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Re: Achievements

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:42 am
by Tenjen
I returned a lost crying child to his parents at the airport [it was quite large and no one was helping him]

at least i think they were his parents...

Re: Achievements

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:03 pm
by Bear
Tenjen wrote:I returned a lost crying child to his parents at the airport [it was quite large and no one was helping him]

at least i think they were his parents...
>> Insert News at 10 voiceover here <<

"And the nation was on high alert today after a number of small children were kidnapped at the airport today. Police are looking for this affro'ed man...."

Re: Achievements

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:47 am
by Don Alexander
Phoenix wrote:In other news, I've figured out why you don't get laid... :))
I, on the other hand, am still trying to figure out how willpower beats orgasm in your case. :P

Re: Achievements

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:39 pm
by Bear
Don forgot this achievement...

"Survived being painted Bubble-Gum pink.... mostly " :ymdevil:

Re: Achievements

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:15 am
by Don Alexander
Thread-resurrection of Doom!!!

We need to achieve more.

My achievements:

1) after three days (that was my weekend...), I have worked through a highly complicated 23 page scientific paper, adding a figure and text, a paper which just might become a quite fundamental piece of science in my field. (No, no, I'm far from being first author - #5 of 12)

2) I think I actually managed to repair my computer!! Since December, it had started acting up. Between a few minutes and a few hours after starting, the SVCHOST process crashed. This led to some weird effects. Programs that were still open (Mail, Browser, etc.) still ran on, but it was not possible to open new programs, any interaction with the Windows Explorer turned off, and finally, the computer didn't shut down any more... This became extremely annoying. Seeing that my Windows system was already five (!!!) years old, I bought a new hard drive and completely reinstalled everything, which was a real bitch.

And the problem... persisted. :( This lead me to think it might be a memory problem, we played around in the computer's innards... Nothing helped, though I had not yet checked out new RAM modules.

Yesterday, I noticed something. The error report from SVCHOST was something like "SVCHOST tried to access adress "gobbledigook", adress "gobbledigook" could not be read." The "gobbledigook" had been identical in both crashes. So I googled the adress - and got hits. From something named metasploit. Which seems to be an open source, "ethical hacker" site where people try to find security holes in software. While I did not understand exactly what was going on, "my" adress showed up in some kind of program code as an adress specific to my Windows system and language... I then googled metasploit itself, and a few hits down, stumbled upon a McAfee press release which reported that the by now infamous Conficker worm was using an exploit published on metasploit - exactly the exploit everyone has been twittering about these last weeks! I followed linkage to the MS patch, installed that, also downloaded the MS malware removal tool (of course, I have anti-virus), let it run - and then left for the concert.

Today, coming back, no crashed SVCHOST!!! The malware thingy found... nothing!! But I had read that Conficker does not spread in classical ways, but infects... networks. Like the one here at work. So now my hunch is that some Windows computer on this network (which is, of course, kept under less tight regulations concerning my firewall) is infected, and somehow tried to RPC-access my computer, which lead to a crash of the SVCHOST...

Guess I should inform our sysadmins one day.

Anyhoo, it's 4:25 in the morning, I gotta get home.

And sleep the sleep of the achievers. ;)

Re: Achievements

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:28 am
by Peppercat
Bravo :ymapplause:

*pats DA on the head and gives him a cookie*

Thatta boy! :-*

Re: Achievements

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:29 am
by Don Alexander


Re: Achievements

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:30 am
by Peppercat
Now now, DA, let's behave ;) ;;) ;;)

Re: Achievements

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:33 am
by Don Alexander
I'm frisky now. ;;)

*takes cookie and drives home*

Re: Achievements

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:51 am
by Scaramouche
Scaramouche wrote: Some of my essays have been received well, and as I mentioned in another thread, I've actually garnered support from some famous scientists for a project I'm working on. I doubt it will have a huge effect on anyone, but it should be interesting.
Because I feel like showing off a little, the names include Nick Bostrom, Vernor Vinge, and Brandon Carter. That's pretty freakin awesome.

Re: Achievements

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:32 pm
by Asaryu
I have not finished my Masters yet, but over the week, I think I may have been offered a couple of places for PhD's to pick from. :-o

I impressed people with my research, and no-one heckled me...the one person who would have made my life difficult left before my presentation (the cow).

I am very pleased with how it went.

The panel discussion on the other hand...It felt like I was brought in to be part of it so that people could talk over the top of me. *le sigh*

Re: Achievements

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:58 pm
by Bear
Asaryu... PHD... Epp! ;)

Re: Achievements

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:00 pm
by Asaryu
That's right, one day I will be Doctor Tentacoo-Goddess

In a year and a half, I will be Master Tentacoo-Goddess...and I think that has a nicer ring to it. :ymdevil:

Re: Achievements

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 6:32 pm
by Bear
The Master becomes The Doctor... thats some sort of reality paradox isn't it? ;)

Re: Achievements

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:05 am
by Ithilion
with The Doctor... you can never be sure