09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Milnoc »

Possible. Has a man ever kissed and licked Didi's body all over?

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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Artemisia »

My guess is...no. I think they can't even manage to stay up long enough and too many of them just get their pleasure without actually caring about Didi's.
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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Odd Man Out »

Milnoc wrote:Didi, for now, you'd better lock your bedroom door at night! :))
Considering about how often it seems to occur to anyone in that apartment that doors can be locked, this strikes me as an unlikely failsafe. Didi will instead construct a barricade within her room.
Quinlan1973 wrote:I'm not certain if Didi's expression in the last panel is fear or interest. I'm leaning towards fear.
I'm not sure that it looks like either to me. More a bit of surprise at information Didi's got no real way to process. There's several elements to Zii's little talk that probably don't translate at all into the Amazon's social programming. This is basically the hourglass icon expression, implying that Didi is thinking.

All that having been said, I do adore her eyes in the second panel. She gives Kiley a run for her money in terms of the doe eyes.

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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Error of Logic »

I'm surprised that Chastel has apparently never heard such a thing before...

... but then again, she always seemed quick enough to strip herself buck naked, and then proceeded to the finish too quickly.

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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Adamas »

And here children, we see a Main Character accidentally cause another Main Character's mind to short out.
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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by zaprzapb »

I was thinking the look on Didi's face in the last panel as a moment of dawning comprehension. And because of that I can now see Didi flee the apartment or avoid Zii as much as possible and of course sleep with the lights on.

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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Spidrift »

Quinlan1973 wrote:I'm not certain if Didi's expression in the last panel is fear or interest. I'm leaning towards fear.
It's DiDi. Ergo, it's partly shock but mostly confusion.

Meanwhile... Actually, I wonder if this is the point where one of these two, in a desperate attempt to change the subject, mentions the small matter of their vanishing friend/sub-landlord, and they decide to investigate and even take action, taking the plot off in a new direction. Though I suspect that Gary may not actually return properly to the comic until the plot in SotR has moved on a bit, setting up an explanation and a crossover.
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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by askeladd »

Passing Through wrote:How would she describe something she considered intense?
I think it would involve microphones.
As a metaphor. ^^

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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Fluffy »

Artemisia wrote:My guess is...no. I think they can't even manage to stay up long enough and too many of them just get their pleasure without actually caring about Didi's.
Who says they're like that? Near as any of her male lovers knew, they were successful in pleasing Didi as much as she pleased them - until she finally admitted that all of them failed her.

So, how can the guys be blamed for her lack of satisfaction/their apparent inconsideration to her needs when she says dick all about it?
Spidrift wrote:
Quinlan1973 wrote:I'm not certain if Didi's expression in the last panel is fear or interest. I'm leaning towards fear.
It's DiDi. Ergo, it's partly shock but mostly confusion.
There's no confusion there - that's 100% shock/disbelief.

Given how we've seen Didi interact with a number of her boyfriends (pouncing Matt/shagging Adrien after being overcome with lustful cravings/carrying Erik to her bedroom), I doubt she'd be confused by the concept of lustful desires.

And now, she hears how Zii feels that same way about her and it's just left her speechless at the concept that a woman wants her in such a way.
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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Spidrift »

So far as I can see, DiDi goes through life in a fog of mild confusion; it just gets stronger at some times than others. And sure, she knows all about desire - but having long since completely friend-zoned Zii, even (especially) when she was first thinking that she might be bisexual, she can now be confused by the discovery that Zii didn't feel the same way towards her. That's typical of DiDi's slightly autistic view of other people; she really doesn't think very much about their feelings, she just assumes that they're the same as her own.

And after all, if she'd previously seriously thought that Zii might desire her, she'd hardly be so shocked or disbelieving when she discovered that Zii did, would she?

But anyway, the borderline between these emotions is all very fuzzy. DiDi is indeed shocked by Zii's speech, and the first result of shock is confusion, until one gets one's brain straight enough to process the situation. It's not like DiDi has the most agile mind in the comic; it'll take her a little while to decide how to react to this situation - and until she does decide, she'll be confused.

Heck, as Quinlan suggests, she may indeed be partly fearful. Even if she doesn't find Zii threatening, she could be frightened of losing a good friend. Especially as the last time she screwed up a relationship with another woman, Sandra left the country immediately afterwards. DiDi doesn't have enough friends to want to lose another one.

I could almost see DiDi giving it the full Kübler-Ross here; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance...
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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by 'J' »

Odd Man Out wrote:
Milnoc wrote:Didi, for now, you'd better lock your bedroom door at night! :))
Considering about how often it seems to occur to anyone in that apartment that doors can be locked, this strikes me as an unlikely failsafe. Didi will instead construct a barricade within her room.

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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by FragileMara »

Artemisia wrote:Zii...that was not the lingual talents I was suggesting you use last strip...

*loudly applaudes*

... You know, Artemisia's wittiness put aside, I find this strip really sad as far as DiDi is concerned. Seems like the poor girl lives in a romance novel fantasy (quite similar, in fact, to the one Zii is currently surfing in) and is awfully oblivious to real life, when it is about herself at least. That would explain why she's constantly encouraging others in their relationships, playing Comprehensive Big Sister to Sandra, then to Zii, while not believing for one second she might get some as well. This has appeared before, of course, but this strip makes it painfully obvious.

Thanks goodness Ma3 is comedy #:-s. Now I suddenly want to support DiDi/Zii - here's hoping Zii is able to understand that and provide help ; as well as make her forget her own name, and all other pesky details, with those other "talents" of hers ;)
(as soon as she snaps out of her enamored trance, that is. Zii, dear, watch out, you're drooling a little. :D)

(Also, since it's been in the air, obligatory far-fetched musical reference. Yay !)
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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Artemisia »

Thanks :D

and yes, I agree that Didi has tended to be selfless and she need not have been.
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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Kradeiz »

I can't tell whether Didi's bemusement is due to fear, surprise or celebration. Hopefully the next strip will shed some light on that.
Though given that we just finished a big sex scene a few weeks ago, I'm guessing there will be some build-up before there's any real Didi/Zii substance.
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Re: 09-07-13 It is just a mild craving

Post by Spidrift »

If DiDi had half the muscles and a quarter the looks - and especially if she was male, with glasses - we'd have her tagged as every bit as much a geek as Gary. She has that familiar lack of a grasp of social subtleties. If she does live in a romance novel fantasy (though I'm not sure that's quite the way her mind works), that'd fit too; geeks try to fit models of social interaction that they get from some favourite form of fiction to the reality around them. It's rarely a good match.

But I wouldn't hold out much hope for the current wave of DiDi-Zii shippers. DiDi doesn't look to me like a woman who's about to jump at an opportunity there. She looks more deeply shocked and/or confused. I reckon that she just doesn't have a handle on what she does or doesn't want or feel. She doesn't know if she is or isn't bisexual, she doesn't know if a woman could actually give her the big O, she doesn't know if she has any responsibility for whatever she saw happen between Zii and Erik, she doesn't know if she ought to keep a friend like Zii in the friend zone, she doesn't know if pursuing a physical relationship with Zii would lose her the one remaining solid female friend she's got in Montreal (the way she lost Sandra), and she probably doesn't know if she ought to be a bit scared by the intensity of Zii's little speech there.

Even before Zii appeared, she tried to get some advice on the matter - but Sandra just confused things more rather than less.

Hmm. If she and Zii don't get distracted by the question of what happened to Gary, I reckon Peggy may get another request for advice at some point.
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