.

Ugh. Bad memories...

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Post by LadySheDevil »

Guh, I had a friend who was obsessed with Tibia... It just looks dumb to me.
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Post by oni »

Played, Lineage 1 (2 years back!) it wasn't too bad. Last I remember, was a level 29 female-troll, at this place where I went to game got shut down. ...I had a close friend tip me off about it; Together, we were going to purchase the building, invite a bunch of friend's from college by hosting a bi-weekly tournament and the Pot size would've been $250-$500 w/10% cut for the house. Shame! It's now a de-funct American dojo, teaching Karate to elderly and prekindergarten's. .

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