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03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:58 am
by Giz

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:05 am
by Badman!
Aaand now, Matt go mad from the revelation !

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:08 am
by lordoffiling
The wreckage of HMS Garyxyuki has been located on the sea floor. She’s impossible to raise. The best we can hope for is a nice artificial reef at this point.

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:21 am
by OllieOrOlly
First panel Gary is what we - well, I shouldn't assume - is what I have been wanting him to be like for ages; pardon the hyperbole, yet it brings a tear to one's eye to see our little Gary grown up. Heh heh
But what the hell, fourth panel Gary?! Yuki and Matt do not act like a couple... unless looking at them from a comedic duo perspective, however, I don't think Gary means it that way. Yuki saw Matt for what he is: a mindless f**k-doll. While it is in her character to believe romance could blossom in ridiculous circumstances, she knows nothing about Matt, other than his "usefulness" as a sex training object; if she does know more about Matt because of off-panel conversations... Well, that would cancel my point about her not knowing him, however, if she knew him well enough, it seems unlikely she would want him - a person who is merely another emotionally unavailable Zii-like partner.

Also, my hatred of Matt continues to feel justified. He wasn't afraid of *losing* Peggy to Gary, but rather was afraid of *losing* to Gary over Peggy because of the swirly; and again, Matt isn't afraid of *losing* Yuki, but rather is simply afraid of losing to Gary because of Matt's pathetically fragile yet inflated ego, thus his claims of liking Yuki "more" is untrue (mainly because he doesn't care about Peggy or Yuki, at least, his minimal, superficial care is dwarfed by his love of himself).

I do like the sparkly Yuki at the end, but hope it doesn't signify a sincere belief she should date Matt, but rather is simply her caught up in the concept of romance.

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:45 am
by Spidrift
As I've said before, I really have no problem with the idea of Mat and Yuki as an end-of-comic pairing. These characters are just lines on paper, and too deranged for me to think of any of them as seriously real people - and insofar as I think of them as semi-complete characters, these two fit together as well as most, given that their derangements are compatible. I couldn't somehow imagine them being together for the rest of their lives, and I think they'd have to have a somewhat open relationship while it did last, but what the hell; sometimes, you just have to eat the strawberry.

And we shouldn't be shocked at Gary telling Yuki that he doesn't love her, given that he was unable to tell her that he did love her, hundreds of strips ago.

BUT - the technical problem with this development is that it was never set up properly. Gary says that they act like a couple, but we don't see them doing so, and Gary doesn't seem to have actually seen it either. Show, Don't Tell, people! Basic Writing 101. What makes it worse is that we did see Matt and Kiley acting like a couple, but that relationship imploded completely in one strip flat. So it seems like, if we do see two people acting like a couple, they aren't, but if we don't see it, they are.

Which all makes this feel like a hasty bit of Wrap-Up-The-Comic writing.

Which said, sure, I like the last panel. Yuki still has a delusionary self-image, complete with sparkles, which doesn't correspond to Matt's established thought patterns. Ah, Ma3; screwing up mutual communication for ten volumes...

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:50 am
by Collarnorcrown
I'm pretty sure this is going to cause a few people physical pain. Besides Matt.

Otherwise I basically agree with Spidrift's analysis.

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:14 am
by Vvvader
Hmm, Maybe Zii has temporarily damaged Gary's brain and now he thinks that every pairing of two who have sex AND get along while doing it are basically a couple. And Spidrift, while I usually agree with you on almost all of your observations, don't you think that Matt just now in this last panel is yet again disqualifying himself as, ya know, boyfriend material? (Heh, I realize of course if someone has to deliver a gag every four panels the strength of the characters is going to suffer.)

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:32 am
by lordoffiling
I’m not usually picky like this, but I gotta agree.

Gary *literally* just found out about Matt and Yuki like ten minutes ago. It’s jarring to have him be the one to pronounce them a couple when he knows nothing about how they are together. The only way it makes sense is if Dave is trying to get the end-of-comic scenario set up as fast as possible.

I hope I’m wrong, but it really does feel like we’re rushing this thing into a coffin at this point. Gotta tie up all those loose ends before they pull the plug.

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:36 am
by samtheman
Lmao at Matt's face in the last panel. The GarYuki ship is taking on a lot of water and is listing severely but it's not sunk yet. Not until Gary gives Yuki those manga pages, friendzones her, and then gets the hell out of there. But what will come after that? It does seem they are rushing things to an end despite having 74 strips to go but how much of that is going to be the *shudder* wrestling arc?

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:49 am
by capicoli
Has gary seen together before now? Plus he isn't known for his high understanding of relationships.

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:12 pm
by dewelar
Spidrift wrote:
Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:45 am
BUT - the technical problem with this development is that it was never set up properly.
Exactly. This short series of strips exists for one reason: to take Yuki off the board as a partner for Gary, so that the end pairing we do get (presumably Gary x Zii at this point, which...whatever) feels more legitimate. Without that in play, there's no need to pair Yuki off with Matt. My own preferred pairing has been Gary x Kiley, but if we're going to end up with Gary x Zii I would have much preferred Kiley x Matt to this.

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 2:00 pm
by bridgetvoid
i'm not gonna lie, i'm in the minority here in that i kinda ship yuki and matt. i think for all his flaws, when he realized she was suffering from similar hallucinations to what he was experiencing, that he actually let his guard down, maybe moreso than he ever did with kiley.that coupled with the fact that he's a masochist who can enjoy her freaking out, it clearly works well for him. for yuki, i think his lack of fear of her reactions makes her less afraid too. it allows her to be herself, at least sexually. both him and yuki are using each other (not dissimilar how matt and kiley were using each other) but somehow it seems more egalitarian.

i also really dig them as a couple because i am tired of bi-erasure where all bi characters are secretly gay/straight, so if matt ends up with a woman, even if it's just for a little while, right on. we've seen him in established relationships and lots of casual sex with dudes so it's kind of refreshing (i feel like the only women we've seen him with were kiley and senna?)

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 2:01 pm
by worldshaking00
Gary was aware of Yuki and Matt , but for sure, he did not know how kinky his therapy for her was.

I agree with everyone stating that Matt & Yuki haven't acted like a couple. Kiley & Matt did, and there was strip dedicated to it. They are simply fucking. Matt is filling a void in his life after losing Kiley to his bastardness. Matt is also really into some kinky sex, and apparently has a need for the adrenalin rush of danger(-ous sex?). Yuki ran out of options for therapy for her penile issues. Plus she also lost the emotional satisfaction she was having with hatefucking Sonya and somehow remembered she still was pining for Gary and resumed interest in therapy. Or perhaps Yuki mistakenly connected seeking/needing therapy for her condition with her previous love for Gary. She did come to grips that their relationship was in the past. Yuki does cling onto emotional connections (even her make believe ones) like a vice, and can get very cutesy to help keep her partner from declining her.

Both Yuki and Matt are the center of their universes. Matt is obsessed with himself; no surprise there. Yuki mirrors that, but is more delicate than Matt in that she generally doesn't want to lie/cheat to accomplish her goals. She was pissed at Didi for stealing HER lovers, for instance. Both are able to be generous, as long as they are feeling they are getting something out of a relationship. Yuki has demonstrated genuine affection, and her goal of overcoming her phobia is a noble one. Those elevate her to being a much better person that Matt, who by his own deeds and inaction, is just a wallowing bastard... a black hole of self-loathing and pity whose own self-image can't envision Gary being a better man than him. Once they both realize they have zero compatibility - or should it come out that Matt was only continuing 'therapy' for Yuki so he could get his dangerous sex fixation - Yuki has no reason to stay with him. In fact, "Crotch-kinging girl" is insulting and Yuki just might go off on him (the real "Violator-san" indeed). And truthfully Matt has no need for her, since he can get laid whenever due to his looks/charm/smarminess.

I don't bash the creative team. But if you are taking requests, please don't let Yuki & Matt wind up as a couple... unless it is for one reason: to have Matt be a Prometheus-like figure constantly being tortured by Yuki by having her demolish his junk nightly only to have it regrow the next day. I don't think Yuki deserves that punishment, but karma is karma.

Also, I am sad that Yuki & Gary are no more, with little/no chance for resurrecting their relationship. Time to go mourn.

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 2:05 pm
by bridgetvoid
lordoffiling wrote:
Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:32 am
I’m not usually picky like this, but I gotta agree.

Gary *literally* just found out about Matt and Yuki like ten minutes ago. It’s jarring to have him be the one to pronounce them a couple when he knows nothing about how they are together. The only way it makes sense is if Dave is trying to get the end-of-comic scenario set up as fast as possible.

I hope I’m wrong, but it really does feel like we’re rushing this thing into a coffin at this point. Gotta tie up all those loose ends before they pull the plug.
i agree the writing is very rushed, but gary knows from a prior conversation that yuki had touched matt's penis however long ago, then in the first couple panels of them interacting, matt talks about the progress that yuki has made over an indeterminate amount of time, the progress they plan on making, and twice references his familiarity with her food prep (being sushi and penises in chocolate) so while it's superficial stuff, it does establish that they do more than have sex and have been doing whatever it is for a while.

Re: 03-04-18 Act like a couple

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 2:58 pm
by Antinerd
Vvvader wrote:
Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:14 am
Hmm, Maybe Zii has temporarily damaged Gary's brain and now he thinks that every pairing of two who have sex AND get along while doing it are basically a couple.
Objection. Statement assumes facts not in evidence. You are assuming that Gary is assuming things. Nyet.

Yes Y & G they do act like a couple. Visibly uninhibited. Together a lot. Concerned about other lovers. Talks openly about each other's flaws. Geez what would it take to be considered a couple in your book?

Don't forget Gary knows these two from way back. He didn't just meet them 3 panels ago. And this isn't the Gary of the 1st panel he seems very well grounded these days.