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Can we please bump the age rating for Dangerously Chloe up?

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:55 pm
by DehTommy
I'm not sure how, under any circumstance, the comic can be considered 'PG-13' anymore. My gripes about the book aside, could we please change the rating to something like 16 or 18+?

Re: Can we please bump the age rating for Dangerously Chloe up?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:31 am
by X3N0-Life-Form
As long as there's not nipples or *gasp* strong language, everything is PG-13, regardless of what is being depicted.
If there's any of these two, regardless of context, it gets bumped to 16 and heavily restricts what ads can be displayed, which is not without consequence on the authors' ad revenue.

Bottom line is, it's unlikely to change anytime soon, not matter what the contents of the comic are.

Re: Can we please bump the age rating for Dangerously Chloe up?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:46 am
by Fluffy
They've sure been pushing the envelope for some time now, though.

Re: Can we please bump the age rating for Dangerously Chloe up?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:09 am
by Suntiger
Just another confirmation that the rating system is, well, not quite pointless, but definitely flawed.
Nudity isn't always sexual, and a scene can still be sexual even though nothing (clothed or conveniently covered) is actually shown. Context frickin' matters.

I know the intent of the rating is meant as a guideline and not meant to substitute actual parent or guardian supervision, but the rating systems still annoy me.