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Democratize You're Own Adventure

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:16 am
by 'J'
in an effort to get into the habit of writing more, i have created this thread, wherein i will tell a story in the style of the old 'chose you're adventure' books. everything's going to be fairly off the cuff with no editing or long term plans, so it's going to be abit rough, and we'll just see where it goes. feel free to comment on the story as it happens and make suggestions. i probably won't take any of them, but they may inspire some future chapters. i'll try to add something new around once a week or so until the story ends, i paint myself into a corner, or i get bored with the whole thing.

here's how it works:

1) i write some stuff, at the end of which there will be two or more options.
2) you will read said stuff, then you will select one of said options by voting on the poll at the top of the thread.
3) after a length of time, i will write some more stuff, following from whichever option has collected the most votes.
4) this new stuff will have new options, and be reflected in a new poll, and the cycle will continue.

And So It Begins:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:18 am
by 'J'
You awaken gradually, you're head hurts and you don't know why, so you delay opening you're eyes and try to go back to sleep. It's when you put you're hand in a cold puddle that you first realize that you are not in you're bed. You don't even remember going to bed.

You open you're eyes, and have a moment of panic when nothing changes. It's the kind of dark that feels like you've gone blind; there's no light anywhere, and you have no idea where you are. The ground beneath you feels cold and hard and uneven. Feeling around, you're hand brushes something smooth. It's a large bottle, feels about half way full, smells like vodka, tastes like shitty vodka.

Well that explains one thing at least.

You try to stay calm and go through you're pockets and find the usual; keys, wallet, watch, sunglasses. You also find the less usual, a roll of coins which you don't remember carrying, a swiss army knife which you don't remember owning, a pack of cigarettes and a book of matches. You're heart leaps when you find that the matches, despite the fact that you don't smoke and have no reason to carry such things. What you don't find is you're cellphone.

You wince at the brightness as the match flares to life in you're fingers. After a moment, you're eyes adjust and you see that you are in some kind of a cavern. Stone walls slope into a domed ceiling about twenty feet above you, with cracks surrounded by dripping stalactites; small animals move among them. The uneven floor slopes noticeably downward, with streams of water running along the little trenches. Following them, you're gaze locates two openings in the wall large enough to pass through. They both curve away out of you've sight, but you can see that one goes uphill, and the other down.

The match burns you're fingers and goes out, the cavern returns to darkness What will you do?

1.Explore The Uphill Passage? (0 votes)
2.Explore The Downhill Passage? (2 votes)

Re: Democratize You're Own Adventure

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:01 am
by 'J'
so, seven days, 41 views (an unknown number of which are mine from checking the poll), only two votes, and no comments. this experiment looks like it might just be a big steaming bag of fail.

never the less, i press on.

Chapter 2

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:07 am
by 'J'
Discarding the burnt stub of the match, you consider lighting another, but after counting the ones you have left, you decide against it. Instead you pick up you're shitty vodka bottle and follow the streams downhill, arms outstretched in front. Eventually you're fingers brush the cold stone wall and you can feel you're way to the opening.

You travel blindly along the tunnel for a long while, stepping carefully but still fearful of what you can't see. Water drips on you're head and occasionally you hear some skittering creature moving in the darkness.

Initially you don't notice it, and then at first you attribute it to the streams flowing down the center of the passage, but after what seems like a long time you realize that the sound of running water is growing louder the deeper you go. And then you're falling.

Despite you're care you've slipped in something slimy and foul smelling and as you scrambled to regain you're balance the floor dropped away. You're fall is brief but the floor is sloped now and slick with whatever that was. Rocks catch you painfully in the ribs as you slide and tumble. Eventually the floor levels out and you're able to catch something to stop you're momentum. You rest a moment to catch you're breath and gag on the smell of the stuff that's now covering you.

It's when you're wiping the stuff from you're face that you realize you somehow still have the bottle in you're hand; a shot deadens you're sense of smell enough to relax and get you're bearings.

The sound of running water is all consuming here, nearly deafening. Another match flares to life you're eyes go wide. White crystals the length of you're finger bloom in patches from the ceiling and walls, refracting the light of the tiny flame. The floor meanwhile is carpeted in the same red-brown algae that now covers you. But the thing that dominates this cavern is the waterfall. Seemingly fed from some river, a torrent comes down from the ceiling at the far side, collecting in a pool before continuing along a wide tunnel deeper into the earth. As the light flickers and shadows dance in the mist, you see another opening on the other side of the river, it looks just high enough to crawl through.

You feel you're fingertips burn, and then are in darkness again. You have thirteen matches left. What will you do?

1.Follow the river?
2.Cross the river and enter the crawl space?

Re: Democratize You're Own Adventure

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:50 am
by Iceman
Seems that he should try and cross.

Re: Democratize Your Own Adventure

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:39 am
by Lilianna
CROSS THE RIVER! (also, your not you're)