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22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:02 am
by Giz

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:09 am
by athena998
Haha Kade is so funny. :x

BTW why is she taking french if her dad is french?

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:36 am
by marshall.r
athena998 wrote:Haha Kade is so funny. :x

BTW why is she taking french if her dad is french?
Never took an easy 'A' course?

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:56 am
by Gredinus
Oh noes :D

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:01 am
by Kamino Neko
athena998 wrote:BTW why is she taking french if her dad is french?
You assume that means she speaks it - not neccessarily the case. Since only one parent is French, assuming she means that as 'my dad is from France', not 'my family's ancestors come from France', there's a not insignificant chance that only English is spoken at home.

Even if French is spoken at home (say, Mom's French Canadian, or Dad's relatives live with them/frequently visit), it's not improbable that the kids haven't picked it up, living in an apparently English speaking community - I know a number of second generation immigrants, who, despite their parents (and grandparents, in some cases) speaking their native language at home, don't speak anything other than English.

Also, while the location is unknown, Giz being Canadian, there's a good chance that Charybdis Heights is, as well, which would, assuming they maintain a curriculum similar to the human school system outside of any monster-related courses (I give that 50/50 odds), French is a required course.

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:51 am
by Bear
So now we start to move into the storyline proper... What perils are they going to face at highschool? Who or what is the teacher going to be? Are Fench Vampires immune to Garlic or did they move because of it? Tune in next time to have only half of this answered... lol

I take it that Layla is the one who wears the pants in the relationship, figeratively speaking... Something tells me she likes being in the 'boss of everyone' roll, which may lead to someinteresting situations in my mind.

And don't worry Nina... The Kyoot will set you free! Or at least probably get you out of trouble on your first day.

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:43 pm
by HotlyContested
It would be fun to live in a world where people actually threw their hands up in the air if they were running late...

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:01 pm
by zoom
I can't be sure about the French vampires, but I'm sure the Italian ones are immune! I remember a story where the vampires didn't object to flavors, just unexpected ones. Can you imagine taking a bite of what you think would be strawberry and getting garlic instead? Even if you like garlic it would be a bit off-putting.
So, is Nina dyslexic? Or just not paying attention.

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:00 pm
by Don Alexander
Wow, Layla treats Kade like some disobedient puppy - and he slinks away like one as well...

And Nina is taking school v seriously! ;))

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:33 pm
by David Johnston
Kamino Neko wrote: Also, while the location is unknown, Giz being Canadian, there's a good chance that Charybdis Heights is, as well, which would, assuming they maintain a curriculum similar to the human school system outside of any monster-related courses (I give that 50/50 odds), French is a required course.
In public schools sure. Not so much in private schools, which I assume CH is.

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:16 pm
by ThunderBird
Don Alexander wrote:Wow, Layla treats Kade like some disobedient puppy - and he slinks away like one as well...

And Nina is taking school v seriously! ;))
Yes, he pretty much behaves like a dog, so while I sided with were-cat up to now, I revise: were-dog/werewolf.
Still, this raises the issue of having heterochromia, which, to my knowledge, is only expressed in cats (and humans)...

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:48 am
by RoninAngel
maybe he's a werewolf and a weretiger?
I mean, theres no rule that says the two monsters can't breed right?

And is it wrong if I find the way Layla treats him to be an icredible turn on? =p~

Its like that having that girl from It's me or the Dog all for yourself, cept hotter. :x :ymblushing:

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:31 am
by Azrael
You are not alone Teacher2B, I also get a bit of the dominatrix vibe from Layla. :-? Hmmmm...Charlotte v. Layla...I'd pay to see that.

@RA: I guess it would depend on whether the characters in this world are turned or born. If born I suppose he could very well be mixed breed. However, most of the time if a person is turned they can not be mixed monster as the magic, virus, or whatever you contract from one immunizes you from the others.

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:38 am
by Gredinus
'Heterochromia' is a term used to describe variations in the color of the iris, the colored portion of the eye. 'Heterochromia' is also used to describe a multi-colored iris within the same eye, or two eyes with distinctly different colored irises. This condition can occur in dogs and cats. Individuals with irises of different colors are common in many dog breeds including Siberian Huskies, Great Danes, Dalmatians, and Malamutes. Vision is completely normal in these individuals and heterochromia is not considered a medical problem but rather a normal variation in eye color.
Come to think of it Dalmatins can be pure white ;)

Re: 22-06-09 Oh noes!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:09 am
by brnleague99
When Layla says "SHUT!" am I the only one reminded of Charlie Mackenzie's dad screaming "SHUT IT!" in So I Married An Axe Murderer?
