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Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:20 am
by SuperMarioFan
Wait I forget: Does Kiley know he is (was) a virgin..?

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:24 am
by Don Alexander
Of course not. They just met.

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:27 am
by Azrael
Probably not, but then again she has been playing Big Brother for Yuki so she may have this information. It's just that right now I rather doubt she give a half eaten rat's arse. It's the Now and it's Go Time.

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:31 am
by Don Alexander
I don't think Yuki knows either. And of course especially not Sonya.

Zii knows. Gary told her at Tim Horton's.

DiDi knows. Zii told her and she went to pity-fuck Gary

Amber was told by Zii but is probably in denial.

Jung knows, because Jung knows EVERYTHING :D

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:32 am
by Kannyn
Raamyah wrote:@Kannyn: Conjugating while copulating.
Brilliant. That was my first thought but I decided to leave the second half of the joke off. I'm glad someone else had the same idea.

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:38 am
by Waker
Am I seriously the only person who read the strip and came to the conclusion that Kiley's dad (or grandfather) must be the Micro Machines guy?
All in all though, an excellent strip. Great combination of sexy hijinks, Gary's utter befuddlement and a previously unknown aspect of Kiley's personality coming to the stage.
My prediction is that the sex will continue uninterrupted (though not necessarily unobserved) and we'll next see the couple in the morning (or maybe we'll get a bit more sex depicted). One of a few things could happen. Either Gary wakes up assuming he had an especially vivid dream and looks over to see a sleeping Kiley, is shocked, leaves her in bed and then joins his roommates at breakfast in a daze. Gary could also potentially lay awake all night contemplating and replaying all the events in his head and try to figure out what happened and where that leaves him.
Regardless I imagine Gary is going to be stricken with Kiley. Even though he only had a brief association with her, he strikes me as the type to fall for the first girl to sleep with him. Now whether or not Kiley will reciprocate is another matter entirely. She's demonstrated a willingness for casual sex, but we haven't gotten much information concerning her own dating habits. Sure, she might think Gary is a cute, nice guy but we don't know if she is her "type" or whether she wants to focus on schooling and so forth.
Kiley will be feeling guilt over her fling with Gary as well. That will be a major wedge between her and Yuki, one that I imagine she will eventually confess. Then of course her professional ethics would be questioned as well (as many forumites have already pointed out) which will further bother her. While Kiley might be enjoying herself in the short term, this act is going to have major repercussions in her future.

This is also a scene I wouldn't object too vehemently to see in greater detail on Slipshine.

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:48 am
by Raamyah
Maybe we'll see it in Vol. 4 as a back-up story. Hee hee..

I believe this might put Kiley on the cover as well.

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:13 am
by RickSmith
Hi everyone,
I've really enjoyed reading the posts that everyone has made. A few comments addressing some themes that have been brought up in the 37 pages of posts...

-- A BIT SLEAZY OF GARY / KILEY: You bet. But not out of character. Kiley is really broken up that she was not able to help Yuki, and wants comfort. Gary has the chance to be sexy with a very attractive young woman. Both are insecure about their sexuality and badly need some touch and physical comfort AND some success as lovers. In real life, you can pass up a lot of chances waiting for things to be perfect. Perfectly romantic, perfectly timed, perfectly ethical, etc. And as a polyamorous person, I can't see any great harm being done to Yuki. If Gary wants her, craziness and all, he can still pick her. Kiley is not Yuki's therapist - she is a friend (or an acquaintance if you prefer), helping out Yuki, in exchange for material for her thesis. I think she really has grown fond of Yuki, or she would not be so upset by Yuki's meltdown. Yes, it is a bit sleazy for them to chase each other when Yuki is their friend, but Yuki has no official rights - Gary and her aren't a couple.

-- NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY: You bet. But in the real world, things often don't work out how we would hope. The more important thing is how they handle things after this desperate first time.

-- IT IS BETTER TO WAIT AND DO IT RIGHT: You bet? Well, maybe. There are risks to playing it safe. The biggest is while waiting for perfection, you may miss out on a lot of awfully good. And perfection may be easier to recognize if you know some of the terrain already. And some awfully good may grow into perfection (it did with me). And perfection may like the look of you better, if you are more confident. I am not saying it is unwise or wrong to choose to wait for Mr. or Miss Perfect. But that is a choice and non-trivial choices carry advantages and disadvantages together.

-- GARY IS BEING PRETTY PASSIVE HERE - THE WHIMP! You bet. But in real life, people don't change overnight. Changing your personality is very, very hard and takes a long time with lots of backsliding. Gary is used to being totally passive with women. However, he stood up and put a stop to the sex contest with two very strong willed girls, when he wanted nothing more than to get some. If Gary suddenly was totally in control from that point on, it wouldn't ring true for me. Real character development takes a while and should be hard.

-- THIS IS _NOT_ THE END OF THE COMIC: You bet. The hardest thing for a writer to do is get people to care about their characters. These hundreds of posts show people care. The start of this comic had a bunch of stereotypes bouncing off of each other in very predictable ways. But what has kept my wife and I interested has been an undercurrent of character development. Now that something significant has happened (Zii falling for someone) (OK, Gary too... :p ) the writers should have proved to those of little faith that they can do more than write a tired butt monkey story with fan service. I want to see what happens next. When will Senna come back for her promised date? Will Didi hear the two having a great time thru these paper thin walls?


-- THE POSTERS HERE ARE REALLY COOL PEOPLE: You bet. I've just seen great outbreaks of civility on the web of lies! What a wonderful change!

Thank you everyone!

Warm regards, Rick.

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:16 am
by RickSmith
Waker wrote:...

This is also a scene I wouldn't object too vehemently to see in greater detail on Slipshine.
What a great idea. If it happens, I might have to buy a month long membership. :ymblushing:

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:24 am
by sukebe senpai
I'll be Chewbacca's uncle! :-o 38 pages and counting!

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:37 am
by The Nick
Aahhhhh. I decided to come over here and see how the 'other' comic forum was doing, maybe see if things were interesting over here... 38 pages!?

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:54 am
by Aquila89
Well, there are a lot of posts, but it's not really a discussion. It's more like a "Happy Birthday!" thread.

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:22 am
by Midego
And the guy who has to complain is inevitable.

Highly doubting this is a dream of any sort. It's been fun, but this comic just went from one that has a nice guy who can't get a break to a comic with a nice guy who gets laid for being nice. That cuts my relatability factor to zero. It's been a fun ride, but I think I'm gonna exit the train at this stop.

And no, not taking a shot at the writers. The story just went somewhere different.

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:47 am
by Raamyah

I can't help but think of Optimus Kate's post from a while back. Seems to fit here.

Re: 13-12-11 PhewthankGod

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:54 am
by Don Alexander
I've never gotten laid, and I consider myself a cursed nice guy too. So I can't relate much to Gary anymore either.

Not in the slightest would this keep me from reading the comic anymore.


If the next comic is nothing but four scenes of sex, with no dialogue, no joke at the end... I will be completely happy.