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Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:16 pm
by Absinthe Green
Fereshte wrote:
Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:12 pm
Absinthe Green wrote:
Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:39 pm
'J' wrote:
Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:40 am
God damn it pixietrix. Can we please try not to sexualize the pre-teen girl?
Better idea.

Why don't we quit condescending to adolescents by assuming they have no sex drives of their own that are completely unique to them & then compounding that condescension by pulling the rug out from under their erotic agency just because said drives/agency makes us uncomfortable?

Perhaps young people - young girls/women in particular - wouldn't be so vulnerable to sexual predation if they had access to the information, contraception & respect-based privacy they need to make & execute decisions w/ regard to their sex lives/education instead of having their erotic confidence forever being cut off at the knees by the hopelessly well-intentioned yet utterly patronizing set.

Just Sayin'.

Yeah, no. Not wanting adults to sexualized young girls, especially prepubescent girls, isn’t condescending their sex drive or their sexual agency. It also makes them MORE vulnerable to predators to say adults should and could sexualize their bodies. If Abby wants to have sex with someone her own age, that’s one thing. But that clearly isn’t what’s happening here. Your defense of the sexualization of a child is...kind of creepy.
Forest =/= Trees.

1.) We're talking about a Fictional Narrative, not a Documentation of Behaviour. The characters are not Real People, regardless of whatever affection we've developed for them. They are & remain Lines On Paper &/ Computer Screens, & as such nothing bad or good ever truly happens to them. The inability of some of the audience to distinguish Real Life from Storytime & their added insistence to ascribe beating-heart, blood-in-their-veins, puke-when-they're-sick & bleed-when-they're-cut qualities to make-believe characters is what's truly creepy here.

2.) Abby's mistaking having big boobs / being an adult as the answer to all her problems re sexual attention is a direct consequence of her youth, naivete & lack of access to decent information. Being a child means you're perpetually in the thrall of beings that look like you but are much bigger, much more powerful than you, always seem to know more than you &/ in the know re what's really going on yet are never letting you in on the full picture. Being an adolescent means being aware of all that & brace wildly against it, often to one's disadvantage, precisely the predicament Abby's in. Throughout the series, Abby has consistently expressed an attraction to & appreciation for boys &/ men, & a lot of the comedy has grown out of both of her failed attempts to get their attention or blowing a common-sense & stable-comportment gasket when confronted with male beauty. I mean, if even Chloe isn't immune to the charms of a shirtless Teddy, of course Abby's going to go full-throttle Spaced-Out Horndog from a glimpse of Angelic Buttocks. It's not shameful for young girls to appreciate the erotic capital of others &/ want some sexual attention, regardless of how much the well-intentioned bluenoses try to make them feel ashamed for it, nor is it Rape Culture pointing that out. That's she's going about it in completely the wrong fashion is where the unlimited potential for comedy gold is coming from. I can hardly WAIT. If "What? Do I Have A Booger?" isn't a pretty clear hint how not-seriously we're supposed to take things & a pretty obvious clue as to how this is going to play out, then there's not a whole lot others can do for you. That the tightly-wound Spawn-of-Comstock killjoys aren't getting it is on them & not the authours.

3.) Slash-Stab knows exactly what the fuck she's doing. By giving Abby exactly what she wants, she's likely to make her infinitely more miserable than if she'd taken away all of her succubus-mojo. She's a Tartarus Academy instructor, fer cryin' out loud - you don't get to that position by being nice to people. You get there by being a twisted fucking sadist. Especially to children.

So, Yeah.

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:31 pm
by Fluffy
dmra wrote:
Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:15 pm
Given that we're only in the establishing scenes of this arc I think it's a bit early to say exactly how it will turn out and people may be getting bothered about nothing.

On the other hand since the Teddy turning into Teddi story line seemed to be nothing but an excuse for changing a character who up until that point had been a fairly conventional and romantic type into somebody who would sleep with anything with a pulse I think people can be forgiven for fearing the worst for the likely outcome of Abby's adventures.
Especially considering Abby's now a 'mature' virgin succubus - and , thanks to Chloe's situation, we know what happens to virgin succubus who don't feed/have sex. So, Abby being sexualized (moreso than she has been) is inevitable.

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:25 pm
by christopheftw

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:41 pm
by Error of Logic
A very, very horrible thought occurred to me.

As a physically mature virgin succubus, Abigail needs to have sex or she will die.
Slash-Stab wanted to defile Teddy "rodeo-style".

And yes, I think Slash-Stab is more than evil enough to go there.

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:53 pm
by Fluffy
And Teddy intends to inject himself with angel blood to become the ultimate male. If his physical form changes every time he injects himself with supernatural blood, how's angel blood going to affect his appearance? Will he take on an angelic male appearance? If so, will Abby even recognize him - considering in the likelihood that she looks for a durable lover - she'll keep Pandora's earlier suggestion in mind and find herself an angel to do the deed with.

Just - ugh! Seriously, writers - do not go there!

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:09 pm
by 'J'
Careful, I'm starting to suspect that they've begin taking such statements as a personal challenge.

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:20 pm
by Fluffy
Either that, or their plots are super predictable.

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:50 pm
by Richie
Finally a turn for the good. This story is all about supernatural beings. It started with Chloe the Succubus and everyone loved it. She's still alive after all these years. Abby choose to be a Succubus too and I don't blame her. Teddy loved it to be Chloe's twin and still doesn't want to be dull old teddy. It's like criticize the new Star Wars, Star Trek Discovery or the female Doctor Who. Lot of the traditional fans dislike it, but even more new audience like the films. Don't become a grumpy old person and open your mind for new storylines. This one will be good too.

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:59 pm
by Error of Logic
The good...?
Exactly what is good about being transformed into a parasite?

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:27 pm
by Kisai
Absinthe Green wrote:
Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:16 pm

Forest =/= Trees.

1.) We're talking about a Fictional Narrative, not a Documentation of Behaviour. The characters are not Real People, regardless of whatever affection we've developed for them. They are & remain Lines On Paper &/ Computer Screens, & as such nothing bad or good ever truly happens to them. The inability of some of the audience to distinguish Real Life from Storytime & their added insistence to ascribe beating-heart, blood-in-their-veins, puke-when-they're-sick & bleed-when-they're-cut qualities to make-believe characters is what's truly creepy here.

This is the same problem brought up all the time about obscenity laws in Canada, and how illogical "protection of minors" laws really are.

Really every time someone goes "think of the children", they really mean "let me be the thought police"

There is a giant loophole in fictional narratives on what you can do with aged-up and aged-down characters. A character that is 80 years old in a 12 year old body, are they 12? To the rest of the characters in the story, they are, thus the polite rules of society dictate that treating such a character as their true age would likely not be seen in a good way. For example "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", had to have a carve-out at the beginning and end of the story where he's in a nursing home because he aged backwards. At the beginning of the story he has a body of an elderly man, and at the end of the story he had the mind of an elderly man, but the body of an infant. Now which part of the story do people have a problem with? Not the beginning of the story.

In fact, ask just about anyone over the age of 25, if they could be one age forever, they'd likely pick an age between 16 and 25. Depending on when they "stopped growing." But when you're a child, you want to get to 18 so fast just to be done with school. American drinking age is 21. So someone who makes that wish in Canada, might pick 18 or 19, but am American might pick 21.

The right wish to ask from an infernal contract, or monkeys paw, is any wish that grants you a fixed, invulnerable, immortal, pain-free form. It's impossible to ask for the right exceptions to avoid future changes in society. Like if someone became an ageless vampire in the middle ages, where children became adults at age 12, and now lives in the present, they would be denied plenty of things just because they still are physically 12, despite having a thousand years of life experience.

Which is the problem with using the physical appearance as the barrier to entry into adult situations. There are plenty of real people who are "age of majority" but still have the mental capacity of a child. In the 60's they would put these people into insane asylums and generally treat them no better than lab rats. Today the governments feel it's more humane to just let them live on the street, which results in them becoming the victims of drug addiction instead. Once you're "old enough" the government is done protecting you.

So fixating on the the age of a fictional, magical, character, in a story that has time travel seems to completely miss how the story universe works. In one page Abby can go from being 12 to 18 in appearance, and then in another, an entire decade could have passed, while the earth plane hasn't moved. If the authors want to start writing storylines that squick out the readers, that's their prerogative. But some of you guys are making it seem like we're going to have Abby "hiding the corpses" the minute she leaves Tatarus.

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:33 pm
by Fluffy
Given how quickly Teddy was giving BJs to the majority of the male athletes (and how it was damned near impossible for him to keep his legs closed after a man so much as touched him - and he isn't a full succubus!); I honestly wouldn't be shocked if Abby was 'hiding the corpses' the minute she left Tatarus.

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:11 pm
by Gotoh
Kisai wrote:
Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:27 pm
Really every time someone goes "think of the children", they really mean "let me be the thought police"

So fixating on the the age of a fictional, magical, character, in a story that has time travel seems to completely miss how the story universe works.
I'd argue that suggesting readers should be okay with that sort of thing, simply because it's a work of fiction, completely misses how most people think and why. It has nothing to do with being the 'thought police' and has entirely to do with what each person considers acceptable.

About a year ago, Nintendo fans were split between those who decried Monolith Soft's decision to censor Lin's armor for the western releas of Xenoblade Chronicles X - whereas others understood why they censored it and accepted it because she's a 13 old girl. The first group said it didn't matter because, to them, she's just a collection of polygons. The other group said they didn't care, because sexualizing a 13 year old (regardless whether real, or fictional) didn't sit well with them.

Likewise, some readers won't mind the current situation with Abby, because she's been aged up. But we've been told that she's still 12-13 mentally. Which, for other readers, is disturbing.

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:45 pm
by Richie
Error of Logic wrote:
Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:59 pm
The good...?
Exactly what is good about being transformed into a parasite?
It's fiction, fantasy. If you don't see the difference between fiction and reality I advice to look for a professional. Never watch a Horror movie or Disney's Cinderella or Harry Potter. Don't ever take a step outside your home to preserve your sight of the world.

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 12:02 am
by dmra
Just because something is fictional or fantastical doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing,

In the case of Abby we have somebody with the mind of a twelve/thriteen year old (and a not particularly well developed emotionally one). Now she's in a body that is going to require regular feeding on the sexual energy of mortals .and with the very high chance that her first sexual partner is highly unlikely to survive the experience.

If nothing else if Abby's transformation is such a good thing why was Chloe so opposed to it?

Re: Dangerously Chloe 8-02-18 Booger

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:28 am
by msaturn
The mental gymnastics going on around here to defend a naive preteen being turned into a sex demon are astounding.

Also the blow up doll mouths are just so bad. Ugh.