Page 1 of 2 Goes Live! (10/25/2004)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:38 pm
by Adam_Arnold
Ahoy matey!

Today’s the big day! is now LIVE! There you’ll be able to read new manga—almost every day—absolutely free. You can check out in-depth articles about creators, culture and fandom. When you become a member (also free!) you’ll have access to the gomanga forums, the premier online community for manga fans, exclusive downloads and interactive contests with great prizes.

The Bookshelf is where you can go to read all of the Seven Seas manga titles. We’ll be updating each series with new pages every week from now through the release of the books and beyond, so be sure to stop by regularly to see the new pages! One thing to remember—Seven Seas manga is made for a world audience, and as such, it follows the traditional manga format and reads from right to left.

The gomanga Forums are THE place to discuss manga from around the world. In order to participate, all you have to do is register. Here you’ll find discussions about new series, recommendations from other fans and heated debates on the issues you care about. Make your voice heard!

On the front page, you’ll find the latest Headlines, updated daily. From interviews, to press releases to photo galleries of cute cosplayers, there’s always something new to check out (so go ahead and bookmark the front page now!). And if you skip a week, don’t worry—you can always click on the news button up top to access archives of anything you missed.

Now, enough with the intros—it’s a website, already! Just come on by and click on stuff, ‘kay? Have fun and bring a friend!


The Seven Seas Crew

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:21 am
by Hai
Yay! I hope everybody has a great time here! We're working very hard make our books and our website as fun as possible. Thanks a lot to those who signed in early! Beer and sweet plum wine is on the house for everyone!


Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:02 pm
by slackerjoe
Great site. Can't wait to start reading the books!

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:17 am
by Jakeofalltrades
I've already grown addicted to this website, already up half-hour past bedtime just to read all the posts. Awesome site.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 8:43 am
by shiei
yeah! and there's a lot of new installments going up every week *dances around*
*wonders when they will announce the release of B4B's hachiko plushie :lol: *