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Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:38 pm
by Fen
I'm really happy to have a job :).
(now to not think about all the times I will be just installing and uninstalling programs on an iPhone...or proofreading German/Japanese/French/Spanish/other languages...especially if they involve golf terms)

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:59 pm
by Tenjen

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:43 pm
by Don Alexander
I had a small moment of happy before the perpetual misery that is my life reinstated itself.

I went to the store to get some breakfast. I had six deposit bottles and roughly, 1,50 € in my billfold. I was sure I needed to pay with my card.

I got a bread and some cheese spread which was on sale. Only when I reached the cashier did i start doing a bit of math... to come to the realization that I was missing EXACTLY ONE CENT!!!

So what does one do when one is in such a situation? One looks around on the ground in the hopes of finding that one missing cent piece! Of course, one never finds it when one needs it...

BUT I DID!!! :ymparty: $-) :-bd

Boy, that felt awesome!!! :D

I walked out with food and exactly no money at all on my name. :P

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:55 am
by Swayambhu
I'm doing a lot better these days.

You know, health-wise.

I didn't talk a lot about it because initially I was worried that I might have been sicker than anticipated. Luckily, I caught it early enough.

See, I originally went in to get an infection taken care of, but the nurses and doctors seemed a little bewildered by some of my symptoms. So they started asking me some questions, and my answers led the nurse to smile and pick up some utensils... She poked me in the finger and gave it a good squeeze.

And, well, I blacked out.

When I came to, she gave me another smile and said, "Well, that confirms it: you've got anemia!" and then showed me some numbers, which were frightfully low. The doctor told me that if those numbers had been any lower, I would have been applicable for a blood transfusion.

My anemia made it more difficult to fight off the infection I was suffering from, which was why I was in worse condition than most.

They put a needle in my uterus. :( Then they disinfected me and flushed me out. (Gross, I know - sorry.)

I was on bed rest for the first day, and on antibiotics for a little while. I was taking a cocktail of vitamins, too, and had to follow a lot of food restrictions.

After a month of suffering, I'm finally feeling better again. I've been getting a lot of compliments, and a lot of my friends who already knew about me being sick have all mentioned how much better I look and sound these days.

I still have two more months to go through with the routines the doctor's issued. After that, I'm technically home-free.

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:42 am
by Azrael
Ook, my Mother went through that a few years back. Glad to hear you're getting better Sway. :D :ymhug: Eat your liver and onions. :p

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:38 pm
by yiraheerai
Glad to know you're doing better. :ymhug: That probably would have scared the crap out of me.

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:41 pm
by Artemisia
Glad you're feeling better...and that sounds horrible :(

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:09 am
by Adamas
Azrael wrote:Ook, my Mother went through that a few years back. Glad to hear you're getting better Sway. :D :ymhug: Eat your liver and onions. :p

Least it's better than what they used to proscribe, take a handfull of rusty nails, boil them, and drink the water. (My last doc's advice was every few days, a small steak seared in a cast-iron skilet \:d/ And a cup of raisins everyday)

Glad ya feeling better Sway! :ymhug:

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:37 pm
by Radbaron
Ceci and Ross got engaged.

Just announced on Facebook!

Congratulations to Teacher and Xarlaxas on their upcoming nuptials!

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:17 pm
by Azrael
HUZZAH! :ymparty:

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:47 pm
by yiraheerai
Someone put together pictures of Robert Downey Jr. and Lucy Liu together.. and then found some pictures of Johnny Lee Miller and Jude Law together. WATSON SWITCHING.




Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 4:04 am
by yiraheerai
Tentatively ECSTATIC.

I went down to the local movie theater all on my own to talk to the manager about getting closed captioning. Turns out, they already have captioning- OPEN captioning! That means the captions are displayed right on the theater screen. SeeThat Deaf Guy for an example. I admit it, I cried. Not in front of him, but when I got back in my truck I just bawled. I haven't been in that theater in YEARS because I thought they didn't have it- and it could be a new thing, I don't know- and I was planning a THREE HOUR TRIP to see it elsewhere because of that.

When I got home, Dad let Mom and me celebrate for a bit before saying "Now, here's the downer..."

He thinks there's a possibility the manager could have lied to me about them having it because it could be required by law for them to have some sort of captioning. He gave an example about a time when he worked at a bus company where his boss lied to a customer and said they had wheelchair lifts when they didn't. Dad went to pick up the guy and naturally, the guy was pissed. His boss later confessed to Dad that he had told him that because of the law. How he got away with it, I don't even know.

So.. I plan on going to see Iron Man 3 like I originally planned, only locally instead of taking a three hour drive to see it. I will raise all sorts of HELL if they don't actually have it.

But yeah, possibly going to be able to start going back to the movies like a regular person. YAY!!

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 4:41 am
by mikbuster
That's awesome :) good luck

I don't go to see movies like that personally. I saw one once with a friend in 5th grade and then one in Orlando that my brother wanted to pay for, so movies aren't important to me. :ymhug:

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 12:05 pm
by Tenjen
hope they do indeed have it so you can get you some movie cinema time!

Re: The Happy Thread

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 12:28 pm
by Don Alexander
Yay Yira!!!

Interestingly, NOW I actually understand what closed captioning is, I always thought it's what is described as open captioning...

Also, in case the guy DID lie, I hope you are tough enuff to raise a public outrage. :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: