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Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:51 pm
by EdenNamir
Oh im sorry i didnt see that thread *smacks forhead "E what are you THINKING!!! Bad E Bad!"*

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:56 pm
by Asaryu
*grabs EN's hand*

No self-flagellation. I won't stand for it.

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:31 pm
by Don Alexander
Right. Only Asaryu is allowed to flagellate!! That's what the tentacoos are there for, after all. :D

Okay, childhood stories... Let's see...

A very short one: When I was returning from a friend's house, I might have ben ten-ish, I saw a fireball (big, bright meteor) streak across the whole cloudless sky from one horizon to the other. It was awesome.

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:10 pm
by EdenNamir
Well, I think I'm gonna post the short version (first) of one.

I had my ear ripped off by a fire hydrant (yes i have two ears now... and they are my original ears).

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:17 pm
by Don Alexander
Short reply: Ouchie! :(

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:20 pm
by EdenNamir
Wanna know what happened? it's kinda funny...

and to be honest this is one i don't remember except hitting the hydrant

my parents just like to tell me what happened.... A LOT.

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:27 pm
by Asaryu
Tell us!

I want to know how you still have your ears!

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:30 pm
by Ithilion
just say its not superglue...

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:33 pm
by EdenNamir
LoL ...

My brother (adoptive) was a wee bit aggressive in playing. OK VERY aggressive. we were in Hawaii (so i was like 3 or 4) and we were outside playing he said he wanted to spin me around. so me liking to play what big brother plays agreed.he grabbed me by the ankles and was swinging me in circles, he wasn't paying attention and hit my head on one to the hydrants. my ear was dangling off the side of my head by a slim piece of skin. my dad was on duty but my mother called the Mps and the medical people and got me all sewn up. I think i was three at the time. Anyways. my mom says that it took them a long time to sew my ear back on. and guess what all i have is a scar behind my ear ^_^ its a long line.. and i DO have problems hearing every once in a while... but meh im in one piece and alive.

As far as i know nothing happened to my brother except he was told to be more responsible.

no no not superglue :P

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:37 pm
by Asaryu
That's fairly epic....

My sister would sandwich me between two mattresses and jump up and down on me when my mum would go out.

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:54 pm
by EdenNamir
DANG.... that had to hurt :P

Here's one.

when i was about 8 (maybe summer before i turned 9) my mom made me bring my sister to the park which was just a little ways away from our house (like 4 houses away; but still not easy to see from it) Well, while i was there pushing her in a swing ( she wasn't more than 2 and was only going to be outta the hospital for a few days then had to go back, she didn't spend much time outta the hospital until she was 5) two of my friends came along. and me being young i wanted to play with my friends. by sister had fallen asleep so i put her in her stroller (one of those that the baby and lay back in) and went to play on the gymnasium and the Mary go round. well a few hours passed and i forgot about my sister that wasn't making a sound. I went with my friend over to her house to see her new born kittens... and heres the thing... i forgot my sister in the park.

Well, i went home not long after that and my mom asked me where my sister was. she panicked and told me to go find her or not to come back. well i went and searched for her. but i forgot to look in the park (im 8 ya know... im not gonna think... trace your steps...) well, because i couldn't find her i went and asked my friend Timmy to help me but his grouchy grandma wouldn't let him out. so because i was told find her or don't come home i went and looked again. i saw a strange old man in a van and i though. oh no what if he has her... always being told strangers will take her away or me away. so i ran up to him and demanded he give her back. When he looked at me funny and got outta the van and started to walk towards me i panicked and forgot what i was out there for other than i knew i couldn't go home. so i went to my friends (Ariel) house and thankfully she was there. the guy had been following me the entire way. well. when i calmed down we played barbie dolls, and i forgot everything. a few hours (WAY after dark) my parents knocked on the door. that when i remembered i hadn't found my sister.. i snuck out the back door and used the alley ways and went looking for her again.

I got scared because i couldn't find her and i could a sworn i was being followed. I went and hid in the park under the tunnel (they had this plastic little barrel with both ends cut off buried in the dirt) and slept there that night. in the morning my dad found me and carried me home. I was grounded the entire summer. couldn't have friends over couldn't leave the yard. not unless it was to go to the doctors that was the ONLY reason i was allowed passed the gate.

they had told me that they had found her in the park crying and starving not 2 hours after i had gone to look for her.

I have yet to forgive myself... though i don't think my mother has either.....

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:06 am
by Don Alexander
Holy crap!!!! =))

Sorry, but from an outside perspective, that just such a fuckaroo that it's uproariously funny...

*hugs poor EN*

Why was your sister in the hospital most of her young life?? :(

Hm... Another very short one... I think this actually happenend... I was way too young to remember it, and even the telling is waaay long ago, I just remembered it for the first time in a coon's age...

It seems, when I was but a baby in a stroller (that word triggered my memory), my dad was out walking with me once, and on a hill, he somehow let go, and I, on my rad wheels, commenced zooming away from him, downhill!! Don't remember though if he caught me or I first crashed into something...

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:15 am
by EdenNamir
Well, she was born with three holes in her heart, some thing to do with spinal bifida (we both had that.. must run in the family) as well as a water thing with the brain. and something to do with having to have her stomach flipped upside down (you know cut out and put in upside down) because she kept vomiting from the second she was born. her life expectancy was no more than 24 hours. but heres my germ a phobic sister now at 15.. whoda thunk it? ;)

i think I'll post a pi of her in a sec int he picture thread ^_^

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:18 am
by Don Alexander

*is speechless*

I guess in retrospect, the reaction should be happy, you are both still there...

Re: Childhood Occurances/ Stories

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:46 am
by EdenNamir
Yeah.. and heres the funny things i was a good kid ( I know i was i never asked for anything i never yelled i never acted out <except that time>) but i was kinda wild... i was most definably a tom boy LoL heck i was up until about two years ago... now i wear make up every so often and i try to find reasons to wear dresses... but i don't look good in them.

Here's one. this one i don't particularly like but... i don't get to talk about it often and talking makes it a little better.

My "brother" hated my mother, and living with her now and over the years i can understnad why. but he also had ADD and some other disease that made his bones deteriorate. ANYWAYs, i guess he got jelouse becuase we had a little sister coming into the world and i had a cat (been raised with her as well as my dog) and i was only 6 so i got alot of attention. well, he would hit my mother but be VEry nice to me i still believe he loved me. he took care of me when my mom was in the hospital for cancer and my dad was out trying to find yet another job... (afte he was medicly inhonorable discharged he had problems getting a job since that was his life since he came out of high school) he even helped me get ready for my music play when i was in elementary. helped me put together my outfit and all... but SUCKED at braiding haor took my dad 3 HOURS to untangle my hair...... but anyways, he would beat my mom up. she was always yelling at him and i guess being abandond by your parents at the age of 5 didnt help things but he would hit her back when she started to yell at him. and he hit her in the stomacha lot when she was pregnant. well, after she was born he tried to kill my sister by shoving a bottle down her throat. thank fully my mom caught him. later that week i noticed my cat "Krysail" had gone missing. at the end of the week my mom made me and him sit down and made him explain what he did. he told me reluctantly that he cut my cat into peices and then buried her under my slide in the back yard. I started to cry adn he hugged me but i pushed him off and ran into my room. he was crying saying he didnt mean to that he had lost himself. he said it was after one of their fights and that he was just mad that i got a lot of loving and he alwasy got yelled at. he said he wouldnt do it normally. i refused to talk to him. one day i woke up adn decided that i could forgive him. that he didnt deserve to be alone... but when i went to go find him my mother told me i had just missed him he was flying out to his actual grandmother and that i would never get to see him again. since then i have yet to talk to him. i never got to tell him i love him nor that i fogrive him. but i think i will eventually be able to. if hes still alive. but i cant do it under my mothers roof. she has forbiden me to. she says she doesnt ever want to talk to him again.

On a happier note

when i was a kid me and my brother had bunnies mine was pink his was blue. we would take them for walks around the yard adn down the street. i loved living wiht him in Norman, ok. it was actually fun i remeber more about that time than i do in hawaii probally because i was older.

(sorry im not spell checking such a long post...right now.... )