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PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:22 am
by Giz

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:31 am
by Cortez
Reminds me of Hypnotia from Iron Man.

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:42 am
by OllieOrOlly
Should correct Ramona's comments, in that Tracy sure is hell isn't smart! I know she was actually referring to the comic book character, so please don't "correct" me (which, while being derivative of similarly themed comic characters, I rather like). On a tangent, the way Tracy's arc went seemed to be an intentional sabotage of her original persona, since being sexy ended up being her only redeeming characteristic. But enough well-dead topics.

Zadie is... not good. Manipulative, dishonest, jealous, and now seems spiteful. God forbid letting positive attention stay on Ramona for the moment - who, from dialogue, clearly has self-esteem issues - but instead, me, me, me. There is comedic insecurity, then there is whatever Zadie is. I'm not sure how nude modelling would pan out, since this comic feels like it is sticking to a safe for work approach; perhaps some awkward framing or maybe it happening off-panel would be the solution?

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:24 am
by Chantaru
She seems to confuse posing for life drawing which involves spending a lot of time with the artist and posing for soecific action shots which involves a lot of embarrassing weird situations.

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:47 am
by lordoffiling
Oooookay, Zadie. You threw the Hail Mary pass and he didn’t catch it. You can stop this now. :)

He’s right, though. We need a thicc superheroine!

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:18 pm
by Fluffy
Damnit, Zadie - you had an in by getting his attention when offering to be a model for future work. Then you just had to go screw it up by trying to one up Ramona (who wasn't keen on modeling) with offering to pose nude.

Why are we supposed to like this insipid child, again?

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:49 pm
by xetalon
Zadie case isn't getting better, seriously, who would like a character like this ?

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:56 pm
by worldshaking00
I appreciate the call-out to Tracy. I really enjoyed her as a character before the advent of James. Yes, she had issues even before then, but they were mild in comparison. And Tracy fits Hypnotica's description fairly well in that Tracy is very mildly 'evil' for being manipulative & selfish & secretive; she is smart when she isn't being obsessive, emotional, and egotistically crazy-stupid; and without a doubt she is sexy. I wonder if Giz is intending on having Hypnotica appear in the superhero one-shot Kickstarter vol. 10... or a spin-off thereof?
lordoffiling wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:47 am
He’s right, though. We need a thicc superheroine!
Couldn't agree more. Hell, I am very sure Jung would leap at the opportunity to immortalize his young lady with some costuming!

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:10 pm
by jish55
worldshaking00 wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:56 pm
I appreciate the call-out to Tracy. I really enjoyed her as a character before the advent of James. Yes, she had issues even before then, but they were mild in comparison. And Tracy fits Hypnotica's description fairly well in that Tracy is very mildly 'evil' for being manipulative & selfish & secretive; she is smart when she isn't being obsessive, emotional, and egotistically crazy-stupid; and without a doubt she is sexy. I wonder if Giz is intending on having Hypnotica appear in the superhero one-shot Kickstarter vol. 10... or a spin-off thereof?
I was always for Tracy and Gary ending up together, those two had great chemistry, and when we first met her, she came off as a very level headed character who was similar to Gary. It makes me sad those two never really got anywhere in MA3.

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:51 pm
by brasca
lordoffiling wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:47 am
Oooookay, Zadie. You threw the Hail Mary pass and he didn’t catch it. You can stop this now. :)

He’s right, though. We need a thicc superheroine!
What about Amazi-Girl?

And I agree it’s starting to get embarrassing for Zadie, but this is a comedy so I don’t see her giving up just yet.

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:23 pm
by Spidrift
OllieOrOlly wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:42 am
Zadie is... not good. Manipulative, dishonest, jealous, and now seems spiteful.
She doesn’t strike me as spiteful; she seems more desperate. But not desperate in a good way. She’s not attacking Ramona, and she knows that they’re not in contention for Felix, given that Ramona has a partner; she’s just making a bigger and bigger idiot of herself in an attempt to get his attention. And like I said, that degree of desperation really isn’t a good look.
God forbid letting positive attention stay on Ramona for the moment - who, from dialogue, clearly has self-esteem issues - but instead, me, me, me.
Ramona doesn’t look to me like she has really serious self-esteem issues. She just comes across as a quiet, sometimes shy person; plenty of those around. We saw in her SDB appearances that she needed a little moral support from Angel, but when push came to shove, she could slap both Angel and Dillon down as hard as they deserved. I’d put her well within the “well-adjusted” range of personality types.

In fact, she comes out of this strip rather well. I get the impression that she’s guessed what’s going on with Zadie, and is cheerfully taking the piss out of the other woman as she fully deserves.

Felix, on the other hand, is beginning to get on my nerves. It doesn’t matter whether he’s flirting with Ramona to be sure of getting the job, or just out if habit; he’s laying it on far too thickly. It’s all a bit Theophilus P. Wildebeest.
I'm not sure how nude modelling would pan out, since this comic feels like it is sticking to a safe for work approach; perhaps some awkward framing or maybe it happening off-panel would be the solution?
Giz has shown that she’s perfectly capable of using competent scenery censorship, should it be needed.

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:41 pm
by Peaslepuff
Ramona doesn’t look to me like she has really serious self-esteem issues. She just comes across as a quiet, sometimes shy person; plenty of those around. We saw in her SDB appearances that she needed a little moral support from Angel, but when push came to shove, she could slap both Angel and Dillon down as hard as they deserved. I’d put her well within the “well-adjusted” range of personality types.
She literally says in this comic that she doesn't have the self-confidence to model. Even if we didn't know about her story, that should be enough.

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:55 pm
by Spidrift
If that counts as "self esteem issues", then sure. But if that's the rule, then I'd guess that about two-thirds of humanity, minimum, have self-esteem issues.

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:30 pm
by Fluffy
Spidrift wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:23 pm
and she knows that they’re not in contention for Felix, given that Ramona has a partner
You sure about that? Seems the thought bubble in the last panel in this strip indicates that Zadie thinks Ramona is into Felix; simply based on how she's flattered by Felix's compliments.

Zadie is seeing competition when there isn't any. She's coming off as Sonya light.

Re: PTC 11-06-19 With those curves

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:46 pm
by jish55
Let's not forget that Zadie JUST went through a breakup with someone who cheated on her, so for her, Ramona having a partner may not mean much.