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Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:40 pm
by Phoenix
When a telemarketer called my friend, trying to sell him a phone, he first played the sarcasm card - "If I needed a phone, how am I talking to you right now?", before trying to sell HIM a phone, and finally just mimicking him until he went away.

My auntie however, lives on the 4th floor of a tower block, and got a call from a conservatory salesman. He insisted "yes, we have your details, and we'd like to offer you a conservatory for £1,000. We can put them anywhere...front, back, side...doesn;t matter. So what do you say?" So she replied with "If you can get them 150ft in the air, I'll take one!" :p

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:20 pm
by Bear
Woke up late at around 11am still feeling sick.. will not fill in the details incase of any :ymsick: factor. Grabbed a cup of tea, booted up the internet, did my rounds of various websites I visit, my emails and then forum duties... went to play a couple of games for a while, made lunch of sandwiches and soup, played game for a while more... went for a nap, woke up for dinner, watched tv... Dragged self back here.

My days are suckingly quiet...

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:04 pm
by Phoenix
Bear's days are like mine, minus the tea and vomit.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:07 pm
by midgetshrimp
Got up at 6 this morning to drive my mom to work and bring the car for maintenance. Got home at 11 and went back to sleep until 330, when I went to pick my mom up. Now I'm home. Also, I just found out that my eldest brother's girlfriend is increasingly unstable. She tried to kill herself and had to be resuscitated. They have a 4 year old daughter, over which I'm certain there will be a custody battle. There are more details, but I know only a few, and I think this is all I'm really comfortable talking about (having just found out myself).

Seeing Alison pop back on the forums was a bright spot though. :)

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:20 pm
by Mythiene
If the girl’s mother is mentally unstable and has attempted suicide, I doubt she could win a custody battle. There are some rather moronic judges and juries, but there’s no way they’d put a four-year-old under the care of such a person.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:24 pm
by Ithilion
hope everything works out for the best, as far as the child is concerned... it sucks when kids get in the middle of such situations

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:15 am
by midgetshrimp
Mythiene wrote:If the girl’s mother is mentally unstable and has attempted suicide, I doubt she could win a custody battle. There are some rather moronic judges and juries, but there’s no way they’d put a four-year-old under the care of such a person.
My brother has a less than flattering legal record (mostly DUIs and fights and such. Though he's quit drinking) and she's had him jailed a couple times on bogus charges while she's unstable. And you would think they'd be smarter, but she's pretty much succeeded at suicide momentarily, and they're thinking of letting her out of the hospital without giving her help. I have very little faith in the common sense of the people who are going to be making the decisions concerning my brother and my niece. My mother is going to stay with him this weekend, and I hope she's able to help in the time that she's there.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:26 am
by Morwen
for a slight change of pace (if i add my brother to the mix we can open our forum AA ggroup)

we went for coffee earlier today... and this relatively cute guy starts trying to hit on me (yes, Ithilion was just across the table) ...normally i would just brush him off, but its that time of the month... so i ended up kicking his ass and making a scene ...just in time or his gf to see the whole thing as she came out of the bathroom

end result: she dumped him, i hit on her, she's coming over tomorrow... hopefully i will be up for a bit of fun :D

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:36 am
by midgetshrimp
Morwen: How the... what... the hell... that is amazing!

PFL: If his name is Rodney, then I'd be weirded out.

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:42 am
by Don Alexander
Morwen, here's you +12 knuckleduster of w00tness.

I never want to meet you IRL. :-ss

Also, we need to submit that to

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:45 am
by Ithilion
Don... you actually do want to meet her ;)

just don't be a dick if you try to hit on her... then there will be blood

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:53 am
by Asaryu
Morwen: :ymapplause: Well done.

MS: Although there's nothing I can do physically to help, I can offer al lthe love and support I have. :ymhug: :x

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:04 am
by midgetshrimp
PFL: I know I only have two brothers and two sisters. So I wasn't too worried :p
Asaryu: You being online cheers me up tremendously as it is. :)

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:15 am
by thaldin
Morwen's antics please me....

Ith... *chuckles* You know how to pick em =)

Re: How Was Your Day?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:30 am
by lollipop cuts
Well today I went to see the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which was shot in New Orleans, and was delighted to see all of the familiar houses and buildings. Go see the movie if you want to see what my city looks like. It was like watching a home movie. Delightful. Except no one here talks in those horrible accents, haha.

My cold seems to be letting up, thankfully. Tomorrow I hope to go running again.

Today me and my best friend drove 40 minutes to go to a restaurant. Unfortunately its last day was yesterday, so we walk up and were like, "... CLOSED?!" Very disappointing! So we go to another restaurant, much closer to home, and almost get to the door before I spot her ex-boyfriend inside and squeak, "CASEY STOP!" So we ended up at a little Mexican restaurant we frequent and had a few margaritas to cheer ourselves up. Oh, life, she is ironic sometimes.

Edit: Oh, and as a kind of bitter f-u to my ex-gentleman caller, who always complained about my lack of sexy underwear (it's true, I refuse to wear things see-through or itchy or wedgie-inducing), I went out and bought... sexy underwear. Even though I don't have anyone to wear them for now. But it makes me feel pretty! Hahaha